Displaying 1611-1620 of 2406 results.
Zoom Presentation for Parents/Guardians on how they can Support the Student with Dyslexia at Second Level - Kildare Education Centre
Created : 20 Jan 2021, 3:25 PM
Archived : 20 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Subject Information Meeting for Students in TY going into 5th Year - Thursday 18th march 2pm - please register
Created : 16 Mar 2021, 11:46 AM
Archived : 19 Mar 2021, 11:34 AM
Dear students,
thank you to everybody who attended last evening's webinar regarding senior cycle options in CPC. I hope you found it useful in providing the information that will assist you in making the decisions ahead.
You will remember that we mentioned that a follow up subject information webinar will take place this Thursday, 18th March at 2pm. At this webinar you will have a chance to hear about the choice subjects available for Leaving Certificate (Established) and what is entailed in them in senior cycle. This will help when you are selecting your choice subject preferences from Friday.
Please register for the webinar here:
When: Mar 18, 2021 02:00 PM Dublin
Topic: Subject Information Meeting for Students in TY going into 5th Year
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Kind regards
J Leonard
Candidate Self Service Portal - closes today 6pm
Created : 16 Mar 2021, 10:23 AM
Archived : 19 Mar 2021, 11:34 AM
As you are aware the Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) opened on Wednesday of last week to allow Leaving Certificate candidates to confirm their subject and level entry details online, and to indicate whether they wish to sit the examinations, to receive SEC Accredited Grades, or both.
The Portal will close today, Tuesday 16th March, at 6 pm and as of this morning, there is an estimated 6,000 candidates who have not yet registered.
The registration process is extremely important because, not only does it allow candidates to register and opt for the examinations and/or accredited grades, but will also allow candidates to confirm their subjects and level in late April or early May; access their examination results; view their estimated percentage mark and component marks; view scripts which were marked on-line; lodge an appeal; access their appeal results, view their appealed component marks and access the independent appeals scrutineers process.
Given the range of services to be provided through the Portal, I have been asked to establish if there are any candidates in our school who have not yet registered or completed the registration process and actively encourage those candidates to do so before it closes at 6 pm today. Registration on the portal is a very simple process and involves 3 stages; registration, account activation, confirmation of subjects and opt to sit the examinations or accredited grades or both. On completion of all 3 stages, candidates will receive a confirmation e-mail from the SEC. To date a number of students nationally have also only completed stage 1 of the registration process so it is equally important to encourage candidates to complete the process.
Please read the ‘Before you Start Guide’ which takes you through the process before you commence the registration process. If you have yet to register remember the following before you hit the Submit button on the portal:
When you have made their choices for each subject and BEFORE you hit the Submit button, carefully review selections to ensure they are correct. When you see the Warning do not ignore it; check the page again. You will not be able to go back to alter choices on the portal at this time.
If you need IT facilities available to have the opportunity and facilities to complete this very important process, please let us know immediately.
Please note if you have any difficulty registering please ring the helpdesk at 1800 111135 or 1800 111136 during 9am and 6pm or email the details including your candidate number to candidateportal@examinations.ie and they will be able to assist you.
Reminder - webinar 7.30pm for all students and parents/guardians in Transition Year - register in advance
Created : 15 Mar 2021, 5:42 PM
Archived : 19 Mar 2021, 11:34 AM
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Mar 15, 2021 07:30 PM Dublin
Topic: Information evening ahead of 5th year for parents & students
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Kind regards
J Leonard
Webinar for TY students today 2pm
Created : 18 Mar 2021, 11:34 AM
Archived : 19 Mar 2021, 11:34 AM
Reminder - Information webinar for students in TY about subjects for Leaving Certificate today at 2pm. Details of how to register have been posted on the school app and on Google Classroom.
6th year awards 2020
Created : 19 Jan 2021, 11:38 AM
Archived : 19 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
As you all know, unfortunately the Class of 2020 did not have a 'normal' end to their time in CPC. It was not possible during the school closure to hold an awards ceremony and the students had to graduate 'online'. We desperately wanted to gather the whole year group back together this year to say goodbye as a group but sadly due to the public health situation this has not been possible.
Instead, just before Christmas, we invited the main award winners to the school to present them with their awards and show them where their names had been added to the school roll of honour in the entrance hall.
The award recipients, pictured with myself, Ms Harney, Ms Lennon and Ms Mills (Year Head), are:
Fiona Eguare - Principal's Prize and Academic Achievement Award
Dylan O'Driscoll and Jack Bathe - LCA Students of the Year
Ava Marron and Daniel Coughlan - Sports Awards Winners
A small tribute to a fantastic year group.
My thanks to Mr Dowling for the coordination of the awards.
New Deputy Principal in CPC
Created : 18 Jan 2021, 5:20 PM
Archived : 18 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians and students,
I am delighted to inform you that Ms Aisling Reigh will join CPC as Deputy Principal with effect from 27th January 2021.
Ms Reigh will replace Ms Fiona Lennon as Ms Lennon has taken up the position of Principal of St Mary’s CBS in Carlow. We are sorry to see Ms Lennon leave and thank her sincerely for her valuable contribution to the college since her arrival in September 2019. We all wish Ms Lennon well in her new school.
Ms Reigh joins CPC Kilcullen from Tallaght Community School, Dublin, where she has worked for the past 20 years. Alongside being a classroom teacher, over the years Ms Reigh contributed to the school as a head of department, a Year Head, school chaplain and most recently as the Acting Deputy Principal.
Outside of school, Ms Reigh has worked as a resource writer and facilitator for the PDST (Professional Development Service for Teachers) and as a Whole School Associate with the JCT (Junior Cycle for Teachers). Recently she qualified as a Restorative Practice trainer and facilitator, something she feels very passionate about.
Ms Reigh is excited to be joining CPC Kilcullen and continuing her connection with the Le Chéile Trust. I’m sure you will join me in wishing Ms Reigh well in her work in CPC.
Kind regards
J Leonard
Mock Exams - important update
Created : 18 Jan 2021, 12:26 PM
Archived : 18 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians and students,
I hope you are keeping well and managed a break over the weekend from remote learning.
As you know, the mock exams for 3rd and 6th years were scheduled to begin in early February.
The current government plan is to reopen schools on the 1st February, but as we have all learned over the past 12 months, these plans can change due to the nature of this public health crisis.
At our most recent staff meeting, teachers expressed serious concern about running the mock exams immediately on our return without the opportunity to re-engage in person with the students. However, we all know the benefit of completing a mock paper and so it is important that students have the opportunity to do mock exams.
A further complication was the sudden announcement by DEB, one of only two companies who supply mock examination papers, that they were ceasing all trading for the rest of this academic year. The majority of schools had orders placed with this company. This has forced schools to order all papers from one company with no guarantee that papers would be available by our originally proposed start date. Papers have been ordered for the students.
The academic calendar is finely tuned and disruption tends to have a knock-on effect. As I write, schools are awaiting further guidance from the DES/SEC with regard to rearranged dates for project completion etc. The positioning of rearranged mock exams needs to be carefully aligned with other components of the state examinations.
Once the arrangements from the DES/SEC become clearer we will be in a position to finalise plans for the mock exams. However, at the time of writing, what we do know is that the mock exams will not take place immediately on our return in February and it is likely that they will run after the mid-term break, exact dates to be confirmed.
In the meantime, continue to engage with your teachers and keep up with the work set / attend lessons as appropriate and plan for the mock exams with the timeline indicated here.
An email will be sent to parents/guardians with details of how to pay for the mock papers in the coming days.
Best wishes
J Leonard
Wellbeing Challenges - week 2
Created : 18 Jan 2021, 12:06 PM
Archived : 18 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
My thanks again to Ms O'Connell for sending this week's Wellbeing Challenges - best of luck completing them!
Supports/initiatives and some updates
Created : 17 Jan 2021, 12:09 PM
Archived : 17 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians and students,
I hope you are all keeping well. Please find below a variety of possible supports/initiatives that have been shared by staff, parents and agencies. There may be something of interest for you.
1. New online podcast group for 12-18 year olds in Kildare West Wicklow
Foróige Drug Prevention & Education Initiative is establishing a new online group this month for 12-18 year olds living in Co. Kildare and West Wicklow.
The focus of the group will be to develop skills to create and produce a podcast.
The aim of the podcast group is to give young people a safe platform to discuss drugs and alcohol and share their views and thoughts through discussions and debates while clarifying misinformation and myths around substances. The Podcast group will meet online every Monday at 7pm.
Young people can sign up for the group via this link:
Further information is available from Darren Shanahan on 086 7953215 or email: Darren.shanahan@foroige.ie
2. In light of the COVID-19 situation with continued school closures, EDCO have created an account which students can use to access their Edco Post Primary e-books and resources to support learning from home!
Click on the attached photo for details!
3. #HereForYou - Bereavement Support Campaign Kildare West Wicklow
A 10-week online information campaign is being launched on 18th January with the aim of profiling and raising awareness of bereavement supports and services that are available to people living in Kildare and West Wicklow. The campaign has been funded by the HSE under Connecting for Life Kildare and West Wicklow.
The campaign has been developed by an inter-agency group comprising the HSE, Kildare Youth Services, Kildare CYPSC, Irish Hospice Foundation and the Irish Childhood Bereavement Network.
9 national and local services will be profiled as part of the campaign. They are:
1. Irish Hospice Foundation - W/C 18th Jan
2. Irish Hospice Foundation 2 - W/C 25th Jan
3. KYS - W/C 1st Feb
4. Pieta House - W/C 8th Feb
5. Anam Cara - W/C 15th Feb
6. Curragh FRC - W/C 22nd Feb
7. ICBN - W/C 1st March
8. HUGG - W/C 8th March
9. Barnardos - W/C 15th March
10. Turas Le Cheile - W/C 22nd March
Each week there will be 3 posts: Monday, Wednesday & Friday.
Please support the campaign by:
· Following the campaign on social media channels
· Liking the posts.
· Sharing/retweeting the posts using #HereForYou
4. Breathing Technique to reduce stress and anxiety
5. My Child Has Lost All Motivation! Distance Learning, Round 3 www.additudemag.com/distance-learning-motivation-adhd/
The first week of remote learning went very well with some really positive and interesting feedback from staff and students. One thing that has emerged has been the need for parents/guardians to have oversight of what students are engaging in - particularly in the junior years. I know this proves a challenge when so many parents are working from home but it is important that no student is involved in any disruption to the teaching and learning that could lead to them getting into serious trouble.
I will continue to share any information I get as soon as I get it - generally the pattern has been that announcements come through the media first and then schools receive details some time afterwards.
In the meantime, keep safe and well.
J Leonard