Displaying 171-180 of 651 results.
Annual School Fun Day
Created : 29 Apr 2020, 12:31 PM
Archived : 29 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Our Annual May weekend Fun Day will still take place this Friday as planned. This is our whole school wellbeing day and we are asking all students to turn off their devices and join in the fun activities and challenges for the day remotely. Please enjoy this start to the bank holiday weekend while continuing to follow the HSE guidelines and staying within your 2km zone.
Virtual Staff Meeting 29 April
Created : 28 Apr 2020, 6:22 PM
Archived : 28 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
There will be a virtual staff meeting held tomorrow Wednesday 29th April at 11am. We would appreciate if you could let your daughter know that her teachers may not be available until after lunchtime.
1st Year Garden Art.
Created : 28 Apr 2020, 3:16 PM
Archived : 28 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Ms. Roche's 1st year Art class have been busy creating garden art. The inspiration for their work was based on the art work by Land Artist Andy Goldsworthy and their recent isolation situation. All materials have been sourced in accordance to social distancing protocols within the 2km limit from their homes. These wonderful pieces of art were created by: -Kiran Fatima -Kathryn Iro -Leah Kelleher -Paige Lambert -Ashlynn McDonald -Una McEvoy -Maura Mc Manus -Molly O'Brien -Ellen O' Byrne -Emma Sheehan -Emma Skehan
Resilience and Rainbows
Created : 24 Apr 2020, 12:31 PM
Archived : 24 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
This week as part of their wellbeing classes our 1st, 2nd and 3rd years have being looking at the theme of resilience. ‘Resilience is the ability to overcome challenges, adapt and keep going after something difficult happens in your life.’ They looked at ways of building up resilience: * Surrounding ourselves with supportive family and friends. * Having a positive attitude. * Accepting challenges that come our way, and being able to adapt to deal with those challenges. * Taking care of our body and mind. * Reflecting on past situations, to enable us to make better decisions going forward. * Being aware that everyone is unique and deals with situations in their own way. Resilience is very evident in our homes, communities, country and worldwide now, during these current times. Although this current time is very tough we must never forgot how wildly capable we actually are, and believe in the hope that all will be well. Our light will shine again and our resilience going into the future will be stronger. “The storm doesn’t diminish a rainbow’s beauty, it enhances it “ - Matshona Dhliwayo The students created resilience rainbows, to reflect what they have learned. Please take the time to look through these wonderful creations:
Drop Everything and Read Challenge
Created : 24 Apr 2020, 10:54 AM
Archived : 24 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
We are registered for the National Drop Everything and Read Challenge 2020. So let’s take part, today at 12 noon for 20 minutes. Grab your book and have it ready to go
JC assessment arrangements 2020
Created : 23 Apr 2020, 12:18 PM
Archived : 23 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
We appreciate that there is concern arising from the lack of clarity in relation to JC 2020. The Minister has advised that schools await the conclusion of discussions of the working group of education partners before taking any decisions regarding assessment arrangements for JC. We will inform you of updates as soon as possible. It is imperative that JC students continue to stay motivated and engage with their teachers in preparation for assessments. Please see official DES press release: www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/PR20-04-22a.html
LC 2020 Practical work, coursework and practical examinations
Created : 23 Apr 2020, 12:14 PM
Archived : 23 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
We appreciate that there is concern arising from the lack of clarity around LC practical work, coursework, and practical examinations. The education partners are currently planning revised arrangements for these elements of LC. We will update you as soon as we have further official information. Please see the DES press release: www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/PR20-04-22a.html
SUSI Grant Applications
Created : 23 Apr 2020, 9:38 AM
Archived : 23 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Attention parents/guardians of 6th Year students. The SUSI Grant application system for 2020-21 opens online at www.susi.ie on Thursday, April 23rd. The priority processing date for new applications is July 9th. Applicants who submit their applications on or before this date will receive priority assessment. The online application system will remain open until late autumn / early winter, after which late applications fulfilling the necessary criteria will be accepted. Please ensure to complete the application as early as possible.
Return to school greetings - final term
Created : 19 Apr 2020, 9:53 PM
Archived : 19 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
We hope you and your families have had a restful Easter and have stayed safe and well. Classes will recommence tomorrow and we look forward to reconnecting with all students online while schools continue to remain closed. We appreciate that it may be difficult to remain motivated, however it is important to continue to engage with your teachers in learning remotely as well as you did over the last few weeks. Please follow your school timetable as much as possible to give structure to your remote school day, and check your emails and Edmodo groups daily. Remember to keep in touch with your friends and also to take time to relax and to exercise safely within 2km of home. We are here to help support you just as we would in school so please let us know if you need any help or advice. In the meantime, stay home and stay safe.
Junior Cert 2020
Created : 19 Apr 2020, 8:23 PM
Archived : 19 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
We hope you have all had a nice restful Easter. Thank you to all 3rd years and their parents for engaging so well in remote learning since schools closed on March 12th. While announcements have been made that Junior Certificate has been cancelled, the Department of Education plan is that the same exams that were prepared by the State Exams Commission for June 2020 will instead be school-based in September. It is important for JC students to continue with their remote learning for this final term, and your teachers will continue to work with you to complete your JC courses and revise for these exams.