Displaying 911-920 of 1183 results.
Created : 30 Mar 2020, 6:36 PM
Archived : 30 May 2020, 12:00 AM
We wish to assure you that there are no classes scheduled for 8am.
Lessons scheduled in Teams before the change to Summer time appear to be affected. We have checked today - scheduling of lessons appears to be accurate again.
Thank you for making us aware of this issue.
Take care!
Careers and Colleges Update March 30th
Created : 30 Mar 2020, 2:18 PM
Archived : 30 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see attached PDF with Updates.
Guidance Counsellors
Chaplain & Guidance Counsellors
Created : 30 Mar 2020, 10:55 AM
Archived : 30 May 2020, 12:00 AM
The Chaplain and Guidance Counsellors will be available via phone today from 12.15 -1.15 for any parent or student who wishes to talk or who has a query. Please call 045 868121 and you will be connected.
Leaving Cert 2020 - All students must Register and Confirm Subject Levels - Last Opportunity today.
Created : 26 May 2020, 2:58 PM
Archived : 29 May 2020, 1:00 AM
Please read the guidance documents/ help sheets attached.
This is very important information about Leaving Certificate 2020.
Students/Candidates must re-register and choose subject levels before 10pm today Thursday 28th May.
The portal will close at 10 PM today Thursday 28 May.
The portal can be found here www.gov.ie/en/publication/d8920c-leaving-cert-2020/ from 10am on Tuesday morning;
In this time period students need to do the following;
Leaving Certificate Applied Students Need to complete the registration process
All other Leaving Certificate Students Need to complete the registration process AND confirm their subject levels
Before your start, you will need
a. your examination number - See the Q&A Section below if you do not know this number.
b. your Personal Public Services number (PPSN) -See the Q&A Section if you do not know this number.
c. an email address to which you have regular access over the coming months
d. your mobile phone number.
Check that you have information to hand this evening.
You must register first - follow the instructions "How to Register"
Then confirm your levels - follow the instructions "How to Confirm Subject Levels"
Levels - This decision lies with yourself. However, you should take onboard any advice you received from your teacher prior to the 11th May 2020. Please do not attempt to contact your teacher now as they cannot respond to you. You can only move a level downwards from that returned to the SEC earlier this year. Please take great care when entering levels.
Where you require assistance with any aspect of this process please contact the school office, Mrs Brennan (geraldinebrennan@scoilmhuireclane.ie), Ms McGee (grainnemcgee@scoilmhuireclane.ie), Ms Travers (gwentravers@scoilmhuireclane.ie) or Mr Breslin (patrickbreslin@scoilmhuireclane.ie).
You may contact the Dept of Education - 1800 111135 or 1800 111136 between 9am and 5pm or by email lcsupport2020@education.gov.i
Pdf-1 Pdf-2
Leaving Cert 2020
Created : 25 May 2020, 2:13 PM
Archived : 29 May 2020, 1:00 AM
Please see a recent "personal notification" for very important information for the Leaving Certificate 2020.
Scoil Mhuire - Update 28th March
Created : 28 Mar 2020, 5:26 PM
Archived : 29 May 2020, 12:00 AM
We are resending this message to reach as many as possible.
Please read the document attached and discuss with your student(s).
This is a very important week leading up to the Easter holidays.
Please ignore the numbers for attendance and late's in our recent temporary School Reports
Please ensure that you continue to get out and exercise, always practising social distancing outside of your family unit to protect your physical and mental health.
6th Year Online Assembly
Created : 21 May 2020, 6:52 PM
Archived : 28 May 2020, 1:00 AM
It is planned to have a special online assembly for our 6th Year students at 7pm next Wednesday on our school website to acknowledge and send our best wishes to our students as they leave our school. Our whole school community are invited to view this Assembly. Details on how to access the assembly will be posted shortly.
Mr Sheridan
6th Year LCVP Students
Created : 26 Mar 2020, 9:30 PM
Archived : 27 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Please find attached the Case Study for your LCVP exam on May 6th.
Ms O'Reilly
Message from Mr Nolan
Created : 25 Mar 2020, 5:25 PM
Archived : 25 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see the attached document for a message from Mr Nolan.
Careers Information - Some Important Date Changes
Created : 25 Mar 2020, 4:52 PM
Archived : 25 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Wed March 25th
Careers Update for Students
We encourage all exam students to continue with your study routine as if the exams are on schedule – this way you will be prepared and ready for whatever timetable is decided.
Ms. McGee & Ms. Travers
Instagram Live Q&A Sessions
@leavingcertguidance page, will be hosting Q&As with:
1. Thursday, 26th March at 10:30 am with Guy Flouch from Eunicas
2. Friday 27th March at 11 am with Dr. John McGinnity of Maynooth University.
3. Monday 30th March with Jean McQuillan from UCD.
This would be an excellent opportunity for students to log in live on these days with questions for the speakers. Just go to the @leavingcertguidance page to see the live Q&As.
2. Inchicore College of Further Education is open for PLC applications for September www.inchicorecollege .ie
3. Careersportal.ie is constantly being updated.
The Career Events Calendar is being updated on a daily basis to reflect cancellations, postponements etc.
Below find just some of the key tools on the site which will be useful now for ongoing career research, learning and management.
. CourseFinder
. CareerExplorer
. Apprenticeship Search
. 33 Career Sectors
. Scholarships
. College Profiles
. Junior Cert Subject Choice
. Leaving Cert Subject Choice
. Leaving Cert Points Calculator
. PLC Points Calculator
. Most up to date Career News
. Career and Course Videos
Please note also that there is specific information available on the site tailored to the following communities:
1. School
2. Graduates
3. Adult learners
4. Parents
5. Guidance professionals
6. Job seekers
4. Wellbeing Seminar tomorrow Thursday – live at 5pm
Thursday 26th 5pm
Request link at info@ashfieldcollege.ie
5. Lots of great study resources on Scoilnet – Free
6. Maynooth University Engineering Maths exam scheduled for April is postponed to August 2020
7. IADT Portfolio submission deadlines scheduled for March 23-27th are now extended to April 24th and can be submitted on-line. www.iadt.ie/study/portfolioguidelines