Displaying 931-940 of 3099 results.
TY Carlingford - October 2022
Created : 26 Apr 2022, 11:33 AM
Archived : 26 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent(s)/Guardians(s)
As advised at the Transition Year Information Meeting, next year’s Transition Year students will be visiting Carlingford Adventure Centre in County Louth from Wednesday 5th October to Friday 7th October 2022 inclusive.
This trip is a highly enjoyable one. Students take part in a wide variety of outdoor activities that focus on promoting communication, leadership and team building skills. It is a wonderful opportunity for the girls to get to know each other and to forge bonds with other students at the beginning of their Transition Year. The trip plays a key role in setting a positive tone for a year of personal challenge, adventure and social development.
The cost of the trip is €240, which includes meals, accommodation, bedding, all activities and transport costs from and back to the school. Activities include rock-climbing, abseiling, kayaking, hill-walking, canoeing, laser tag and zip-lining. Students do a morning and afternoon activity each day in the outdoors, in addition to a team building event each evening.
As it is necessary for us to secure our booking with Carlingford Adventure Centre, I would be grateful if you could arrange to pay the deposit of €100 by Wednesday, 11th May 2022. This can be done through Easy Payments Plus on our school website at www.olschool.ie. Alternatively, cheques may be made payable to Our Lady’s School and handed in to Reception in an envelope with your daughter’s name, class and ‘Carlingford’ written on the front.
Should you have any queries regarding the trip, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully,
Lyndsey Phelan,
Transition Year Coordinator.
TY Lake Garda Tour
Created : 22 Apr 2022, 5:57 PM
Archived : 22 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
This Easter some of the TY’s went to Italy to visit Lake Garda, Verona and Venice! On the first day we had a bright and early meeting at the airport before boarding the flight and arriving in Milan.
We then got the bus to Serimone and went on exciting Bertoldi speed boats on Lake Garda while listening to some music. After we dried off from the splashes, we got the bus to Verona and went on a walk to see Juliet’s house but unfortunately Romeo was nowhere to be found. After that we went to an ancient Roman amphitheatre and finished the day with bowling. We finally checked into our hotel and all slept very well after the 4am start and long day.
Day 2 began with breakfast in the hotel and then a bus and a water taxi into Venice. When we got to Venice we went to the Murano Glass factory (where some people did some damage of the shopping nature not breaking glass! Following on from that after we sampled some carbonara and pizza, we went on a walking tour of Venice where Ms Nolan was given a red rose from a secret admirer in Saint Marks Square. We finished off our day in Venice with a beautiful, peaceful gondola ride around the canals of Venice. Again everyone slept well (except for a few giggles) because of the long day. The next morning we went to Gardaland! We each got to go on the rides. They were thrilling and so much fun! Some were even brave enough to get on rollercoasters with the screaming teachers! We finished off our day with a spot of shopping in a mall and then we got the bus to a Medieval show and restaurant. Overall it was a rollercoaster of a day!
TY Update & What’s On Next Week
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 5:36 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
What a week TY’s had last week! Carlingford was a huge success. Well done to all students involved, they bonded extremely well, created new memories and walked the legs off themselves.
After a well rested weekend TY’s were back in bright and early Monday morning singing loud and proud. The Musical Cast gave a preview of their upcoming performance of Matilda for 1st, 2nd and all TY students.
Tickets for the show are selling like hotcakes. The remaining few tickets will be on sale on Monday 25th April, don’t miss out, when they’re gone they’re gone!
To support students' study of History and aspects of the Leaving Certificate History curriculum the TY’s visited Kilmainham Gaol on Wednesday. Social and cultural history, and Leaving Certificate Art (architecture) were particularly relevant. For over 100 years Kilmainham Gaol held thousands of men, women and children for crimes that ranged from minor offences to being involved in some of the most momentous events in Irish history. The visit to Kilmainham Gaol took our students on a journey through Irish history. They discovered the stories of people held there as ordinary criminals alongside those who fought for Irish independence. From the 1798 rebellion, to the 1916 Easter Rising, the Anglo-Irish War (1919-21), to the devastation of the Irish Civil War (1922-23) all these important events have a chapter in the story of Kilmainham Gaol.
TY’s participated in their final Development Day on Thursday. TY3 and 4 took part in the Close Encounters Self Defence Course. The focus of the course is on the ability to defend oneself without complicated techniques. The techniques taught to the TY’s will allow them to defend themselves against a variety of conflict situations including punches, kicks, blunt weapons, knives, defence and escapes from the floor, grabbing attacks, bladed weapons, psychological self-defence, voice commands and personal protection theory. Meanwhile, TY1 and 2 headed to Dublin Zoo. After a morning tour of the Zoo involving a Zoo quiz and lunch in the sunshine all students took part in the Zoo’s Conservation Module. This outdoor module began with a history of zoos, looking at Dublin Zoo as a case study. It then covered the role of zoos in modern conservation, their importance for the breeding of endangered species and their role in reintroduction programmes. Focusing on species within Dublin Zoo, the group discussed the conservation challenges faced by these species and how the Zoo supports these species in the wild.
Today TY1 and 4 had their last session with retired Dublin Gaelic Football Champion Kevin McManamon. They completed Part 3 of the Aware Life Skills for Schools Programme.
This weeks programme included:
This session focuses on encouraging the group to start doing healthy things which can make them
feel better.
The last session sums everything up and shows some simple things that we can build into everyday
life to help us feel happier, fitter and more positive.
During Pastoral Care class today, TY’s took to Bushy raising money for Pieta House. Pieta was founded in Dublin in 2006. Pieta was established to provide free, accessible one-to-one counselling to people suffering from suicidal ideation, engaging in self-harm or to those bereaved by suicide. With over 200 qualified therapists across 20 physical centres, they do everything they can to ensure that help is available to those in crisis. In support of this worthy charity TY’s will be running a Bake sale on the 20th May.
As we near the Easter Break our Final Work Experience and Community Care is fast approaching. Students were previously asked to collect the relevant details for their week's employers. The final date for submission of employer details is today. It is very important that all students complete this form. Please check in with your child to ensure this has been done.
Speaking of the Easter Break, the time has come… the long awaited trip to Italy is finally here. We wish all our travelling students the very best on their Tour to Venice, Verona and Lake Garda. We look forward to keeping all parent(s)/guardian(s) updated on our travels and sharing the memories your children will be creating.
This week students had the opportunity to sign up to the following:
TY Pizza Challenge - 18th May
The Great TY Bake Off is back - 24th May
They also had the opportunity to express their interest in the 5th Year 2023 Ski Trip.
Dates for the Diary include:
TY Bake Sale - 20th May
TY Night - 25th May
We are also delighted to announce that there will be a Mystery Tour for all TY students on the 31st May, to celebrate a fantastic year.
Last but by no means least, our fantastic TY Rep’s have been flat out the past few weeks preparing a little treat for their parents, guardians and their fellow classmates. You may want to make yourself a cup of tea and grab some Easter egg. Enjoy a snapshot of their most recent adventures. As always, these superb TY students don't do anything by halves!
Happy Easter!
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 4:43 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
We wish all of our students, staff and parents a restful and relaxing Easter break. We look forward to welcoming all of our students back to school on the 25th April.
Open Day 14th May 2022
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 4:04 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
We would like to invite parents/guardians of our current First and Second Year students to our Open Day on the 14th May 2022 between 9.30-10.30 am. Many thanks.
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 3:59 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Please note that your daughter's Mock Examination Report is now available for viewing on VSware. Many thanks.
Geographical Genius!
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 3:58 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Well done to the Geography Department who, in preparation for our upcoming Open Day on the 14th May, turned their classrooms into continents with the aid of their dedicated geographers. Our Deputy Head Girl, Sara Devoy and Sports Captain, Orla O'Toole, had the difficult task of deciding the winner who was.....Ms O'Sullivan's classroom which transformed into Europe!
Lenten Ceremony and Le Chéile Day
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 3:32 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Today our whole school community watched the meaningful Lenten Ceremony put together by P5 and the Chaplain in preparation for Easter. We also celebrated Le Chéile Day at the end of our ceremony by creating chains of peace and unity upon which every student in the school wrote an intention for peace. The Le Chéile Council and P5 then displayed the peace chains in Reception for the whole school community to see and reflect upon. We wish our students, staff, Sisters of the Religious of Christian Education and parents a peaceful and restful Easter.
Lunch time Library Delights!
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 2:47 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Students tested their general knowledge today at lunchtime in the library where they engaged in a fun table quiz with our librarian. Sara Devoy, Sara Howard and Aoife McCarthy pipped the other 15 teams at the post to win a selection of Easter eggs. Well done to all involved!
UCD Entrance Scholars Awards
Created : 07 Apr 2022, 7:27 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to our twelve past pupils who were recognised as UCD Entrance Scholars for their academic achievement of 560 points or more in their Leaving Certificate. Rachel Clarke, Rachel Doyle, Caoilinn Gavin, Mariam Hassan, Connie Heather, Molly Hogan, Sarah McNaughton, Saoirse Murphy, Cara O'Shea, Ailbhe Staunton, Julie Traynor and Nadia Mohd Nazir were acknowledged as exceptional students this evening.