Dear Parents and Guardians,
Our school would like to acknowledge the fantastic work done by our student Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (ABAs) in organising a wonderful Stand-Up Week 14th -18th November. The theme they chose for the week was ‘Using Language to Unite us – Choosing Words that Heal, not Hurt’ and the focus of the week was on kindness and respect for everyone.
The many activities arranged by our ABAs included a badge competition with the winning designs printed on badges and distributed on different days during the week. Congratulations to Yovela Fubara and Juliette Dowdall in 6th year, Lucy Hand in 3rd year and Lily Christian in 1st year on their lovely designs.
The ABAs also chose to continue our popular Thumbs-Up Days this year with students and staff encouraged to paint 9 nails imaginatively and colourfully while leaving one thumbnail blank. The ‘Thumbs-Up for Unity’ this year was to show we are united, standing up together, in support of the uniqueness and dignity of each one of us. They even ran a nail-painting station!
On Friday, the whole school participated in our Living Rainbow School for a Day. ABAs arranged for each year group to wear a colour from the Rainbow and our school was a riot of bright colours and joy. Lots of class photographs were taken under our Rainbow Balloon Arch in reception.
Particular commendation must go to our ABAs who presented a different focus each day on the importance of both understanding LGBTQ+ terms and using all language respectfully and inclusively. The ABAs worked to highlight that kindness and respect towards others should and must be deliberately chosen actions by all our students. Well done to our ABAs and all the staff and students for their great participation.
Edel Browne
Dear Parents / Guardians,
The sport department are delighted to be able to offer to our students another Speed and Agility Course with Aled Hughes, starting this Friday 11th Nov.
Please see the below details for what Aled will be working on with our students. This course is open to all students but with a limited number of spaces available.
Speed Development focusing on
- Maximum Velocity
- Straight Line running
- Running Technique
- Speed Drills
- Speed for Hockey, Gaelic, Basketball, Football, Rugby Agility Development focusing on
- Acceleration
- Deceleration
- Braking Strength
- Evasion Drills
Day : Friday morning
Time : 7.45-8.30am
Duration : 3 weeks
Dates : Starting Friday 11th November , 18th November & 25th November
Location : Indoor sports Hall, Loreto Foxrock.
Date : €50 per child
To register into this course , please fill in the below form and hand the form and the €50 into an envelope and bring it with you on the first session.
I am fully qualified PE teacher, Athletics coach , Garda vetted and insured (all documents can be shown).
Readers' & Writers' Week 2022 has finally come to an end. Today the school was filled with White Rabbits, Dalmations, Oompa Loompas, Greasers, Socs, Lorex, and a variety of Little Miss and Mr Men characters to name but a few. Students had talks from some really entertaining speakers - Dermot Bolger, Dave Rudden, Niall de Burca, Amanda Cassidy, James Butler and Laura Woods. We also got to return to some of our R&W Week favourites including Spelling Bees, The Great Book Bake Off, literary quizzes and scavenger hunts and art competitions. Well done to the 3rd Years who organised a bake sale in aide of MS Readthon. A huge thank you goes to librarian, Ms Morrissey who masterminded the whole week! Please follow the WellRead Committee on Twitter @WellReadFoxrock for all things books at Loreto College Foxrock.
We have had a busy few weeks inside and outside school with our sports achievements.
Congratulations to Aoife Redden, 2nd Yr, who was part of the East Region U 15 Basketball Team won the Tom Collins Inter Regional Schools Tournament in UL in Limerick last weekend.
Congratulations to Charley Veitch, 1st Yr, who won silver in the Irish Waterpolo league with her team, Half Moon.
Massive congratulations to 2nd Yr Student Grace Heneghan who won Best Female Rower 2022 in her rowing club St Michaels Rowing, Dun Laoghaire.
Finally congratulations to the Fox Cab U16 Team and the Kilmacud Crokes U15 Team who both won their Dublin Football Championships at the weekend. Loreto Foxrock were well represented on both teams
We are delighted to confirm that our school musical "Musicals through the Ages" will take place from the 27th of Feb to March 3rd.
Rehersals will begin after mid term break.
Congratulations to all our students who auditioned. please see the attached photo for our copy of the cast list.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please find included a link to register your interest in attending a webinar hosted by Avril Ronan on Tuesday 6th December at 7.30pm. Avril Ronan is Trend Micro Ireland’s host and internet safety expert who will discuss how best to manage time online with children / teens and 'explore the most important bits to remember for parents and guardians.'
The topic of the webinar is LET’S TALK KIDS AND SCREEN TIME CHALLENGES and can be accessed via registration through the following link:
Kind regards,
Edel Browne