Displaying 131-140 of 651 results.
URGENT - IMPORTANT LC 2020 Information
Created : 25 May 2020, 7:18 PM
Archived : 25 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
The Department of Education has issued important instructions for all Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied 2020 students. Please read the following 2 documents: 1. Letter to LC 2020 students from the Department of Education and Skills tinyurl.com/y7fr7mtl 2. Calculated Grades Student Portal Before You Start Guide tinyurl.com/y9uchso8 The Calculated Grades Student Portal will open at 10 AM tomorrow morning Tuesday 26 May and close at 10 PM on Thursday night 28 May and the following steps MUST be completed on time. Leaving Cert Applied students must complete the registration process. Leaving Cert Established students must complete the registration process AND confirm their levels. Please read both documents above very carefully.
Information for students and parents/guardians on Calculated Grades for Leaving Cert 2020 pending
Created : 23 May 2020, 11:45 AM
Archived : 23 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
We have been advised that an information document for students and parents/guardians on Calculated Grades for Leaving Certificate 2020 is being prepared and when available, will be published on the website www.gov.ie/leavingcertificate. We will notify you of this when it is published. An online portal for Leaving Certificate students will be open from next Tuesday 26 May. Students in the first instance will be requested to use the portal to confirm the level at which they indicated they would be taking the examinations in each subject. This will be heavily advertised in the media and we will again notify you when it is open.
Junk Kouture Deadline extension
Created : 22 May 2020, 5:38 PM
Archived : 22 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Miss Kelly has pushed back the Junk Kouture application deadline to Tuesday May 26th to allow for those who were working to get assignments in for their Junior Cycle deadlines. Applications must be emailed to Miss Kelly’s school email, jkelly@scrpl.ie by 4pm on Tuesday. Miss Kelly has emailed your school email with the application form and templates, alternatively you can get them on the Transition Year page of the school website www.scoilchriostriportlaoise.ie/transition-year
Gratitude Jars
Created : 22 May 2020, 1:01 PM
Archived : 22 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
This week our 1st, 2nd and 3rd years have been looking at gratitude in their tutor classes. “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
 – Oprah Winfrey They took a moment to reflect on how fortunate we really are and notice the little things that we can sometimes take for granted things such as: • Having a place to live • Food to eat • Easy access to clean water • Family around us • Friends in our lives • Good health Benefits of Gratitude: • An “attitude of gratitude” can improve your overall well-being. • Finding little ways to express your appreciation and be more thankful can have a really positive impact on your life. • Gratitude can improve your physical health. • Gratitude can improve your psychological health. • Gratitude can improve your self-esteem. • Gratitude can increase your mental strength. • Grateful people usually sleep better. This week the students were tasked with reflecting back on the last few weeks, since the school closure, think with gratitude about who or what has got you to this point. They then had two options to display as a gratitude jar: 1. Fill an actual jar with pieces of paper containing all that you are grateful for 2. Draw and design your own gratitude jar on paper.
Summer 2020 Support List
Created : 22 May 2020, 9:46 AM
Archived : 22 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
As we are approaching the summer holidays, Scoil Chríost Rí would like to highlight a list of local and national supports that are available to support student and family mental health and well-being over the summer months. You may not need to use or access any of these organisations/resources yourself but please keep them in mind if you feel a friend or family member might need support at any stage. It will be a different kind of summer and we all need to make sure we mind ourselves and our own well-being. This list will remain available to you throughout the summer holdidays via the Guidance page on our school website: www.scoilchriostriportlaoise.ie/guidance Date for the Diary - The GetAHEAD programme at AHEAD are providing a free wellbeing/resilience webinar aimed at students and learners with disabilities looking for practical tips on maintaining good mental wellbeing. This webinar will take place on May 27th from 3-4pm on the Zoom platform. For more information and to register please see: www.ahead.ie/studentresiliencewebinar

5th Year student Briony's fundraiser for Midland's Simon Community
Created : 21 May 2020, 10:58 PM
Archived : 22 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
5th Year student Briony Heffernan-Price has set up an online fundraiser, ‘Sleep Out #AtHome for the Homeless’ in aid of Midlands Simon Community. Briony will sleep out in her back garden on Wednesday May 27 and is encouraging others to do the same in their own gardens, in hope of raising the vital funds and awareness needed to tackle the enduring homeless crisis in our community. Briony is involved in the Pope John Paul II Awards in her parish and school and is doing this fundraiser in a bid to take a more active role in her community. She has set up a gofundme account and details are in the news article here: www.leinsterexpress.ie/news/local-news/543625/laois-secondary-school-student-launches-sleep-out-athome-fundraiser-for-midlands-homeless-charity.html
LC 2020 Blessing Service
Created : 21 May 2020, 6:31 PM
Archived : 21 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
We are all thinking of our 6th Year students tonight as Bishop Nulty celebrates a blessing service for all Leaving Cert 2020 students in the Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin at 7pm. It was so lovely to reconnect with 6th Years at our assembly last week. You were in your teachers' thoughts last evening on what would have been your Graduation Mass. All at Scoil Chríost Ri are wishing you well and hope you continue to stay safe. Link for Blessing Service www.mcnmedia.tv/camera/holy-family-parish
Junk Kouture Application Deadline
Created : 21 May 2020, 9:01 AM
Archived : 21 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Tomorrow is the closing date for applications for Junk Kouture. Visit the Transition Year Page on www.scoilchriostriportlaoise.ie/transition-year to get the application form and templates. As they are in PDF form they cannot be edited, so you must copy and paste them. Applications must arrive to Miss Kelly's email, jkelly@scrpl.ie by 4 pm tomorrow, Friday the 22nd of May.
Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin Leaving Cert 2020 Service
Created : 19 May 2020, 8:31 PM
Archived : 19 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Bishop Denis Nulty is leading a service 'Leaving Cert 2020 A Blessing for the Journey' for all Leaving Cert students in the Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin this Thursday night May 21st at 7pm. Students can join the service via Askea Parish Webcam. What a wonderful event to celebrate the end of the LC journey together. www.mcnmedia.tv/camera/holy-family-parish-3
Well-being – Exercise
Created : 15 May 2020, 2:54 PM
Archived : 15 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
This week as part of their well-being classes our 1st, 2nd and 3rd years have been looking at exercise and how it can contribute to our body’s health and our overall well-being. "Exercise not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude and your mood." – Unknown The benefits of exercise: • Can reduce stress, anxiety and depression, making you feel happier • Reducse the risk of diseases • Better quality of sleep which leads to a better quality of daily life • Maintain a healthy body weight • Increases energy levels • Builds muscle and strength • Boosts self-esteem The choice of tasks the students were asked to complete this week included: • Creating an exercise plan • Send in a picture of them completing a daily exercise From the pictures we can see everyone in the household got involved in walking, cycling, dancing and skating, even the pets. Keep it up girls!