Displaying 251-260 of 268 results.
Congratulations - Texaco Art Competition
Created : 02 Dec 2020, 10:35 AM
Archived : 02 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to the following students who have all been awarded certificates of commendation in the Texaco Children's Art Competition. Anna Fitzpatrick, Snigdha Gade, Lauren Carville, Yovela Fubara, Jessica Holohan, Lahita Javadpour, Elizabeth Reys
6th Yr Parents - PA
Created : 24 Nov 2020, 4:26 PM
Archived : 24 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Hello from the Parents Association. Carol Dillon and Enda O’Connor are the 6th Yr PA reps in what is the girls final year in Loreto! We hope that all the girls have settled in well and are accustomed to their new way of school life. In any normal year we would by now have organised a social gathering of some sort. But as we know this is far from a normal year. In an effort to keep the parent/guardian group in touch with each other we would like to invite you to join in our School App Chat Group. The School App has been greatly enhanced this year with the objective of becoming a One Stop Shop for all school information. The PA hope to use it to replace the traditional email based lists. It has the facility for specific groups of Parents/Guardians e.g. by year/class/team etc to communicate . As 6th year progresses it will be a useful tool for the PA to reach out to you and for any parent to ask a quick question or clarify something. As our year is not very large we intend to set up a whole of 6th year group. If you would like to be included please email carolmdillon9@gmail.com with your own name and your child's name. It would be nice to see as many Parents as possible join. And who knows with a bit of luck and a large slice of science we may even be inviting you to join us for a coffee in 2021! Any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Carol @ 087 7552451 or Enda @ 087 2344099
Ms Readathon - Parents Association
Created : 19 Nov 2020, 12:04 PM
Archived : 19 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents, The MSReadathon has gone online this year and grown-ups can take part! We registered LCF Parents Group on the website and would like to encourage as many parents as possible to join us in reading for the last weeks of November. There is also an LCF Staff group and all the first-year classes are also registered to participate in the MSReadathon. We’re not expecting parents to fundraise but if anyone wants to make a donation, however small, it is for a good cause. Please visit and join at www.msreadathon.ie/fundraisers/lcfparents - select ADULT when completing the registration.
1st year sports activity afternoon
Created : 18 Nov 2020, 2:56 PM
Archived : 18 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
1st years enjoying some fitness activities after their morning exams.
Mid Term Newsletter
Created : 03 Nov 2020, 4:20 PM
Archived : 03 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
"There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope" Bernard Williams Dear Parents & Guardians August and the summer of 2020 seem like a distant memory now. We have successfully completed our first half term under the new Covid-19 guidelines. I wish to thank all our school community; staff, students and parents for the wonderful way in which everyone embraced the myriad of changes that the new school year brought. The sense of school community and unity in working towards keeping our school safe has been wonderful. It has however been exhausting for staff and students alike. Our new students to first year and up through the school have been made welcome and have settled into our school, despite all of the restrictions in place. Our exam years have been relieved to be back in school and settled into a work regime very quickly, being acutely aware of the need to take advantage of being in school with their teachers and fellow students. Thank you to our 6th Year leadership team, very ably led by Amy Wyley, Eimear Cullen and Sophie Hallam who have stepped up and are leading the way in caring for our Junior Students. Our Ember (faith leadership) team have established themselves and start each day with prayer and reflection for the whole school. The Student Council led by Ms Corcoran have just been elected (electronically) and are looking forward to a positive year ahead for the school. Other co-curricular activities have restarted including Debating and Oral language session. Sport has been up and running since August. I wish to commend our coaching staff led by Ms Keogh, Mr Carolan (hockey) and Mr Ingle (basketball). They have adapted for each change in the guidelines and sport has continued unhindered. All hockey and basketball are outdoor. The car park which in times gone by was a basketball court have been revived as such. They are delighted to report an almost 100% turnout to training sessions. Our students are thoroughly enjoying being involved in sport again. It is wonderful to see and brings great vibrancy to the school. Usually at this time of year, Readers and Writers week is a highlight of the school year. Thanks to Ms Morrissey this year we did manage some virtual input from one of our regular writers. We hope to access more resources such as this, during the year. Looking ahead to the next half term, November assessments will take place. These assessments will be for all year groups in the week of the 16th November – 1st, 3rd and 6th year students and the week of the 23rd November – 2nd, 4th and 5th year students. Classes will continue as normal in the week where no exam is scheduled. Teachers will inform students of the length and study requirements for each exam in their subject. I hope that all our students benefited from the break over the mid-term. I look forward to seeing everyone safely back in school. Please remember that face cloth coverings are now required at all times on the school campus, unless directed otherwise by a member of staff. Thank you once again for working so willingly with us. Together we will keep the school safe. Bernadette Prendiville Principal ‘Together with a culture of work, there must be a culture of leisure as gratification. To put it another way: people who work must take the time to relax, to be with their families, to enjoy themselves, read, listen to music, play a sport.’ Pope Francis Welcome to all our 1st Yr students. 1st Year Halloween Flash Mob - Lead by Yr Head Ms Ryan aka Michael Jackson Life as a 1st Yr - Aoife Hutchinson Life as a first year has changed dramatically for the first years of 2020 with Covid restrictions and masks its been harder to make new friends and even though we have to keep apart we’ve been growing closer together because of the Camino de Santiago and the sports on Wednesday. its all been so fun all the classes had so much fun with dressing up and we all had mini debates, choosing our costumes and we all got such fright when the sixth years dressed up as nuns and gave us the shock of our lives with their candles and masks and all the teachers in their different costumes was so funny to see. When the midterm is over we all be so excited to see each other. It’s been so fun at the first term at Loreto Foxrock College. I know myself and others can’t wait to see our friends and get back to work. We’ve all been studying for the Christmas tests. Our Head Girl Amy Wyley and Deptuy Heads, Emer Cullen and Sophie Halam A message from Sr Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Loreto Education Centre. Dear Friends It is wonderful to have reached the final day of this half-term. In August, when we had our Opening Prayer Service for the beginning of the school year, we spoke of the line “We make the path by walking it…” This has certainly been true of these past few months back at school. There have been no former templates on which to base the new decisions that are being made, no well-worn familiar paths to follow. You have done an incredible job in taking care of your school community, a service which has involved and gone far beyond teaching and learning. None of this would have happened without your generosity, professionalism, commitment and good humour, your vision and sheer goodness. Now it is time to take a break. I wish you good time for rest, relaxation and renewal during Halloween. French Language Assistant Bienvenue à Philippine ! The French Department is delighted to welcome our French Language Assistant, Philippine Vignaud, to Loreto College Foxrock. Philippine is originally from Clermont-Ferrand but has recently studied at the Sorbonne University in Paris. Philippine will be attending French classes with the members of the French Department and is also organising Un Club Français for 1st and 3rd Year French students and conversation classes for 5th and 6th Year French students. The students at Loreto College Foxrock are very lucky to have the opportunity to work with a French native speaker this year and we are sure it will be a very beneficial experience for the girls. Monday - 6th Yr Conversation Class - 1.30 Tuesday - 1st Yr Club Français - 1.30 Thursday - 3rd Yr Club Français - 1.30 Friday - 5th Yr Conversation Class - 1.30 Mme Corcoran French Department The Ember team has their online training and Commissioning Ceremony last Tuesday. Pictured: Kyla Belle Mc Kinney, Jennifer Leavy, Orlagh O Kelly, Phoebe Freeman, Phoebe Gahan and Jolie Hill Tsoi, received their certificates and badges. Katie Murphy was missing on the day but will receive her training at a later date. They are now ready as Faith leaders in the school. Maths Week 2020 Maths Week went ahead as usual in the school this month and, despite the current restrictions, students from all years took part in a range of activities. At the beginning of the week, students from 1st to 3rd year designed Maths Eyes posters based on where they would see/use maths in their everyday lives. (See attached examples from Madison Lategan and Alana Kent from 3rd year). Students then took part in a maths-based treasure hunt where they were given a map of the school grounds and had to find and solve various maths problems scattered around. Later on in the week, students from 4th to 6th year took part in a problem-solving quiz, with the winning students earning themselves a voucher for Scrumdiddly's Ice-cream shop. To round things off, senior students were challenged to memorise the digits of pi to as many decimal places as possible. There were some great attempts at this from all year groups, but the runaway winner was Karolina Figiel in 6th year who managed to recite the digits of pi to an incredible 510 decimal places! Well done, Karolina! (See picture attached) We are already looking forward to Maths Week 2021! Sports Update Well done to all our hockey and basketball players who have been training twice a week since the beginning of this term .We have 4 groups of Seniors, Juniors ,Minors and 6 groups of first years. New comers always welcome. Congratulations to Rebecca Carty on her selection to the Leinster U-16 squad. Rebecca has also been chosen as the vice captain of the team. Congratulations also to Jennifer Hamill who will play on the Leinster U-18 team. The Interpros will be held the in the New year when Govermnet restrictions allow. . Due to Covid regulations, basketball is taking place outdoors on a makeshift court but despite that the girls are training hard with the emphasis on skill work and fitness. Virtual Camino de Santiago Loreto Foxrock has 16 class teams and 3 staff teams currently walking (virtually) from St Jean de Pied to Santiago Northern Spain. This challenge has teams from every Loreto school in Ireland taking part . There is a km route marked out around the perimeter of the school grounds so no excuses ...8-9 mins to walk a km! Every team member who reaches Santiago will receive a certificate of completion There will also be prizes for each school. Foxrock have 3 teams who all finished in the top three with results still coming in. Keep walking everyone..... great for our physical and our mental health! Our Student Council for the school year 2020/21 Congratulation to all the elected members of this years students council. We look forward to some interesting projects and fun events ahead. 1st Year​ Olivia O'Carolan​ Jennifer Rourke​ Ola Teysson​ 3rd Year​ Sarah Coffey​ Lahita Javadpour​ Mya Madigan​ 5th Year​ Leah Clancy​ Phoebe Freeman​ Paige Rose​ ​ 2nd Year​ Grace Jones​ Lucy Kelly​ Tess Walsh​ TY​ Laura Hempenstall​ Caitlin Ibi​ Hannah McDonald​ 6th Year​ Sophie Hallam​ Emily Kelly​ Amy Wyley All in Loreto College Foxrock have done very well during the first term of school in relation to Covid 19. . This is a credit to all involved and particular credit is due to the management and staff of the school. We would again remind parents to adhere to HSE Covid guidelines during the mid-term break. As parents, we know that additional rules and regulations are rarely universally welcomed. However, these rules are designed to protect the staff, all our families and most importantly, our children. We strenuously urge parents to adhere to these rules and appreciate your commitment to the following in particular: ▪️Parents must wear masks in the school grounds at all times ▪️Social gatherings must respect and adhere to HSE guidelines ▪️Car pooling must respect and adhere to HSE guidelines ▪️ 2-week quarantine after any overseas travel ▪️Students should not be sent to school if feeling unwell or symptomatic These rules are not just for the protection of Loreto College Foxrock staff and families, but also to ensure compliance with the HSE Covid Guidelines. We again thank you for your understanding and commitment. Twitter Website During these times it is important for everyone to feel connected. We suggest that you follow Loreto College Foxrock twitter for all real time updates on what is happening in and around the school @Foxrockloreto and please download the school app #App Store - Loreto College Foxrock. We have a very high usage now with both parents and students and more and more information is being sent out through this medium. Copyright © 2018, Loreto College Foxrock All rights reserved. www.loretofoxrock.ie Our email address is: jbrock@loretofockrock.ie Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list
Congratulations BT Young Scientist
Created : 29 Oct 2020, 7:43 PM
Archived : 29 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Kate Fensom, Beth Thomas-Irwin & Aoife Ryan who has qualified to compete in the Virtual BT Young Scientist from the 6th - 8th of January 2021.Looking forward to seeing their entries very soon.
Loreto Camino - My mission
Created : 27 Oct 2020, 3:10 PM
Archived : 27 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
We are aware of an email of an inappropiate nature that has been sent through the suppot@myvirtualmission.com email address to participants. We are awaiting a response from the company. In the meantime we would ask that students and staff do not open the email and delete it.
Covid 19 Updates and Principals letter.
Created : 23 Oct 2020, 12:24 PM
Archived : 23 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Our return to School Health Questionnaire is on the school app under the consent forms section. This form must be completed for any student who is absent from school for any illness or reason and be completed before they return to school The mask wearing policy has changed to include the whole school campus at all times. (please see attached letter) For the winter months we have School Fleeces that can be purchased in Uniformity for €25. These are intended to be used as an extra layer with the added ventilation needed in classrooms but not to replace the school jacket.

Hand Sanitiser
Created : 23 Oct 2020, 11:38 AM
Archived : 23 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Following the statement this morning from the Dept of Agriculture in relation to the hand sanitiser Virapro used in Schools. Loreto College Foxrock have not been using this product and have written clarification from our supplier to this effect.
Foxrock Teams leading Loreto Camino De Santiago
Created : 14 Oct 2020, 5:08 PM
Archived : 15 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Well done to all our pupils and staff who have taken on the Camino De Santiago Virtual Walk challenge. Foxrock are leading the way of all the Loreto Schools with 4 of our teams currently in the top 4 places. Foxrock 3 Ward are in 1st place and have walked 645 km. Here is the leaderboard 1st - 3 ward 645km 2nd - 1 Ward 640km 3rd - 3 Babthorpe 623km and coming up behind them in 4th place are the wonderful Staff team Fit and Foxy who have covered 594km and gaining kms every day. Well done to all the teams taking part and keep going. We are getting closer to the finish line every day.