Displaying 881-890 of 2243 results.
CPC student has work published online
Created : 23 Jun 2022, 4:06 PM
Archived : 01 Aug 2022, 1:00 AM
School may be 'out for the summer' and the exams coming to an end, but we still love to hear about our students' successes. Well done to TY student James Groome, whose work is published by the Museum of Childhood on their website. In the piece James reflects on his writing journey to date and encourages others to give it a try. You can read the full piece here: museumofchildhood.ie/reflections-on-playing-with-the-pen/
More boxing success for a CPC student
Created : 23 Jun 2022, 9:45 AM
Archived : 01 Aug 2022, 1:00 AM
Well done to 2nd year Danny Mahon, who is the new junior Irish cadet 54kg champion. A fantastic achievement - we're all very proud of you Danny! See photo for more details.
Leaving Certificate Examinations 2022 Candidate Information Guide
Created : 03 Jun 2022, 3:43 PM
Archived : 01 Aug 2022, 1:00 AM
Dear students, parents and guardians, The SEC has sent a reminder today of the Candidate Information Guide in advance of the commencement of the 2022 Leaving Certificate examinations on Wednesday 8th June. It is attached here for convenience.

Deferred Examinations 2022
Created : 03 Jun 2022, 3:37 PM
Archived : 01 Aug 2022, 1:00 AM
Further to my previous post please find attached the final attachment relating to Deferred Examinations 2022.

Deferred Examinations 2022
Created : 03 Jun 2022, 3:36 PM
Archived : 01 Aug 2022, 1:00 AM
Dear students, parents and guardians, Please see below important correspondence from the SEC (please note the 3rd attachment will follow separately): For the 2022 Leaving Certificate, it has been announced that a second sitting of the Leaving Certificate will be provided with access strictly limited to students unable to sit one or more papers in the main sitting in June on grounds of serious medical reasons and due to close family bereavement. For the 2022 examinations candidates with Covid-19 or with symptoms of Covid-19, will also have access to a deferred sitting of the examinations. I am now attaching three important documents setting out details of the deferred examinations series. These documents are: Sec Circular S34/22 outlining the Deferred Examination series Addendum to the Deferred Examination series outlining the Covid-19 criteria Information for Candidates and Parents/Guardians on the Deferred examination - (Extract from the Leaving Certificate Candidate Information Guide. The full guide will issue later this week). Please read this material carefully as there is an important role for the school in the application process for the deferred examinations series. Please bring these documents to the attention of Leaving Certificate candidates in your school. All of the documents are available on our website at www.examinations.ie/ As you know three Leaving Certificate written examinations have already been completed during term time. The LCVP examination was held in schools on Wednesday May 4; LCA ICT on Wednesday 11 May and the LC Computer Science examination was held on Wednesday 25 May. Deferred examinations will be available for eligible candidates for these examinations also. We have a number of applications from schools for a deferred sit in these examinations and therefore we will be in direct contact with the schools who have submitted requests for the deferred sit on behalf of candidates to arrange for the deferred examination. The LCVP will take place on Wednesday 29 June in the regional centres set up for the deferred series while the Computer Science examination will be held will on Saturday June 18 in the candidates school.


End of Year Classroom Clear Out
Created : 30 May 2022, 3:55 PM
Archived : 30 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Over the coming days we ask that students remove ALL their belongings from the classrooms. You may need to send them in with some bags to assist with this task. Classrooms will be cleaned and reconfigured over the summer and we have no way to store things that have been left behind. School books are an expensive resource, please remind your student not to leave any behind! As always, thank you for your support with this important end of year task.
6th Years Finish with a great send off
Created : 27 May 2022, 11:42 PM
Archived : 28 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
6th years said their goodbyes to CPC on Thursday with a day of great celebrations. They were firstly treated to breakfast by their Year Head, Ms. Gillespie, before having their awards ceremony in the Community Hall. The awards celebrated excellence in effort, subject specific skills, academic excellence and sports. The big award of the ceremony is always the Principal's Prize which is given to a student who throughout their 6 years in CPC has, through their actions, been a great role model to everyone in CPC. This Years Principal Prize winner was James Ryan, a wonderful, kind, caring, helpful, hardworking student. Well done James and everyone who won an award. Once the awards concluded, the 6th year's were treated to a very emotional video full of memories and well wishing message from teachers. Thank you to Mr. Dowd for putting this together. Later that evening was graduation mass and we all headed to the church for a lovely ceremony organised by the CPC Religious Department. This is always and was a very special evening in CPC. Thank you to all the 6th year's for being such a big part of CPC over the last 6 years. We wish you the best of luck in your exams and in life after CPC. Congratulations to you all on now being CPC Graduates.
2nd Year Awards Ceremony
Created : 27 May 2022, 9:56 PM
Archived : 27 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to all 2nd year students who received awards today. Students were presented with awards today by our principal Mr Leonard for: - Cooperation - Application to Study - Academic Excellence - Music - Sports - School Leadership roles in the Student Council and as Class Captains. Well done to all students who received awards and well done to all 2nd year students on successfully completing their second year in Cross and Passion College. Wishing all 2nd years the best of luck in their summer exams which start next week. Ms Mills
3rd Year Awards Ceremony
Created : 27 May 2022, 5:45 PM
Archived : 27 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to all our 3rd Year Award recipients on their achievements which were celebrated this morning. Awards were presented by our principal Mr Leonard for Student Co-operation, Application to Study and Academic Excellence. Other awards included the Subject Awards, Progression in Musical Instruments and Singing, Sports Awards, Attendance Awards and BT Young Scientist participants Certificates. The 3rd Year Class Captains received certificates for all their help and support of the year group throughout the year. Students were given medals for their time and efforts for their role in the Student Council this year. A special word of congratulations to Adam Bermingham of 3B who was awarded the Junior Principal's Prize of 2022 in recognition of Adam's overall contribution to school life. Well done to each and every 3rd Year student who has successfully completed their first three years of secondary school in Cpc. Wishing you all the very best in your upcoming State Exams. Ms Fennell.
“Well” done everyone
Created : 27 May 2022, 1:07 PM
Archived : 27 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
A huge thank you to everyone who supported the fundraiser to build a Well for a community in a developing country. We just reached our target 1300 euro. A number of activities were organised to achieve this. 1B and Ms. Quinto organised a penalty shoot out, 2D and Ms. Quinto organised a Cake sale 3A and the Student Council organised a Civies day 3A also fasted and organised a 'Guess the amount of sweets in the jar' competition. 1st years and their teachers (Ms. Murphy. Ms. O'Dea, Ms. Duke and Ms. O'Connell and Mr. Prendergast) took part in the 'walk for water' Some personal donations were received from teachers (thank you very much particularly to Ms. Boran). You have made the wishes come true for children and families in one of the poorest and most vulnerable communities in the world. What an amazing thing to do. This will truly change the lives of a community. This Community Well will make a lasting difference by providing reliable, clean water - helping to sustain a whole community, so they can thrive and build a better future. Thank you for transforming lives with your kindness and support. Ms. Flanagan