Displaying 1621-1630 of 2406 results.
State Examination Component Timeframes – Update from SEC - Important
Created : 15 Jan 2021, 11:51 AM
Archived : 15 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians and students, The State Examinations Commission has issued an important communication, via email, to schools setting out decisions taken to date on the timeframes relating to Leaving Certificate and Junior Cycle 2021 examination components. The key elements include: 1. Coursework In light of the recent school closure the following should be noted: In relation to Category 1 coursework, which can be completed by candidates at home, subject to appropriate oversight by their teacher, it is in schools’ and candidates’ best interests to seek to make progress with the completion of this work over the period of the school closure. This relates to the following subjects: Leaving Certificate • Religious Education • Geography • History • Politics and Society • Agricultural Science • Economics • LCVP Portfolio of Coursework Junior Cycle: • Religious Education The coursework completion dates for all Category 2 coursework, which requires attendance at school for completion, will be extended to take account of the period of the school closure. Details of the extended completion dates in individual subjects will issue from the SEC in due course but schools and candidates should be reassured that this additional time will be provided. This relates to the following subjects: Leaving Certificate: • Art • Engineering (project) • Construction Studies (project) • Technology • Physical Education (Physical Activity Project)1 • Physical Education (Performance Assessment) • Design and Communication Graphics • Computer Science Junior Cycle: • Metalwork • Materials Technology Wood • Technology • Visual Art Students due to complete their Design and Communication Graphics coursework by the 15th January should be notified that this date will be extended to take account of the time period between the school closure and the completion date; that is, all students will have an additional 8 days to complete their DCG coursework from the date on which schools reopen. The Schools Portal will be ready to accept coursework for Leaving Certificate Economics from the 8 - 12 February inclusive. Leaving Certificate Applied February Tasks. SEC had provided schools with a provisional start date for the assessment of the LCA Tasks of Monday 1 February. The arrangements for the optimum timing of these assessments to take account of the period of school closure is currently under review by the SEC. Further information will be provided to schools in due course. Teachers should continue to support their students in the completion of these tasks while engaging in remote learning. 2. Planning for examinations Planning for the 2021 examinations is underway and the stakeholder advisory group will consider all the various issues arising in relation to the holding of the 2021 examinations, including public health considerations and appropriate contingency measures. As this work is continuing, the SEC is not yet in a position to issue the detailed timetables and schedules of key dates for the forthcoming examinations. Further information on all these matters will issue in due course.
Letter to parents from the Minister for Education
Created : 12 Jan 2021, 4:53 PM
Archived : 12 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians, I have been asked to bring the attached letter from the Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD, to your attention. Kind regards J Leonard

Remote teaching and learning
Created : 12 Jan 2021, 8:49 AM
Archived : 12 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Good morning parents/guardians and students, The feedback from day one of remote teaching and learning was overwhelmingly positive. Well done to everybody! I know the effort that parents/guardians, students and teachers put in to making it work so well. Unfortunately, there were a very small number of parents/guardians and students who did not value the opportunity to engage in live lessons in an appropriate way. I am struggling to understand the mindset that would allow this to happen. We all have responsibilities to ensure that our students are allowed to learn during this time. Teachers have been asked to set up zoom lessons with settings to ensure that only those students who are clearly identifiable by the name on the screen will be admitted to the lesson. Please adjust the display name on your screen before the lesson. Where this is not done the teacher may not be able to admit you to the lesson. Any student who disrupts a lesson will be removed from live lessons for the duration of the school closure. Best of luck with day 2 and don’t forget the well-being challenge for today! Take care J Leonard
Information for 6th year HL Maths students of free online course
Created : 11 Jan 2021, 12:17 PM
Archived : 11 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
The following may be of interest: Dear Principal and Maths Department, I wish to inform you of a 4 week, free HL Maths course that shall be running from the 19th of January to the 9th of February. The classes will be taught by Mr. John Ross Molloy, a qualified Maths Teacher from Dublin and will be broadcast live from our website for any student who wishes to enrol. Spaces are limited and I would recommend making your students aware as soon as possible should you feel they would wish to avail of this service. I have attached a link with more information below. www.gaeilgeoirguides.com/free-hl-maths-course
January Wellbeing Challenge
Created : 11 Jan 2021, 11:00 AM
Archived : 11 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
My thanks to Ms O'Connell for sending on this January Wellbeing Challenge - something the entire school community could do perhaps. Keep an eye out for weekly challenges. Best of luck!

Provision of remote teaching and learning from January 11th
Created : 10 Jan 2021, 11:46 AM
Archived : 10 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians and students, further to my communication last week please find further details of the arrangements for the provision of remote teaching and learning from Monday 11th January. Students are asked to follow their normal timetable during this time. This means that at the time you have each subject your teacher will be expecting you to engage with some work related to the subject that they set or attend an online live lesson or view a recorded lesson. By following the timetable this will give structure to your day and avoid clashes between subjects. All details will be provided to you by your teacher through your school email account and/or Google Classroom. Remember the format for your email is firstnamelastname@yearofentry.cpckilcullen.com So if your name is John Smith and you started in CPC in 2018 then your email address is johnsmith@2018.cpckilcullen.com Your password is whatever you set it as. I am attaching a Remote Teaching and Learning Policy and I ask that parents and students read this policy and discuss its contents. In particular it reminds you of your responsibilities in engaging with remote learning in an appropriate way. It is our hope that by engaging wholeheartedly in the process that your progress can be maintained. I know that our exam classes will have a number of questions around deadlines, projects, oral exams, mock exams, CBAs etc. We must all await guidance on this from the Department of Education (DES) and the State Examinations Commission (SEC). In the meantime try not to let these concerns distract you from the need to engage with the work your teachers provide. I will communicate any updates as soon as I receive them. In the attached photo you can see that it is also possible to access Google Classroom through Playstation or Xbox. As mentioned, please try to follow your timetable as normal. Note, that where there are non examination subjects, you are encouraged to use this time to tend to your wellbeing in a practical way, such as a movement break / physical activity, screen break etc. Your teachers may provide some guidance but in any case it is important to maintain a healthy balance during this period of school closure. Where there are live lessons these may be shorter than the full hour. As you know, the majority of students collected books etc. last Friday. There is another opportunity for students to collect books tomorrow between 10am and 12pm. Please follow the same guidelines as outlined in my post last Thursday. Parents/Guardians please note that in line with public health and government advice our admin staff are continuing to work from home. As such, if you need to contact the school please do so by email on admin@cpckilcullen.com and we will be pleased to assist. I do understand that this remains a challenging time for everybody - parents, students and staff. I sincerely hope that we are able to return to school as soon as it is safe to do so. There are many reasons to be hopeful about the future and in the meantime we all need to follow the public health advice so that we can be back in CPC as soon as possible. Take good care everybody J Leonard

Minister for Education Norma Foley TD has confirmed that all schools will remain closed to students from Monday 11 January
Created : 08 Jan 2021, 8:38 PM
Archived : 08 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians and students, I hope you are safe and well. As you will have heard through the media yesterday evening the government announced a reversal of the earlier decision to have some students in school next week. www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2021-press-releases/PR21-01-07.html Instead all students will engage in remote learning from Monday 11th January. This will mean that your son/daughter's teachers will provide continuity of teaching and learning using G-Suite for Education, including Gmail, Google Classroom, Meet etc., as well as the Zoom platform on occasion. There will be a mixture of live lessons and appropriate tasks set through these platforms. It is important that your son/daughter is able to access their school email account which is the gateway to Classroom etc. If there are any issues with logging in please email admin@cpckilcullen.com and we will try to assist. I will provide a reminder of the guidelines around remote learning before Monday. I would like to thank the students who came into school today to collect books for the manner in which they did so. There will be a further opportunity for students to collect books etc on Monday between 10am and 12pm. In the meantime, continue to take care and stay safe. J Leonard
Government announcement regarding in-school and remote learning provision
Created : 07 Jan 2021, 1:50 PM
Archived : 07 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians and students, I hope this message finds you well and I wish each member of the school community a Happy New Year. As you are aware the government announced yesterday afternoon plans for in-school and remote learning provision during the period of school closure until February 1st. www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2021-press-releases/PR21-01-06.html As I write schools have received no official communication from the DES in addition to what was announced through the media yesterday. Like many of you I have serious concerns regarding how this plan will work and the wisdom of it. Nevertheless, be assured that work is underway to achieve the best for the whole school community. There are a huge number of complex logistical challenges in the proposed arrangements. I will update you with further information over the next 24-48 hours and ask for your patience while this work continues. In the meantime, the school will be open for students to collect books etc from their base classroom from 10am tomorrow, Friday 8th January, using the following schedule: Surname A-F 10am-11am Surname G-L 11.30am-12.30pm Surname M-R 2pm-3pm Surname S-Z 3pm-4pm Students are asked to come individually to the school, not in groups. Students should sanitise their hands on entry, sign in near reception and collect their books as quickly as possible. Face masks must be worn throughout. The total number of students admitted to the building at any one time will be limited and students asked to wait should continue to observe distancing guidelines. No parents will be allowed entry to the school building. Nobody should present to the school if they are feeling unwell in any way or have been in contact with anybody who feels unwell. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Kind regards J Leonard
Christmas Tree disposal
Created : 04 Jan 2021, 12:09 PM
Archived : 04 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Your support for this CPC Parents' Association initiative would be greatly appreciated. The PA will collect your Christmas Tree from outside your home on Saturday 9th January for a fee of €10 per tree. The PA raise money each year to support the students of the college and all money goes directly to various student activities. Email your phone number, name, address and eircode to crossandpassionpa@gmail.com No more pine needles in the boot of your car!! My thanks to the PA for organising this fundraiser.
30 December, 2020 - Ministers Foley and Madigan announce three-day extension to school Christmas holidays, with schools to re-open on 11 January
Created : 30 Dec 2020, 9:37 PM
Archived : 01 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Good evening all, I hope you are all keeping safe and well. No doubt you will have heard the government announcement earlier that schools will not open until 11th January. Full details can be found here: www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/PR20-12-30.html The purpose of extending the Christmas break is to allow all members of the school community to minimise their contacts ahead of our return. I would encourage all to continue to adhere to the public health advice during this time. With best wishes J Leonard