Displaying 921-930 of 1183 results.
Initial Guidelines for Students Engaging with Remote Teaching and Learning
Created : 24 Mar 2020, 9:19 PM
Archived : 24 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Please read the document attached. Please discuss the contents with your student. Apologies for lateness of this message.

Remote/Distance Teaching and Learning
Created : 24 Mar 2020, 7:03 PM
Archived : 24 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Please read the attached document in relation to "Remote Teaching and Learning"

Microsoft Teams
Created : 24 Mar 2020, 4:17 PM
Archived : 24 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Microsoft Teams can be accessed through Office 365 or Where a student is using a mobile phone or tablet they should download the Microsoft Teams App from the App Store or Play Store. MS Teams will be used from tomorrow Wednesday as the primarily platform for two way communication between teachers and students. Please see our school website for information/help videos on accessing MS Teams, submitting student work etc. This facility will be expanded accordingly in the coming days.
Careers & College Update
Created : 24 Mar 2020, 8:41 AM
Archived : 24 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear 6th year Students,  Below is an update on some Careers information from colleges & apprenticeships. If we can be of help, just ask via Teams.  Ms. McGee and Ms. Travers, Guidance Department 1. Maynooth University  Maynooth University Admissions Office are still available to you and ready to answer all of your MU questions.  Our web chat option is live and can be easily accessed from the ''ASK'' chat box in the lower right corner on our website. You can find this by clicking on the following link; www.maynoothuniversity.ie/study-maynooth/undergraduate-studies/courses 2. DCU are available to help with any questions in relation to all things DCU  email studenthelp@dcu.ie or online Q &A www.dcu.ie/studentrecruitment 3.. CAREERS IN THE DEFENCE FORCES    www.military.ie -People who join the DF can advance their education through a number of streams within the DF; by doing Degrees and Masters with outside colleges through the DF. -They can use the DF as a spring board to gain work experience and then move onto other employment. - Anyone thinking of moving abroad could join the DF for a few years, complete an overseas tour of duty, and save money which could give them the finances to enjoy a new life in a different country. - Not only do we train recruits and cadets, the DF also train plumbers, carpenters, electricians, air traffic controllers, chefs and many more.    see www.military.ie/careers 4. Logistics Associate Apprenticeship Become a logistics expert in Freight, Shipping, Distribution and Logistics -  2year training programme - see www.laa.ie - e-mail info@laa.ie  phone 018447516 5. Sports Studies TU Dublin - Tallaght - Direct Entry Please see the attached flyer which provides an outline of a Level 7 Sport Studies Course now available in TU Dublin, Tallaght. Also see website link of course outline below. www.it-tallaght.ie/index.cfm/page/course?code=TA_SPSDS_D   About the Course. The BSc in Sports Studies is a 3 year full time level 7 degree programme designed to meet the needs of coaches and sports administrators. This course is direct entry (Not on CAO), so students only need to apply by online application. Students will then be interviewed for a place on the programme.    6. NUI GALWAY       NUI Galway are very conscious that this is an extraordinarily difficult time for leaving cert students and their parents.  As a university we want to reassure you that we are here for you and we will do our very best to help you navigate the new reality in education due to COVID 19. The CAO Change of Mind will open on May 5th and at that stage some students may feel they need to revisit their choices and may need additional information in terms of courses, scholarships and accommodation.  Thus over the next three weeks the NUI Galway Student Recruitment and Outreach team will hold a series of online Q&A events for students, parents and Guidance Counsellors to engage directly with us and get your questions answered . CAO Live Q&A  Events for March & April 2020 Engineering & Computer Science Live Q&A - Tuesday, 24th March between 2-4pm  Science Live Q&A - Thursday, 26th March between 2-4pm Business and Law Live Q&A - Tuesday 31st March between 2-4pm Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies Live Q&A - Thursday, 2nd April between 2-4pm Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Live Q&A - Tuesday, 7th April between 2-4pm Student Blog... Read about our current students at NUI Galway  From top tips on staying focused on the run-up to the Leaving Cert to exploring the skills of a scientist the NUI Galway blog will help students  through every stage of the university journey. ******************* *************?      
Passwords & School Email Addresses 24th March 2020
Created : 18 Mar 2020, 5:27 PM
Archived : 24 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, Please check with your student that they have their "Password" to enable them to access their Office 365 school account. They must use their school email address which is their full name in lowercase @ scoilmhuireclane.ie. Students must not try to change their own password as this facility is not available to them. It will probably render their existing password ineffective. Please send in all requests for new passwords or email queries using the "Parent Note" on our School App. This is the facility that we can use to protect this private information & keep track of this it. We cannot and will not respond to personal emails. All responses will be sent back to you on our App. They can be found in the "Personal Notification" tab on your App. All of these notifications are sent out with a "push notification" or a "bing" if you wish. You should turn on this facility on your phone. Unfortunately some parents/guardians are missing our messages and requesting a new password. Once we change the password the old one becomes redundant. Please see the related notification about Office 365. Thank you for your ongoing support at this challenging time. Take care of yourselves!
Microsoft Office 365
Created : 13 Mar 2020, 12:26 PM
Archived : 24 May 2020, 12:00 AM
To access Microsoft 365; If you have received a new password for your student's Office 365 account they must use it as the old one would be redundant. Where a student is using a laptop, tablet or desktop computer they should access Office 365 through our school website. They may also search for Microsoft Office 365 or Office 365 on the internet. Sign in using your school email address and password. You may download/install Office 365 onto your computer to avoid working on the internet at all times. Where a student is using a mobile phone or tablet they should download the Microsoft Teams App from the App Store or Play Store. MS Teams will be used from tomorrow Wednesday as the primarily platform for two way communication between teachers and students. Teacher will not be using our School App to communicate school work to students. All such communication will be through Office 365 primarily MS Teams. Where a student encounters a difficulty - please send any queries through our App using the "Parent Note" facility. We endeavour to revert to you within one school day. Take care of yourselves!
Created : 19 Mar 2020, 8:05 PM
Archived : 19 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Our apologies! It appears some of you were bombarded with numerous copies of the same messages. We will contact our providers to identify the reason for same.
Microsoft Teams
Created : 19 Mar 2020, 6:49 PM
Archived : 19 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Microsoft Teams will become our primary online teaching and learning platform going forward. Mr Nolan will post a message tomorrow in relation to this facility. We are currently reviewing options within this platform. Students, please continue to view your email for updates from your teachers. We will update our school community on an ongoing basis as we progress with this platform - through this App. Students must not post any messages within the MS Teams until further notice or as otherwise guided by your teacher. You may only access material posted by your teacher. Further guidelines will be shared with our school community in due course. Please remember that any "password requests"must be shared with us using the "Parent Note" facility in this App.
Created : 13 Mar 2020, 12:37 PM
Archived : 13 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, We are currently working our way through the reissuing of passwords. We started with 6th year students. We endeavour to have all the password shared before lunch tomorrow. it is a slow process as each individual communication must be processed manually. We appreciate your patience!
Mission Possible 2020 - Walk in My Shoes
Created : 01 May 2020, 2:53 PM
Archived : 09 May 2020, 1:00 AM
Please see the document attached for details of this competition. Closing date is May 8th 2020. This link will direct your to more information; www.walkinmyshoes.ie/campaigns/mission-possible?mc_cid=9bb6d1484d&mc_eid=ea8a41fa67 Please contact Ms O'Reilly if you are interested.
