Displaying 1631-1640 of 2406 results.
A message from Minister of Education Norma Foley TD
Created : 22 Dec 2020, 9:08 AM
Archived : 22 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
St.Vincent De Paul Collection
Created : 22 Dec 2020, 8:45 AM
Archived : 22 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Ms. Bucke’s 4th year SVP classes and the student council for organising a successful civvies last Friday, 18th Dec. They raised an amazing €1050 in aid of St. Vincent de Paul (SVP).
Ms. Bucke handed over the donation to Fionnuala McMullan (President of Kilcullen SVP) this morning on behalf of the students involved.
Thanks to all those who contributed/donated.
Christmas holidays
Created : 21 Dec 2020, 5:40 PM
Archived : 21 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Classes will finish tomorrow at 12pm and will begin again at 9am on Wednesday 6th January 2021
I would like to take this opportunity to wish the whole school community and your families and loved ones a very merry and safe Christmas and a happy new year.
1st year choice subjects
Created : 21 Dec 2020, 5:29 PM
Archived : 21 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians,
I hope your son/daughter has settled well into their subject choice over the last week or so. We did receive a small number of emails from parents asking to add their child to a waiting list, mainly in the subjects of wood technology (woodwork) and graphics. As I outlined in my previous post on the app on December 13th, all classes are full and there will only be a place if somebody opts to leave a subject. Therefore, we will only be in touch if a place becomes available but rest assured that your emails were received.
Experience tells us that students settle well into subjects over time so please be patient and encourage your son/daughter to give their best in whichever subject they are in.
Kind regards
J Leonard
BT Young Scientist Exhibition 2021
Created : 21 Dec 2020, 11:05 AM
Archived : 21 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Christmas Carol Celebration
Created : 20 Dec 2020, 8:16 PM
Archived : 20 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Good evening everybody,
as you all know, one of the great traditions in CPC is the Christmas carol celebration, where normally the entire school community gathers in the sports complex to be entertained by our students. The celebration has become an opportunity for our 6th years in particular to mark their journey through CPC as they prepare to enter the final few months of their second level education. As you can imagine, this was not possible this year due to the current restrictions.
Over the past couple of months and especially in recent weeks plans continued to try to mark the event in a safe way. As the national situation had not improved sufficiently it became clear that even an event with a vastly reduced audience or none at all was not going to be possible. Updated guidelines as recently as last week meant that the only option was to perform outside with no audience. This did not deter this fabulous group of students. Plans were made and despite cold, wind and rain they have produced a beautiful performance which will now be part of the history of CPC for years to come and a reminder to future generations of the lengths we all have to go to at the moment.
I hope you can set aside roughly 45 minutes to enjoy this celebration. I am in awe of the spirit, determination and sheer talent of our wonderful students and teachers.
5L Art Exhibition
Created : 18 Dec 2020, 1:26 PM
Archived : 18 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to 5L and their teacher Mr Dolan on a very successful Art Exhibition.. A very talented class!
TY 5km Aware Walk/Run raises €210
Created : 18 Dec 2020, 12:48 PM
Archived : 18 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to our TY students who completed the 5km walk/ run in aid of Aware last Friday. This was followed by a welcome tea/ coffee/ hot chocolate and treats along with activities such as bingo , a quiz and Christmas Card making.
Christmas Jumper Civvies Day Friday 18th
Created : 17 Dec 2020, 12:07 PM
Archived : 17 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Please support our last civvies day of 2020. We are fundraising for St VIncent De Paul. If students could kindly donate 2euro, it you be greatly appreciated. Please bring in exact money as no change can be given.
Thank you for your generosity.
66th Texaco Art Competition Merit Award Winner Della Cowper Gray
Created : 15 Dec 2020, 2:36 PM
Archived : 15 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Della Cowper Gray, First Year, on her Special Merit Award win in the prestigious Texaco Art Competition for her piece entitled 'Mighty Finn'.