Displaying 871-880 of 1644 results.
Year Head Message (1st Years)
Created : 13 Jan 2021, 12:11 PM
Archived : 13 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Transition Year Lockdown Photography Challenge
Created : 12 Jan 2021, 3:47 PM
Archived : 12 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Transition Year
Transition Year Lockdown Photography Challenge
What needs to be done?
Take a creative/scenic photo within your 5km radius
Send your entries to sc@naascbs.ie
Challenge closes on January 31st
Challenge open to all TY students
€50 Voucher for the best overall photo
See the attached PDF for more info.
Best of Luck!
Letter from the Minister
Created : 12 Jan 2021, 3:47 PM
Archived : 12 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see attached PDF with a letter from the Minister of Education
P.E Department - Fitness Workouts
Created : 12 Jan 2021, 9:11 AM
Archived : 12 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Many thanks to our P.E Department for the attached PDF which contains resources for many different fitness workouts.
Please click the relevant picture in the PDF for a link to each workout video.
Maynooth University CAO Information Evening
Created : 12 Jan 2021, 8:33 AM
Archived : 12 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
6th Year Parents/Guardians/Students,
Please see attached PDF for important information about upcoming Maynooth University CAO Information Evening, Wednesday January 13th 2021 6pm - 9pm.
Please ensure you Register (link provided) in advance.
Kind Regards,
The Guidance Department.
Naas CBS - Guidance Supports
Created : 12 Jan 2021, 8:22 AM
Archived : 12 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents, Guardians & Students,
Please see the attached PDF for information from our Guidance Department.
Transition Year - Lockdown Steps Challenge
Created : 11 Jan 2021, 4:19 PM
Archived : 11 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Transition Year
This is the first of several challenges I will be setting for TY students over this current school closure.
Lockdown Weekly Steps Challenge
What needs to be done?
Track your weekly steps between now and the end of January (31st)
Person with the most steps - wins!
Prizes for top three places
*Important Information*
If you wish to partake you must sign up for this challenge via email to sc@naascbs.ie before 18.00p.m Tuesday 12th January
Participants must send in a weekly update on Monday 18th, 25th & 1st Feb with your total steps for the previous week. A screenshot of your step tracker must also be included.
1st Prize – €75 Voucher, 2nd Prize - €50 Voucher, 3rd Prize - €25 Voucher
See the attached PDF for more details.
Best of Luck!
Year Head Message (3rd Years)
Created : 11 Jan 2021, 3:45 PM
Archived : 11 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Naas CBS - Counselling Supports
Created : 11 Jan 2021, 2:08 PM
Archived : 11 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
If any of our students, parents or guardians wish to contact our school counsellor, Ms. AnnMarie Johnson, they can do so by emailing amj@naascbs.ie.
Ms. Johnson will also be available for Zoom calls and these can be scheduled from Monday to Thursday 9am -1.15pm daily.
Transition Year - Remote Teaching & Learning
Created : 11 Jan 2021, 11:56 AM
Archived : 11 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Transition Year
Dear TY Parents, Guardians & Students,
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.
I hope this message finds you all healthy and well.
As you are aware we will be operating from a remote capacity for the next few weeks until 31st January at which time the current Covid-19 situation will be reviewed.
This is of course not how I would have liked to start our 2021 Transition Year journey together but none the less we will have to step up to the situation and do our best to make the most of it.
This is not to be seen as time off or an extended holiday.
As TY students you are in the fortunate position to not have exams and thus this time can hopefully be used to better yourselves personally, and perhaps achieve goals which you might not otherwise get to accomplish in in a traditional school year.
Both myself and your teachers will still be linking in with students remotely and setting work which is to be completed independently.
TY students do not have to follow the normal school timetable or be present online for all of their timetabled classes.
They do need to check their emails and Google Classrooms daily as teachers will pre-arrange live meet-ups with you beforehand.
Work will be set for students to complete and teachers will then link in with you again at a later date to check progress.
It is important to keep an eye on your Google Classrooms and stay in contact with each other so as to keep up to date with all that is going on.
This week I will link in live with each TY class at our normal Tutorials class time on Wednesday and Thursday. This will be done through Google Meet and will be posted in the Tutorials Google Classroom.
I will provide all information as to what is expected over the next few weeks during this link-in, and will also send this information to parents afterwards.
I will also be setting some lockdown challenges for students to take part in (steps/running challenges, photography challenges etc.). These will come with rewards for the winners.
In the meantime, all students have access to the Irish Academy of Computer Training (IACT) vocational courses which we set up in November and can be found in their Tutorials Google Classroom.
If any student is having difficulty accessing their online accounts please make contact with me immediately.
Students must also remember to conduct themselves appropriately online at all times. Be on time, situate yourselves in a suitable place at home free from distractions, dress appropriately and have respect at all times.
This is unfortunately the situation we are being presented with for your Transition Year. How we choose to deal with it can yield very different outcomes. Do what you can at home to help, do what you can to make this time advantageous for you. Come your summer portfolio assessment I will be looking to see how you spent this lockdown, the efforts you went to and what successes or failures came from it.
Look after your physical and mental health. Take the time to get outside or to switch off from devices.
Many thanks for your continued support and patience,