A reminder that this will be held online for parents and students at 5.30pm today via the link below:
Students were given a hard copy of their schedule for Monday today. The schedule can also be accessed on-line on the platform through which appointments were requested.
Many thanks.
TY Update & What’s On Next Week
Stand Up Awareness Week
This week, the whole school celebrated ‘Stand Up Awareness Week’. There was a Pride-themed competition and a decorated board in the GPA to help spread the message to ‘Come in, not come out’!
Everyone wore a coloured ribbon in their hair, based on their year group, to show their support
1st Years: Red
2nd Years: Orange
3rd Years: Yellow
TY (aka the best year group): Green
5th Years: Blue
6th Years: Purple
Staff: Rainbow
Lab Leaders
On Tuesday, the TY Lab Leaders had their first training day. During Science Week next week, these students will invite students from St Pius X GNS to Our Lady’s to show them what the Science programme has to offer in our school - and many more opportunities, too!
Knovember Knitathon
The highly-anticipated Knitathon is back!!! Bring your knitting needles and wool to the GPA and start knitting for the month of (K)November! All items of clothing knitted will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul. You can purchase them in the GPA if you do not own any knitting equipment.
TY Reminders
Uniform Reminder
A reminder that a full school uniform must be worn except for the days that you have Recreational Studies, a Development Day, Musical or Sports Leadership. Uniform checks will happen next week.
Fighting Words
Every year, Fighting Words publishes a magazine of exciting new writing by young people from all over Ireland.They are delighted to announce that they are now inviting submissions from secondary school students to be included in the supplement in 2024. They are looking for short pieces of fictional writing on any theme. As well as prose pieces, they also welcome poems, scripts and songs.
Have a look on the TY Google Classroom for more info!
What’s On Next Week
Science Week
Everyone, get your lab coats on and prepare for Science Week! Check the Google Classroom to see which rooms and lab leaders will work with the Pius X GNS girls on Tuesday. We hope to see sparks flying and lots of learning around the experiments! We could end with a good science joke…but all the good ones ‘Argon’!
TY Development Day 2
On the 16th of November, the TYs will be participating in their second TY Development Day of the year. Each class will take part in a different activity; these activities will be very beneficial to the students as they bond with their classmates as well as learn new skills. TY Development Days help to grow each student’s independence and broaden our minds. Be prepared! See below for your development day schedule.
TY 1: Zoo
TY 2: Self Defence
TY 3: Retreat
TY 4: Town Tour
TY 5: First Aid
Nuns’ Feast Day & Celebration of House
Next Friday, 17th November, the whole school will celebrate the annual Nuns’ Feast Day - this year is special as it is the 70th year since OLS began! We are extremely honoured and proud to be part of the amazing legacy built by the RCE Sisters in this time - they always support the school and each student in our community. We kindly ask that each TY class makes a card to acknowledge their Anam Cara - the cards should be signed by class members next Tuesday - and will be presented to the Sisters on Friday.
‘Run in the Dark’
Many TY students will participate in “Run in the Dark” in aid of The Mark Pollock Trust on Tuesday, 14 November. The Trust's mission is to find and connect those people worldwide to fast-track a cure for paralysis. Everybody participating has donated 15 euros to this worthy cause, and we can’t wait to see everybody out and ready to run or walk on Tuesday evening at 5pm. Make sure to wear as much COLOUR and bright lights as possible. We hope you enjoy!
Gaisce - Overnight Glendalough Hike
The highly anticipated Glendalough Hike is here! Please see the attached details on how to book your spot.
That’s all for this week, thanks for reading.
Written by: Kate Smyth, Freya Lilly Eggen and Ciara Brereton TY5)
The next OLS parents book club meeting will be on Wednesday 22nd November at 7.30 pm in the Two Sisters pub, Terenure. The book is How to build a boat, by Elaine Feeney. All are welcome!
A reminder that school will finish at 3.15pm on Monday 13th November to facilitate the 5th Year Parent-Teacher Meeting. After school study will therefore begin and end 15 minutes earlier than usual.
Students and staff have enjoyed a busy first week back after midterm, please find the link to the Newsletter from the first term here, in case you missed it.https://olschool.ie/our-school/school-newsletters/
Ballyroan Library will be running a Music/DJ Workshop for teens on Wednesday 15th November from 5.00-7.00pm. A great opportunity to discover the creative possibilities of music technology through beat matching, layering songs and adding effects. All are welcome, booking in advance isn't necessary.
Very proud to be wearing colours for OLS Stand Up Week!!