A reminder to TY students that they can only collect their results in school on Wednesday morning if their employer is amenable to this. If it does not suit a work place, students can get their results on-line at 4pm using the PIN number they were given on Friday. Students coming to school to get results can collect them between 10-11am in the Lecture Theatre, or after that, from Reception. Results cannot be given out to anyone other than the student themselves.
Many thanks
Reminder to students and parents that a full school uniform needs to be worn for the duration of their exams, not their school tracksuit. Exceptions only made for students that have extra curricular sports at lunch or after school.
Many thanks.
A reminder to 2nd Year parents to submit consent for this trip via the forms section on the app and payment via Easy Payments (link on the school website).
Many thanks.
We wish all our students the very best of luck in their assessments next week. It is important that students prepare well, but in so doing, ensure they eat, sleep and exercise well as part of a balanced approach. Please note that the canteen will be running next week, albeit, with a limited service. A reminder to all students that the option of supervised study is available until 15:28 p.m. each afternoon and 13:40 on Wednesday, in line with our normal school day. Please find attached a copy of the assessment timetable.
We wish all our students the very best of luck in their assessments next week. It is important that students prepare well, but in so doing, ensure they eat, sleep and exercise well as part of a balanced approach. Please note that the canteen will be running next week, albeit, with a limited service. A reminder to all students that the option of supervised study is available until 15:28 p.m. each afternoon and 13:40 on Wednesday, in line with our normal school day. Please find attached a copy of the assessment timetable.
We wish all our students the very best of luck in their assessments next week. It is important that students prepare well, but in so doing, ensure they eat, sleep and exercise well as part of a balanced approach. Please note that the canteen will be running next week, albeit, with a limited service. A reminder to all students that the option of supervised study is available until 15:28 p.m. each afternoon and 13:40 on Wednesday, in line with our normal school day. Please find attached a copy of the assessment timetable.
We wish all our students the very best of luck in their assessments next week. It is important that students prepare well, but in so doing, ensure they eat, sleep and exercise well as part of a balanced approach. Please note that the canteen will be running next week, albeit, with a limited service. A reminder to all students that the option of supervised study is available until 15:28 p.m. each afternoon and 13:40 on Wednesday, in line with our normal school day. Please find attached a copy of the assessment timetable.
We wish all our students the very best of luck in their assessments next week. It is important that students prepare well, but in so doing, ensure they eat, sleep and exercise well as part of a balanced approach. Please note that the canteen will be running next week, albeit, with a limited service. A reminder to all students that the option of supervised study is available until 15:28 p.m. each afternoon and 13:40 on Wednesday, in line with our normal school day. Please find attached a copy of the assessment timetable.
This week began with a marching start as TY’s were given a talk by a Lieutenant and Sergeant from the Irish Defence Forces. This entailed learning about the different branches of the army and how to work your way up the ranks, along with the attributes that the army looks for in their recruits and cadets. While this career may not be for everybody the TY’s were enlightened about just how rewarding it can be.
Tuesday came at a running pace as 60 TY students and their teachers ran, jogged, walked, or even scooted the route set out for Run in the Dark. This year, Run in the Dark was run by the Active School Flag class and was a great success. All told we raised €600 for Mark Pollock's mission to cure paralysis. As Mark says ‘There are no individual hero stories, it's about people working together to achieve more’ ’Run for those who dream to walk’. TY’s and the teachers got involved with face paint, lights, and colourful clothes. Enthusiasm was shown by all the OLS TY’s, they really did light up the dark! Everyone received medals for their participation. Staff volunteered their time to make sure everyone was safe and had fun. Some people ran while others walked but everybody completed their 5k and had fun.
On Wednesday the TY lab leaders greeted the 6th class Pius girls for two hours of fun filled science workshops. It was great to see the welcoming 4th years interacting with their assigned sixth classer and we hope to have a few future scientists in the making! Well done and thank you to all who got involved!
Thursday morning dawned with an array of bright colours. The TY’s assisted in creating the human pride flag by wearing green in their hair to support the LGBTQI+ community. The TY Journalism class decorated the GPA to celebrate the community and its members with flags, love hearts, and a wall of fame in conjunction with stand up awareness week.
TY Interviews were full speed ahead this week from Monday to Thursday with every TY meeting a teacher to show off their e-portfolio and discuss their TY experience so far. This interview was a great experience as the girls got a small taste of what it might be like to be interviewed for a job and answer questions on the spot. It was great to see the engagement that many of our students have in terms of signing up for everything TY has to offer and everybody agrees that they can’t wait for what is to come in the year ahead!
On Friday 4th years along with the rest of the school attended the annual Nun’s Feast day, a tradition that is unique only to Our Lady’s. This wonderful celebration was enjoyed by all and it made it even more special to have the nuns celebrating in person with us this year. Our TY’s participated by making their Anam Cara’s cards and being ceremony readers. What a lovely way to end the week before TY’s go off on their first work experience.
As we saw from the interviews and all that has been done so far this year, TY is all about gaining experience in different aspects of life. This week 50 lucky students have been allocated a spot to attend the Microsoft Dreamspace which is an immersive, research-based STEM experience for students, to enhance their STEM skills along with expanding on vital skills such as empathy, creativity, ethical decision making, and collaboration. The chosen students will attend three days of training over the course of the year and will be transported to and from the school. We can’t wait to see what the girls get up to!
Next week our TY’s go out into the world of work to experience whatever career they have chosen to try. Just a gentle reminder to all, each day a reflection Google Form will be posted on Google Classroom, this form must be filled out by the end of each day of work experience in order for you to get credits. Aswell as this, please ensure you have your Thank You card (given in pastoral care) filled out to give to your employer on Friday. Best of luck to all and we hope that everyone has an enjoyable experience and learns about their chosen career!
As many of you already know, Junior Cycle results will be released on Wednesday the 22nd of November. We know that our students will be on placement this week. A letter was posted on the app notifying parent(s)/guardian(s) and students that students can collect their results in school from 10 am. If this does not suit, students can access their results online from 4 pm. We are sending the very best of luck and congratulations to all. Well done on all your hard work and for achieving in Junior Cycle.
Finally, a gentle reminder that payment for Zipit is now due and payment for Microsoft Dreamspace closes today, Friday the 18th. We will see our TY’s back in the week beginning the 28th of November. Until then best of luck with your placements, and we can’t wait to hear all about them on your return!