Displaying 1571-1580 of 2243 results.
Bursary information for 6th years - reminder of information posted on Google Classroom
Created : 22 May 2020, 3:48 PM
Archived : 22 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see this message from Ms McDonnell - the audio clip is available through Google Classroom. LEO BRENNAN BURSARY Hi everyone, Attached is an audio link of Mr Dennehy and I in discussion with Noel Clare (former Deputy Principal of CPC). It was an information session we held in relation to the Leo Brennan Bursary. Leo Brennan was a teacher in CPC and due to his love for education and the school he entrusted the school with funds to be given to 6th year students in the form of bursaries. The bursaries are available to be awarded to two 6th year students. The amount of 3,500 euro will be given to each student for each year of the course they do post second level. Application for the bursaries is available to all students: Leaving Certificate Applied/Leaving Certificate Established/Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme. Regardless of the type of course you want to pursue post second level...PLC or Level 6 Higher Certificate or Level 7/8 degrees, courses in UK/Europe..again, all students will be eligible to apply. Students will be awarded the bursary each year for up to four years of their post second level education. Interested students are asked to submit an expression of interest to bursary@cpckilcullen.com by Friday 5th June. The expression of interest is a short paragraph basically stating that you are interested in making an application and providing your name, address, contact details so that an application form can be sent to you. Students are asked to bear in mind that the application form is a detailed one which will include a personal statement and normally has to be returned around the time of the Leaving Cert results. The decision on awarding the bursaries will be based on a broad range of things including attendance, work ethic etc. There may also be a Tom Bermingham bursary available awarding smaller amounts to students. For more information and to listen to the discussion please click on the link below. If you have any questions email me on elainemcdonnell@cpckilcullen.com
6th Year Graduation and Yearbook
Created : 21 May 2020, 11:34 AM
Archived : 21 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, today marks a very special day on the CPC calendar - the occasion of the graduation of the class of 2020. We all dearly wish that we were preparing to gather in Kilcullen church this evening to celebrate together but alas that is not to be. I do hope that you mark the occasion with a celebration as a family. It is an important milestone in our students' lives and I want to congratulate you all on the achievement. I also want to to thank you for all you have contributed to CPC over the years. A special thank you to all parents and guardians for your support of the school throughout. I am sure that you are very proud of your son or daughter today. My sincere thanks to your Year Head, Ms Mills, for her enormous work in putting together a graduation celebration video for you. Ms Mills was absolutely determined that you would have a graduation ceremony and she deserves great credit for gathering contributions from students and staff to produce a wonderful memory piece for you to enjoy today. Thank you to everyone who submitted photographs, messages, videos and music. The graduation video can be seen on the students' Google Classroom or here: www.loom.com/share/5a3b98aed6994cc1bf56a5b0ddf8d24b The 6th year Yearbook promises to be a very special memento this year given the unique circumstances in which the year has come to an end. The team working on the yearbook have been busy putting the final touches to it and it is due to go to print. You can order a copy on the following link by making the payment of €20 which will also cover P&P. The link to make the payment can be found on cpckilcullen.com through 'Make a Payment' and looking for 6th Year Yearbook 2020. Alternatively follow this link directly: pay.easypaymentsplus.com/feepay1v2.aspx?id=530 Payment and orders can be accepted up to May 29th and the yearbook committee are hoping that everyone will have the book shortly after that during June. My thanks to the team of students who have produced the Yearbook and I hope everyone will support them in ordering a copy. Take good care everyone and enjoy this special graduation day. J Leonard
Access to G Suite, school email, Google Classroom etc
Created : 15 May 2020, 11:03 AM
Archived : 15 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning everybody, I hope everybody is keeping well and week 1 of the Assessment Window has gone well. Some students may have had difficulty accessing G Suite/ School email/ Google Classroom for a short time today due to a new Google security feature, which was causing issues when trying to log in to your school account on a mobile device (phone/iPad etc). This new feature has now been disabled and the issue should be resolved. Thank you J Leonard
6th year updates - May 13th
Created : 13 May 2020, 2:54 PM
Archived : 13 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Good afternoon everybody, I am sure you are finding it quite strange adjusting to the developments since last week. We are also digesting the announcements and beginning our preliminary work while also waiting to hear clarifications on some of the questions we have about the process. I will continue to keep you updated about developments when they happen, including some further information below in this message. First of all though, Ms Mills has the following message for all parents/guardians and students in 6th year: Hi All, I am hoping to put together a special Graduation Assembly to mark the day 6th years should be having their Graduation Mass on May 21st. Would parents have a photograph of their son or daughters first day in CPC they would like to share? I would love students to send some music, messages, prayers to include also. If so please send all to sabrinamills@cpckilcullen.com I would need to receive everything by Monday 18th May to put it all together. I have shared other assemblies on our google classroom over the last few weeks. Please have a look if you haven't already done so. The code is yg3o4wk Ms Mills continues to work tirelessly for the year group and I am very grateful for her commitment to the group and I'm sure you all are too. Regarding the Leaving Certificate announcement last week, one of the documents I shared a link to was the Frequently asked Questions for students, teachers and parents page www.gov.ie/en/publication/2f07eb-leaving-cert-2020-information/#information-for-leaving-cert-students. This page is updated from time to time with new questions and answers, including: When does tuition to final year Leaving Certificate students cease, given that calculated grades are being put in place? As of 11 May 2020, tuition (whether online or in other ways) ceased for sixth-year leaving certificate students. This applies to the Leaving Certificate established, Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) and Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP). No additional work will be accepted from students from this date. Teachers and students may not discuss the student’s achievement in the subject over the past two years. Nor can they discuss the student’s ranking in a class, or their estimated mark or the level at which an estimated mark is to be provided in a subject. However, students remain students of the school until the end of the school term. In terms of the school’s role in supporting the wellbeing of Leaving Certificate students, the role of the Student Support Team as set out in the guidance issued recently to schools, should remain available until the end of the school term. You can access links to the supports provided by the National Education Psychological Service (NEPS) www.gov.ie/en/publication/256911-leaving-cert-2020-practical-supports/ As you know, MsMcDonnell has already offered support directly to the group and we remain available to support students who need it. The DES advisory group continue to meet with regard to the arrangements for the State Examinations this year. The advisory group of stakeholders includes representatives of students, parents, teachers, school leadership and management bodies, the State Examinations Commission, the National Educational Psychological Service, the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment and the Department. They have issued an update today titled 13 May, 2020 – Department of Education and Skills’ statement on stakeholder engagement in relation to the State Examinations. The full statement can be read here www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/PR20-05-13.html I would like to thank you all once again for your support and patience throughout this time. I'm sure you have questions/concerns and I hope we will have greater clarity in the coming days or early next week at the latest. I will update you as soon as I can. In the meantime, please continue to take care and stay safe. J Leonard
Career Guidance Support for 6th years
Created : 11 May 2020, 6:23 PM
Archived : 11 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, I am grateful to Ms McDonnell for the attached Pdf note detailing the continuing Career Guidance support available for our 6th year students. Please click the Pdf below from Ms McDonnell which contains important information regarding options for next year. Best wishes J Leonard

Updates re 6th year - May 11th
Created : 11 May 2020, 12:18 PM
Archived : 11 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, following the Minister's announcement on Friday and the directions issued so far, teachers have been asked to cease online classes, setting/receiving work etc. for 6th year students to begin the work related to the grading system announced. The guidance provided in the document here www.education.ie/en/Learners/Information/State-Examinations/a-guide-to-calculated-grades-for-leaving-certificate-students-2020.pdf will be followed by teachers. This takes into account the circumstances since school closure and work that may be incomplete. Should any further information be issued I will let you know but in the meantime I would continue to ask that there be no communication with teachers about coursework, grades, changes of level etc. Please be patient during this process and understand that we are receiving information at the same time as the general public and we too have questions about the process that we hope will be clarified in the coming days. I understand that this could be an anxious time for students and their families and thank you for your understanding during this process. In the meantime, continue to stay safe and keep well. J Leonard
Postponement of the 2020 Leaving Certificate examinations - further information
Created : 08 May 2020, 3:28 PM
Archived : 08 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, further to my previous notification, the publication at the bottom of the page through the link I attached may be of assistance. You can access it directly here: www.education.ie/en/Learners/Information/State-Examinations/a-guide-to-calculated-grades-for-leaving-certificate-students-2020.pdf I would ask that everyone takes the time to read this document. We have received it at the same time as the general public so at this moment in time we do not have all of the answers to the particular questions you may have. There is a useful question and answer piece available here: www.gov.ie/en/publication/2f07eb-leaving-cert-2020-information/ Under no circumstances should any parent/guardian or student attempt to enter into any discussions with a teacher about calculated grades. I hope today's announcement brings some degree of clarity for our 6th years. You have been very much in our thoughts throughout this situation and I know that today's announcement may not be welcomed by all.. Many of the supports available to students on this link may still be relevant: www.gov.ie/en/publication/256911-leaving-cert-2020-practical-supports/ Take good care everyone and stay safe J Leonard
08 May, 2020 – Minister announces postponement of 2020 Leaving Certificate examinations
Created : 08 May 2020, 2:34 PM
Archived : 08 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, The Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh T.D. has today (Friday 8 May 2020) announced the postponement of the 2020 Leaving Certificate. Full details are available here: www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/PR20-05-08.html This announcement has just been made and I would appeal to all students and parents/guardians to await further details. Thank you J Leonard
CPC fundraiser for SVP - thank you!
Created : 06 May 2020, 5:24 PM
Archived : 06 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
To the entire CPC community, a note of thanks for your generosity towards our appeal to raise €500 for the local SVP to support families in our community through this particularly difficult time. When Ms Mills approached me with this idea a target of €500 was set and following a couple of appeals through the school app and through the Kilcullen Diary the amount raised now stands at a fantastic €1925. It would be simply amazing if we could break the €2000 milestone - if you can donate any amount please follow this link www.svp.ie/crossandpassion Thank you all so much. J Leonard
Updates - Part 2 - 6th May 2020
Created : 06 May 2020, 5:18 PM
Archived : 06 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians/students, The Department of Education and Skills have released a statement on stakeholder engagement in relation to the State Examinations. There are no definitive conclusions to these discussions and I will keep you posted as I receive information. The statement can be read here: www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/PR20-05-06a.html As you know from previous notifications, most book companies have made their books available for free online during this time. In addition I have received the following message from Folens: Over the last number of weeks we have had a number of requests to make student workbooks available to access on FolensOnline, as many students had left their workbooks behind in school before the closure. In response to this need we have created an eBook version of our most popular workbooks. These workbooks will be available during the Covid- 19 school closures, as a temporary measure, to help students with their school work at home. Students can register, using the steps below, to get access: Go to FolensOnline.ie and click register Select Teacher Fill in a username, email and password For Roll Number use the code: Sec20 The list of workbooks included are below: Chemistry Chemistry Live 2Ed Workbook French Bienvenue en France 2 (2018) Portfolio Book Tout Va Bien ! (2019) Cahier d'exercices Revised Bienvenue en France 1 2017 Portfolio Book Geography Real World Geography Student Learning Log Tíreolaíocht don Ré Nua 2019 Workbook History Time Bound 2018 Evidence Book Stór Staire 2019 Leabhar saothair Workbook Home Ec Skills for Life 2018 Workbook Learning for Life Workbook Irish Gaeilge Abu 1 (2019) Workbook Maths Active Maths 2 2nd Edition (2019) Learning Log Active Maths 1 2nd Edition 2018 Student Learning Log Science Essential Science Workbook Best wishes J Leonard