Displaying 1561-1570 of 3099 results.
TY & 5th Year Parents & Guardians & Students
Created : 24 Mar 2021, 12:55 PM
Archived : 24 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see attached two notices about valuable upcoming careers events organised for TY and 5th Year students - a medicine/HPAT info session and our annual Careers Expo. These are both superb opportunities for our students to explore different career paths. Further details are attached.
Many thanks.
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Good morning :)
Created : 24 Mar 2021, 7:56 AM
Archived : 24 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Keep up the great work this morning and treat yourself to a mid-week perk, away from your desk, this afternoon!
2nd & 5th Year Spring Reports
Created : 23 Mar 2021, 4:12 PM
Archived : 23 May 2021, 12:00 AM
These are now available to view on VSware.
Some inspiration from the 1st Years...
Created : 22 Mar 2021, 3:43 PM
Archived : 23 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Last week in Assembly the 1st Years considered our strong sense of national pride, which was the inspiration for some photography! Well done to Ciara Quinn C1 for her beautiful photo of an Irish admiral butterfly, Kate Lucy M1 for her lovely photo of an Irish harp and Ellie Ward P1 for her colourful capture. These photos remind us of how we can embrace the outdoors, hobbies and music to enhance our wellbeing. Can you work any of these in to your day today for a wellbeing boost?
3rd Year Parents/Guardians & Students
Created : 22 Mar 2021, 4:03 PM
Archived : 22 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Please read the attached letter from the Principal regarding Junior Cycle 2021.
Further details are in the second document attached.
Many thanks.
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After School Study Update
Created : 22 Mar 2021, 3:53 PM
Archived : 22 May 2021, 12:00 AM
6th Year Study:
In keeping with Covid 19 guidelines, 6th Year after school study has returned on a phased basis. At present, any 6th Year student who has submitted an application form and made payment can avail of after school study. 6th Year students wishing to attend study after the Easter break must submit an application form to the school office and make payment via easy payments or submit cash/cheque along with their application form. The application form is available on the school website under documents, after school study. Please note that students can not attend study until their application form and payment is submitted.
2nd, 3rd and 5th Year Study:
At present, after school study is returning on a phased basis for our 6th Year students only. We will review this decision on a weekly basis when we return after the Easter break in April. We will keep all students and parents informed of any updates via the app and through in school announcements.
Please note that any refunds due will be processed at the end of the academic year.
Many thanks.
Welcome to the Week!
Created : 22 Mar 2021, 8:20 AM
Archived : 22 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Good morning! Give it your best shot this morning as we head into the final week of the term. A break is just around the corner so give it your all this week!
TY: What's on Next Week
Created : 07 May 2021, 4:29 PM
Archived : 21 May 2021, 1:00 AM
Well done to all engaging with our Cyber Safety talks on Tuesday. Congratulations to all our zipliners and hikers who had two busy days.. Some pictures from the trips have been attached. Please see below some notices for the week ahead.
1. On Monday L4 will be getting their First Aid qualifications, on Wednesday it will be C4 and on Friday it is B4. Students should go straight to Lourdes Hall on their course day and please remind your daughter to check google classroom for room swaps.
2. Deadlines for ePortfolio is today. Please remind your daughter to publish her latest version so that it will be all present for grading next week.
3. Well done all who have submitted their Gaisce applications. 34 students have been applied for so far. Please remind your daughter to get her application in asap. Details of how to submit are on the google classroom.
4. Videoing for the TY Night is taking place on Wednesday and Thursday after school. Please meet in rm 23 on both days if you are one of the speakers.
5. Winners of the various competitions that took place on the hike will be announced in PasCare on Monday.
6. INTINN (The movie workshop done last Thursday with UCC) have emailed a random selection of students who signed up to participate in feedback. They would be grateful if these could be completed as soon as possible., if your daughter received the email.
TY: What's on Next Week
Created : 30 Apr 2021, 4:54 PM
Archived : 21 May 2021, 1:00 AM
Well done to all who participated in the in school work experience programme this week, and well done to all who were out on work experience placements. All students have had glowing reports from their respective employers & teachers. The TY students start their End of Year Interviews today and they will continue on Tuesday & Wednesday. A reminder that we have no school on Monday due to Bank Holiday.
Please see below some notices for the week ahead.
1. Cyber Safety
Zeeko will be delivering our internet safety talk on Tuesday. during Maths and Business classes on the TY google classroom the schedule is outlined for the students.
On Wednesday we will be attending the Inspire & Inform Expo run by IBEC. Please see a blurb from IBEC to explain the aims of the expo. An agenda has been shared with your daughter and all log ins will be sorted on the day.
Inspire and Inform
TYTalks21 is an exciting new virtual event that has been created for all Transition Year students in Ireland. The event is designed to inspire and motivate students for the future of work.
Post-Covid, TY students will need to move forward with their education and career choices. The team at Ibec has partnered with the National Association of Principals and Deputy Principles (NAPD) to create a half-day immersive event for all of Ireland’s 45,000 TY students. The event will give insight into the world of work, the skills of the future, different career pathways and so much more.
Listen to futurists, business minds, educators, young leaders, and entrepreneurs. There will be a virtual Expo area showcasing learning and skills partners, an industries discovery zone and enjoy a fun scavenger hunt for cool prizes.
3. Please see some messages from LYIT for their open night on Thursday the 6th of May.
LYIT's Virtual Open Evening takes place from 3-7pm on Thursday 6 May. This event will come LIVE from the campus on You Tube, Facebook and on the Open Day platform: openday.lyit.ie/
The schedule for this event is outlined below in pictures. Register to attend this event on the link below:
4. Please see an email received from the Academy of Code in regards to a Summer Camp they are running. They have given us a discount code, included in the paragraph below.
Learn to code from home this summer with The Academy of Code - Summer coding camps for kids & teens ages 8-18. Whether you’re a new student learning the basics, a returning student looking to take your skills to the next level, or a leaving cert student looking to do a third-level computer science course, expert tutors will cater for all of this and more. Have fun learning to code with live tutors, small class sizes (6:1 student teacher ratio), and interactive lessons - all through Zoom! Join for a few weeks or the whole summer. For an additional €10 off early-bird prices, use code OLTCODE10 (Early-bird runs until May 3rd!). Flyer attached. More info & register: www.theacademyofcode.com/online-summer-camps-2021
6. A reminder for your daughter that ePortfolios and Gaisce are due by Friday the 7th of May.
7. On Thursday (6th) & Friday (7th) we are going on day trips. Please see attached a doc explaining what classes are going to what places and the times.
There is also a list of equipment which your daughter MUST bring in order to partake.. Permission for the trip is covered within the initial trips permission which you filled out in September.
Wellbeing Week Wrap Up
Created : 19 Mar 2021, 3:13 PM
Archived : 19 May 2021, 12:00 AM
What a fab end to Wellbeing Week - Zumba organised by Ms Reilly and a chocolate run stocked by the wonderful Parents' Council - thank you!
We are ready to announce the winners of the Wellbeing Week prizes. Well done to all who participated and congratulations to our winners.
Cheesecake Winner:
Congratulations to Ruth McDonnell C2. You have won at Dr Oetker baking hamper. You will get it when you return to school after the break.
Movie Night Hampers:
1 girl from each year has been selected at random to win a Movie Night Hamper. Here are the winners.
1st Year- Michaela Harty
2nd Year- Lily O' Brien
3rd Year- Aoibheann Boyle
4th Year- Grace Millington
5th Year- Gráinne McManus
6th Year- Carys McDermott
Teacher- Ms Nyland
You will get your hamper when you return to school after the break.
Well done to all !