Displaying 501-510 of 2280 results.
Best of luck to Nathan Norris
Created : 19 May 2022, 4:14 PM
Archived : 19 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
The very best of luck to Second Year student Nathan Norris who is representing Waterford in the 2022 UK Mix- National motorbike race.The Nationals are being held in Salisbury United Kingdom. We wish him all the best.
TY Pizza time!
Created : 19 May 2022, 3:24 PM
Archived : 19 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Our TYs enjoyed pizzas at noon today. Many thanks to Ava O Shea for treating her classmates to one of her amazing cakes.
TY Trip to Ballyhass Coachford
Created : 19 May 2022, 3:20 PM
Archived : 19 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
On Wednesday 82 of our TY students went to Ballyhass Coachford for a fun packed day. They enjoyed Munster's largest and most exciting inflatable water park. Covering over 40m squared of an old quarry lake where they could jump, slide, bounce and race each other around the wipeout style course. They tried their hand at the ancient sport of archery and honed in on their coordination, balance and self-control. Some students even thought they were Robin Hood!!! The High Nets Course was a favourite with students 11 metres in the air, bouncing, jumping, crawling and rolling. They participated in many other fun activities during the day. It was a great success. Many thanks to Ms Coffey, Ms Green, Mr Roche and Ms McGann for travelling with the students.
6th Year Students/Parents/Guardians Seminar Information & LC Exam Timetable
Created : 11 May 2022, 11:59 AM
Archived : 19 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
All 6th year students had a seminar with Mr. Power Deputy Principal, Ms. O'Sullivan Year-Head and Ms. Moore Guidance Counsellor. Copy of document issued in attachment below. If you didn't receive a copy of the handout call to Ms.Moore.

Aspiring Journalists Scholarship
Created : 18 May 2022, 11:11 PM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
3rd Year Students/Parents/Guardians
Created : 16 May 2022, 3:45 PM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
All 3rd year students had an information seminar with Mr. O Sullivan Principal, Ms. Sheehan Deputy Principal, Ms. Martin Year Head and Ms. Moore Guidance Counsellor on Monday. Please see handout attached issued to all students present. If any student did not receive a handout, please call to Ms. Moore.

SUSI Grant
Created : 17 May 2022, 10:31 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Applying for student funding for 22/23 and your household income in 2021 was from self-employment , farming or rental ? Make sure to file your 2021 returns with Revenue in plenty of time.
TY Camino SDW
Created : 17 May 2022, 8:26 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
This morning 64 TY students along with Ms McGann, Ms McGrath, Ms Commins and Mr Cashin all headed off to Goatenbridge! There we joined 3 other schools St Mary's Mallow, Blackwater Community School and Greenhills Carrick-on-Suir. We walked 20km of Saint Declan’s Way. This is a pilgrim walking route linking Cashel in County Tipperary and Ardmore in County Waterford. It follows the route that Declan took when going to Cashel to meet Saint Patrick in the fifth century. In turn, it is the way that Pilgrims have taken to visit Saint Declan’s monastery, Holy well and grave in Ardmore for the past one and a half thousand years! The trail we took today was from Goatenbridge in South Tipperary crossing the Knockmealdown Mountains into West Waterford and ending in Mount Melleray. We enjoyed a stop after 6km at the Liam Lynch Monument to have some of our packed lunch. General Liam Lynch, was a leading figure in the War of Independence and Chief-of-Staff of the Anti-Treaty forces in the Civil War. The monument marks the spot where he was shot on the 10th of April 1923. The monument was erected in 1935 and is in the form of a round tower. Tapering rubble sandstone walling, set on base with four bronze wolfhounds set on limestone slabs. It is very impressive! We then continued on the Knockmealdowns where we were serenaded by the rare sound of the cuckoo. The call was very clear and has two syllables that descend from the first note to the second. For any keen musicians, the interval of the call starts as a minor third in Spring, and then usually changes to a perfect fourth later in the Summer. It was the first time ever that many of our students heard the cuckoo! At the county boundary unfortunately the rain started but spirits were high with the friary students taking control of the megaphone and they started singing in the rain. They belted out the Elvis songs from the show. Before we knew it we arrived at Mount Melleray Abbey. Here we were greeted by Bishop of Waterford and Lismore Alphonsus Cullinan, he congratulated the students for completing the pilgrim walk. At the start of the walk students were asked to pick up a small stone and carry it along the way. The stone can represent all that you want to leave behind. Or, all that you want to forgive, or be forgiven for. This stone was then placed at the altar in Mount Melleray. We had a great day but a hot shower was definitely welcomed by everyone when they got home. Buen Camino!
6th years Credit Union Student Bursary Talk Tomorrow. Postponed -
Created : 17 May 2022, 2:42 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Student bursary talk tomorrow at 9.40 postponed
6th years Exemptions & links
Created : 17 May 2022, 2:40 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear students/parents/guardians, Any 6th year student not taking Irish and/or French or German please ensure relevant exemption applications are made if applicable. Exemptions need to be applied for and CAO number entered for colleges. A separate Irish exemption application is needed for Non NUI Universities such as UL, MI, Trinity. Please be aware, not all exemption links are on this email however the main colleges our students apply for are here for your attention. Please ensure all relevant exemptions are applied for before July 1st 2022. Our advice is to apply before the end of May. NUI Universities are UCC/UCD/NUIG/NUIM. They require an NUI exemption. www.nui.ie/college/docs/exemption.pdf University of Limerick exemption link. www.ul.ie/academic-registry/leaving-certificate-students Mary Immaculate Limerick. www.mic.ul.ie/sites/default/files/uploads/21/MIC%20Language%20Exemption.pdf Trinity www.tcd.ie/study/assets/PDF/tcd-language-waiver-application-form.pdf