Displaying 901-910 of 1747 results.
Pieta House Donation (Thank you letter)
Created : 16 Mar 2021, 12:06 PM
Archived : 18 May 2021, 12:00 AM
A group of our students, that were involved in a Bank of Ireland ‘Smart Challenge’, recently donated their €1000 winnings to Pieta House. The students were given the choice as to what they would like to do with the money and we couldn’t be prouder of the choice that they made. Please see the attached PDF which contains a letter from Pieta House expressing their gratitude for this donation and for the students outstanding generosity. A huge well done to Callum McIvor, Eoin Keogh, Ultan Casserly, Conor Devereux, Eoghan Hyde, Alex Ferreria, Ethan O’Halloran and Adam Halford for their work and kindness.

World Down Syndrome Day
Created : 16 Mar 2021, 10:47 AM
Archived : 18 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Sunday March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day and we are asking all students and parents of Naas CBS to help us raise awareness this Friday 19th and 'Rock Your Socks'. To our 5th and 6th years in school, we'd love it if you could wear bright, colourful and even odd socks to help support Down Syndrome Ireland. For our students at home, please rock your socks on Friday too and send in photos to us. To our teachers both in school on Friday and teaching from home, we'd love you to get involved and 'Rock Your Socks'. All photos can be sent to Ms. Fennell dfl@naascbs.ie and we will display them early next week. The Kildare branch of Down Syndrome Ireland have kindly shared a video they made about the pandemic and the effect lockdown has had on them - 'Our Story Through Covid' youtu.be/ZYc0gRtHQB0 Please help us raise awareness this week and Rock Your Socks.
St. Patrick's Day
Created : 16 Mar 2021, 4:05 PM
Archived : 16 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Wishing everyone in the Naas CBS community a happy St. Patrick's Day. Stay safe, enjoy the day off tomorrow and we look forward to seeing both our 5th & 6th Year students back on Thursday.
Personal Safety Workshops (3rd, 4th & 5th Years)
Created : 16 Mar 2021, 3:56 PM
Archived : 16 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Online workshops around the area of personal safety have been organised for 3rd, 4th & 5th Year students. These workshops will take place over the next week (please see schedule below). The programme lasts approx. 2 hours and will cover the following subjects: Consent, bullying, boundaries, body image, texting/sexting, sending and receiving inappropriate images, inappropriate use of words and actions and their consequences. The topics will be discussed age appropriately. We ask that all students have their cameras on as this increases the interaction between the facilitator and students. 3rd Years - Monday 22nd March (3rd Year students, when not involved with their scheduled workshop time, will have no classes on Monday). 9.00 - 11.00 (3B & 3C) 11.30 - 1.30 (3A & 3F) 2.00 - 4.00 (3D & 3E) 4th Years - Wednesday 24th March (schedule to follow) 5th Years - Tuesday 23rd March (workshop will take place FROM HOME). Classes will go ahead for 5th Years as normal from 9-11 am on Tuesday 23rd through Google Classroom. Workshops will be conducted via Zoom - 4 class groups at a time. Form classes 5A, 5B ,5C & 5H will participate Tuesday 23rd March between 11:30 and 1:30. They finish morning lessons at 11:00 and then will join via Zoom for the 2 hours. These students will then be free from class for the afternoon. Form classes 5D, 5E, 5F & 5G will participate Tuesday 23rd March between 2:00 and 4:00. They will also finish lessons at 11 am on this day. These boys will not have classes between 11 and 1pm. Zoom links for each group will be sent via Google Classroom. We hope that everyone will find this workshop helpful and beneficial.
Daffodil Day - Transition Year
Created : 16 Mar 2021, 1:44 PM
Archived : 16 May 2021, 12:00 AM
The Transition Year group are going to do some virtual fundraising for Daffodil Day and the Irish Cancer Society. Daffodil Day street collections have once again had to be cancelled this year. To help support the Irish Cancer Society and the 44,000 Irish people affected by cancer each year, we have set up a virtual collection page to raise vital funds. So what next? This will be kept very simple - I am asking all TY students to do a 5km walk or run. When? Next Tuesday 23rd March - All classes will stop for TYs from 12.30p.m to give you the chance to get out and about. (Feel free to start now!) While out I want students to take a photo of their walk/run, and if possible get some daffodils in the shot. Send the photo to me via email sc@naascbs.ie I would also like for them to post on social media including some of the hashtags #naascbs #daffodilday #irishcancersociety There is a virtual donation page set up. This is the link: daffodilday-virtualcollection.blackbaud-sites.com/fundraising/naas-cbs-transition-year-202021-fundraising-p I have attached a Slides Presentation outlining some extra information. It can also be accessed through this link: docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mH720xHMaQYX2vyG_nDmoH8uYnRwuP3IH0PEnI3t5LE/edit?usp=sharing I have also attached a series of images you can use to post on social media to raise awareness. Have a look through these images as they are eye-opening to what your donations can do. There is also a QR code also which when scanned will bring people directly to our donation page. I would love to see the lads come together as a year group and make a special effort for this. If anyone needs any help just let me know. All the best, S.Coy

'Science at Home' Competition
Created : 16 Mar 2021, 9:49 AM
Archived : 16 May 2021, 12:00 AM
A selection of some of the 1st and 2nd Year entries for their 'Science at Home' Competition. Well done to those who have got involved already - there are some very creative ideas coming in! Submit your entry to your Science Teacher over the next couple of weeks to be in with a chance of winning a voucher! Video entry by Sean Gavigan 1E: drive.google.com/file/d/1Av8LK8FIqARyPPQEi8egyPcxVW-kKS7n/view?usp=sharing
Transition Year - Global Money Week Workshop
Created : 16 Mar 2021, 9:45 AM
Archived : 16 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Global Money Week is a worldwide initiative aimed at inspiring young people to learn about money matters and takes place this year from the 22nd March.  This year’s theme is ‘Taking care of your money, taking care of yourself’, and it aims to help young people to learn to manage their money wisely now and into the future. MABS, the Money Advice and Budgeting Service, is supporting Global Money Week and is offering to provide an interactive workshop on money matters to students in transition year, which specifically focusses on the skills of budgeting and saving.   The workshop builds upon many years’ experience of providing money management education in the community and focuses on the interests and needs of young people. I have organised this workshop for next Monday 22nd March at 14.00p.m Places are limited however so all interested TY students must contact me via email (sc@naascbs.ie) to register and I will forward the link closer to the time. If there is sufficient interest I will arrange a second workshop after Easter.
Music Zoom Event
Created : 15 Mar 2021, 11:57 AM
Archived : 16 May 2021, 12:00 AM
There will be a talk on the Music Industry and promoting your own music with Brian Whitehead LBW Music Management via Zoom on Monday 22nd March from 2-4. Interested 5th and 6th years can attend in person in the Music Room 1/26 and 1st-TYs can attend via Zoom. Please email Ms. O'Donovan at jod@naascbs.ie if you want to attend. A Zoom link will be circulated later in the week. You must use your school email to sign up.
2nd Year Personal Safety Workshops
Created : 15 Mar 2021, 12:26 PM
Archived : 15 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Online workshops around the area of personal safety have been organised for 2nd Year students. This workshop will take place tomorrow, Tuesday 16th March (please see schedule below). The programme lasts approx. 2 hours and will cover the following subjects: Consent, bullying, boundaries, body image, texting/sexting, sending and receiving inappropriate images, inappropriate use of words and actions and their consequences. The topics will be discussed age appropriately. We ask that all students have their cameras on as this increases the interaction between the facilitator and students. 2nd Years - Tuesday 16th March from 9.00am - 4.00pm 9.00 - 11.00 (2A & 2B) 11.30 - 1.30 (2C & 2D) 2.00 - 4.00 (2E & 2F) Zoom links for each group will be sent via Google Classroom. 2nd students, when not involved with their scheduled workshop time tomorrow, will have no classes. We hope that everyone will find this workshop helpful and beneficial.
Leaving Certificate Candidate Portal
Created : 15 Mar 2021, 8:21 AM
Archived : 15 May 2021, 12:00 AM
6th Year students, Please see link below to a Candidate Self-Service Portal (CSSP) Step by Step Video Guide which has just been published. The content of the video mirrors that of the CSSP 'Before You Start' Guide published last week. www.gov.ie/en/publication/d3ea2-leaving-certificate-2021/#leaving-certificate-2021-candidate-self-service-portal REMINDER from the State Exams Commission: Students have only 2 days left to record their Leaving Certificate choices on the Candidate Portal. It is essential that all students complete the registration and subject selection process before the deadline of Tuesday, March 16 at 6 pm. Any student who has registered but not made their subject specific selections should arrange to do so without delay. Remember, the process is not complete until you have received the email from the SEC with details of your subject specific selections from the SEC. Students are urged to not leave this important process until the last minute.