Displaying 1631-1640 of 3099 results.
TY: What's on Next Week
Created : 26 Feb 2021, 2:43 PM
Archived : 26 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to all the students who partook in the RCSI MiniMed programme this week. It's great that so many girls were able to experience the field of medicine as all other work placements in that field have been closed for the year due to the pandemic. Well done to our ISL class who finished their last class on Tuesday. The girls will be continuing with their practicing of the language to achieve their Gaisce 'Personal Skill' credits.
Please see some notices for the week ahead.
1. Subject talks will be happening during your classes this week. Please remind your daughter to review the timetable on the google classroom and be on time to all talks. Your daughter should be using this time to help her with her choices for next year.
2. Tuesday there will be a student talk from SISK Engineering. Meet link will be posted on this google classroom prior to talk starting.
3. Thursday between break and lunchtime, your daughter will be attending the virtual iWish event. This event outlines different opportunities for women in STEM careers or projects. It will outline women in STEM both in Ireland and also opportunities abroad. On Monday she will receive a registration link to sign up for the event, please reminder her to sign up before the deadline. Before then she should download the app 'iWish 2021' where she can review the speakers for the day and the schedule or our session, session B.
4. A reminder that there are competition invites from the Shóna Project, Generation Apprenticeship, CIF, The Story of Our Stuff, and iWish with prizes ranging from €1000 cash to a laptop. All those deadlines are fast approaching (outlined on the google classroom Friday post before the midterm). If your daughter is planning to enter make sure that he has her piece submitted prior to the deadline.
5. There is a meeting next week Tuesday at 15:18 after school for students who are continuing with ISL for their Gaisce. Meeting will be between 15 and 20mins.
Have a happy Friday!
Created : 25 Feb 2021, 3:52 PM
Archived : 26 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done everyone on a week's hard work. We are very proud of the OLS community for their commitment to putting in their best efforts so consistently. Enjoy a well earned break at the weekend!
Anyone for yoga and mindfulness?
Created : 25 Feb 2021, 3:37 PM
Archived : 26 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Ms Finnegan and Ms Reilly are inviting you to join a Google Classroom for Yoga and Mindfulness. Anybody is free to join for some live and some pre-recorded yoga classes, guided breathing and meditation classes. The code is 6kw6hhb. We look forward to seeing you there!
Happy Makha Bucha Day from the Interfaith and Cultural Group!
Created : 25 Feb 2021, 3:30 PM
Archived : 26 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Buddhists in Thailand, Cambodia, Lao, Burma and Sri Lanka, celebrate Makha Bucha Day on the 26th February. It commemorates a historical meeting between the Buddha and his first 1,250 disciples. Today, Buddhists visit their local temple, listen to Buddhist teachings, give alms to monks and recite Buddhist scriptures. The highlight of Makha Bucha is the candlelight procession in the evening when everyone is invited to decorate the temples in candlelight. Happy Makha Bucha Day from the Interfaith and Cultural Group.
6th Year Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration Form (HSE/HPSC)
Created : 25 Feb 2021, 5:27 PM
Archived : 25 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Parents/Guardians of 6th Year students must submit a form via the Consent tab of the app (see image below) before the 6th Years return to school on Monday.
Many thanks.
6th Year Assembly
Created : 25 Feb 2021, 8:47 AM
Archived : 25 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
A reminder that 6th Year students have a link for their assembly via email. Parents are welcome to listen in!
It's Ireland Reads Day!
Created : 24 Feb 2021, 5:43 PM
Archived : 25 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Treat yourself and squeeze in a read today!
Ireland Reads is a new campaign from Irish libraries, Children’s Books Ireland, NALA, booksellers, publishers and others to get the whole country reading this month as part of the Government’s national Keep Well campaign.
More info: www.irelandreads.ie
From our Interfaith and Cultural group...
Created : 24 Feb 2021, 5:38 PM
Archived : 25 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Starting this evening and leading into tomorrow, Jewish communities around the world are celebrating Purim. Purim is the happiest day on the Jewish calendar and commemorates the survival of the Jews who, in the 5th Century, were marked for death by their Persian rulers. They were saved by the courage of a young Jewish woman called Esther. (Book of Esther)
Purim is celebrated among Jews by:
Exchanging gifts of food and drink known as mishloach manot
Donating charity to the poor - mattanot la-evyonim
Eating a celebratory meal known as se'udat Purim
Public recitation of the scroll of Ester.
Perhaps we could all take something from this special celebration and do something nice that brings joy to our lives.
OLS Interfaith and Cultural Group
A Message and an Invitation from our School Chaplain...
Created : 24 Feb 2021, 3:01 PM
Archived : 25 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Good morning!
I hope you all had a relaxing Midterm break. Well done to one and all for showing such resilience in your ability to adapt to online learning and the successes you have achieved. I hope you rewarded yourselves during the break by taking a few extra hours in bed, a few more movies with snacks and, of course, a chance to do activities that make you feel good about yourself.
Keep the Faith. Whether this is your Faith in God, belief that this too shall pass or faith that this is an opportunity for you to reevaluate your life, remember to keep strong and persevere.
During this, the second week of Lent, the Le Chéile Council, have begun a Book of Hope. Easter is a time of great celebration for the Christian community and we hope that this book can bring hope, comfort and courage to those who read it. Our sister school in Farnborough launched this idea and we thought it would be lovely to create a similar book in Our Lady's School, Dublin.
We are inviting one and all, present and past students, teachers and retired staff, grandparents, the Religious of Christian Education and anyone who would like, to contribute to our digital book. Please include anything that boosts your spirit. If you have a favourite book, poem, song, recipe, film review, knitting pattern, photo or anything you would like to include, please email it to chaplain@olschool.ie
Please find attached the first few pages of our book.
Good luck to all those doing assessments this week and the 6th Years returning to school on Monday.
God Bless,
C. Coyne
6th Year Parents/Guardians
Created : 24 Feb 2021, 11:50 AM
Archived : 24 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see the attached letter from the Principal.