Displaying 1561-1570 of 2406 results.
Important webinar event for TY students and parents
Created : 12 Mar 2021, 9:45 AM
Archived : 12 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear students and parents,
I hope this email finds you well. As you know, currently the government plan as part of the phased reopening of schools is for Transition Year students to return to school after the Easter holidays on April 12th. We are really looking forward to having you back with us.
I have to pay tribute to the students for the level of engagement that continues in these challenging circumstances. We know that remote learning is not the same as being in school, but so many of you are continuing to make the most of the wonderful opportunities being provided to you to experience new things and continue to learn. On that note I must also thank your teachers and in particular Ms Groome for her coordination of the programme. I know that parents have been receiving weekly emails detailing the extra opportunities that are available to students and in a strange way the remote model has possibly meant that students could engage in even more experiences. Well done to all!
During this time it is also necessary to plan for next year and your progression into 5th year. You are invited to register for an information webinar that will take place on Monday 15th at 7.30pm via Zoom.
The purpose of this webinar is to share with you important information about the various programmes on offer in CPC in 5th year; Leaving Certificate Established, Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme and Leaving Certificate Applied Programme.
In addition you will hear from a career guidance point of view the pathways that each programme lead to as well advice around subject selection in this regard.
Finally you will hear about how to submit your subject preferences for Leaving Certificate through VsWare.
This webinar will be followed up by a subject information session for students on Thursday 18th March (further details will follow).
For now I ask that you register for the webinar to receive the link for the meeting on Monday 15th at 7.30pm.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Mar 15, 2021 07:30 PM Dublin
Topic: Information evening ahead of 5th year for parents & students
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Kind regards
J Leonard
AILO (All Ireland Linguistic Olympiad)
Created : 09 Mar 2021, 3:54 PM
Archived : 10 May 2021, 12:00 AM
We would like to wish Adam Bermingham 2B, the very best of luck as he takes part in the AILO national final this afternoon.
Having been successful in the preliminary round held at the end of January, Adam placed in the top 100 students nationwide.
This is a fantastic achievement as hundreds of students across 61 schools competed in the preliminary round of this very challenging competition. Adam is the first student from CPC to represent our school in the national final.
All your hard work has paid off to get you to the final.....Congratulations and Good Luck Adam!
#forDonal Webinar
Created : 09 Mar 2021, 3:52 PM
Archived : 09 May 2021, 12:00 AM
TY students attended the #for Donal Webinar organised by Cormac Stone of UCD Connect in aid of the Wicklow Hospice to build a 'Donal Den', a space for teenage patients.
Donal's mother Elma shared his story, allowing us hear Donal's own words through a video. It was an extremely powerful presentation. Cormac Stone (UCD), Kieran Donaghy (Kerry footballer) and Tom Parsons (GAA) all spoke to us about caring for ourselves.
We were reminded to be positive, particularly when using Social Media. The speakers recommended Pieta House, Jigsaw, The Samaritans and One Million Lives www.oml.world as very useful helping people mind their mental health, particularly in the current circumstances. We donated €115 from Cross & Passion College Transition Year.
Leaving Candidate Self Service Portal 2021 'Before You Start Guide'
Created : 09 Mar 2021, 3:46 PM
Archived : 09 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear students and parents/guardians,
as you know, the State Examinations Commission (SEC) has introduced a facility to allow Leaving Certificate candidates to confirm their subject and level entry details online through the Candidate Self Service Portal, and to indicate whether they want to take the examinations, or to receive SEC Accredited Grades, or both.
The Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) is a service provided by the State Examinations Commission (SEC) and the Department of Education for 6th year candidates entered for the 2021 Leaving Certificate.
The Candidate portal will open at 12 Noon on Wednesday 10 March and close at 6 pm on Tuesday 16 March.
The Leaving Certificate Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) can be accessed at www.examinations.ie or www.gov.ie/LeavingCertificate. Click on ‘Leaving Certificate Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) 2021’.
To assist Candidates the SEC has prepared a step by step ‘Before You Start Guide’ which is attached. It is important that all candidates have read this Guide and the important information before they commence the registration process on the Candidate Self Service Portal.
The ‘Before you Start Guide’ updates the information provided previously regarding candidates confirming that they want to sit examinations after the 16 March. Note please that it will be possible for candidates to update their choices at the end of April/early May to include indicating that they want to take an examination in a subject which they had opted out of taking. However, there are limitations on this choice as by the time the portal reopens candidates will have lost the opportunity to take any of the related assessment components in multi-component subjects, e.g. oral exams.
Please see attached also, Leaving Certificate Short Information For Students, Parents and Guardians.
Kind regards
J Leonard
Pdf-1 Pdf-2
Phase 3 of School Reopening - 5th years from March 15th
Created : 09 Mar 2021, 12:48 PM
Archived : 09 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear students and parents/guardians,
As you are aware the Government decided on a phased return of students to in-school education.
These phases have been developed in close collaboration with post primary education stakeholders and follow ongoing engagement with the Department of Health and Public Health, HSE.
The Department of Health and the HSE have reaffirmed that the gradual phased reopening can proceed as planned. The next phase of return is on Monday March 15th for 5th years in post primary schools.
Public health has reviewed the measures put in place to ensure safe operation of schools and is satisfied that these infection prevention and control measures, if rigorously adhered to, will keep the school community safe during this period. They
emphasise that all measures must be followed carefully by students, staff and parents.
All students returning will have to submit a Declaration Form before they return to school. This will be possible through the school app and parents will receive a message to do this from Friday onwards (3 days before return). Please complete the form when prompted to do so and submit it to avoid issues for your son/daughter next Monday.
I am also attaching some important reminders for students to read before they return on Monday. Please take the time to refresh your memory of the various measures in place to keep the school community as safe as possible.
We are looking forward to welcoming our 5th years back to school next Monday.
Kind regards
J Leonard
Leaving Cert Q and A with Senator Fiona O'Loughlin for students and parents
Created : 09 Mar 2021, 12:07 PM
Archived : 09 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear students and parents/guardians,
you may be interested to know that Senator Fiona O'Loughlin is hosting a live Question and Answer session for Leaving Cert students and their parents on Thursday. A member of Kildare Ogra will be asking questions sent in beforehand by students / teachers / parents.
Questions can be sent by email on Fiona.oloughlin@oireachtas.ie and it will be broadcast as a live event on the Senator's Facebook page.
Please see the attached photo for further details.
Refund of mock exam payments
Created : 09 Mar 2021, 12:00 PM
Archived : 09 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians,
as you know mock exams will not proceed this year. Despite the fact that papers had been ordered and paid for we have made the decision to refund you in full given the circumstances. Refunds will be processed in the coming days and you do not need to do anything in the meantime.
I would like to thank all of you who paid and for your patience throughout such a time of uncertainty.
Kind regards
J Leonard
CPC's Student Artwork and Photography Virtual Exhibition
Created : 08 Mar 2021, 11:18 PM
Archived : 09 May 2021, 12:00 AM
The pictures below are just some of the fine work produced by the students of Ms. Kelly's Art and Photography classes. They really are work a look.
First Year Bake Off Competition (Ms Heffernans Class)
Created : 08 Mar 2021, 3:53 PM
Archived : 08 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to all involved in the first year Valentine's bake off competition. It was a very tough decision to make as such a great effort was put in by all.
The winners from Ms. Heffernan's class are as follows:
1st place: Ailbhe Cashin
2nd place: James Meehan
3rd place: Lorna Corcoran
It was a very tight competition. There are some fantastic bekers in the class!!
Well done :)
Ms Heffernan
CPC's International Women's Day Video
Created : 08 Mar 2021, 9:06 AM
Archived : 08 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Today is International Women's Day.
CPC are "Choosing To Challenge" gender bias in our society.
Watch our video on Facebook to see how we are raising awareness and you can help us.
#ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021