The best of luck to the Clontarf U13As who are playing the Shield Football Final tomorrow at 5.30pm on pitch 34 in St Anne’s Park. All supporters welcome! A number of the players involved are in 1st and 2nd year.
Well done to the Junior debaters who were in action last night in UCD. Anna Feeney and Ella Wang proposed the motion: This house believes that renewable energy sources should be prioritised over nuclear power. Orla Benham and Louise Gallogly opposed the same motion.
Kate O’Callaghan and Rachel Morrissey opposed the Motion: This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sport.
Well done, ladies!
Congratulations to the U15A Girls in Clontarf GAA who won the Division 2 Football Championship by 3-07 to 2-03 against Ballyboden! The team has many students from 2nd, 3rd and TY. Well done girls.
Please send us in any news/achievements you would like to share from the various sports, activities and clubs your daughter may be involved in. We are so proud of all of our students for the variety of sports and activities they take part in.
1st Year students enjoying history class- excavating cookies, handling Artefacts and carrying out an archaeological dig!
2nd Year students had a Halloween 'Bake Off'. Congratulations to all who entered and to the winners. The winners from Ms Halpin's class were:
1st place Grace Grimes and Aisling Daly
2nd place Kate Tuite and Lucy Smith
3rd place Isobel Heslin
More winners and photos to follow!
On Wednesday, Anna Feeney, Rachel Morrissey, Kate O’Callaghan and Ella Wang in 2nd Year competed in Round 1 of the UCD Junior debates. Both teams opposed the motion This House would ban disposable vapes. Well done, ladies! Thank you to Ms Conlon and Ms Daly for organising the debate.
On Thursday 28th of September our junior footballers kicked off their season with an away game against Colaiste Iosagain in Stillorgan.
Colaiste Iosagain opened the first half with two early points to which Robyn Costello (9) replied with a superb goal. Next to score was Amelia McKay (14) with a converted free. Robyn Costello then followed up with her second goal of the game at 12 minutes. The team fought hard for the remainder of the first half with two more points from Amelia who showed great leadership throughout the match. The half back line of Jenny Dundon (5), Clara Woods (6) and Keelin Boyhan (7) kept Colaiste Iosagain in their own half for the majority of the remainder of the first half. A goal saving block by Eve O'Grady (3) and several first-half saves from goalkeeper Orla Kilfeather (1) left the girls heading into half-time with a 2-point lead. (2-3,2-5)
Colaiste Iosagain opened the second half with two quick points from play which left the sides 2-5 a piece. Amelia and Robyn put Holyfaith back in the lead with a goal and a point. Robyn Costello secured her hat trick early in the second half. With both sides now playing a sweeper, fullbacks Emily Scott (4), Orla Kilfeather (1) and Ava O'Donnell (2) dispossessed a number of Colaiste Iosagain forwards. The scoring continued with great runs made by Rachel O’Dea, Eileen McCarthy (8) and Jill Meehan (11). Two more points from play for HolyFaith came from Amelia McKay and Jill Meehan. The last goal of the game came from the youngest member of the team, second year student Maggie Foley whose work-rate was inspiring throughout the second half. Amelia secured the win with the final score from play.
The final score was 2-8 to 5-8. Well done to the younger players who stepped up at short notice to play the game and thank you to Ms. Keogan and Mr. Kelly for their coaching from the sideline. The girls' next group game will take place next Friday at home vs Mount Sackville. Best of luck!
Match report written by TY students Orla Hanratty and Aoife Boyhan.
Holyfaith Panel: Orla Kilfeather, Ava O’Donnell, Eve O’Grady, Emily Scott, Jenny Dundon, Clara Woods, Keelin Boyhan, Eileen McCarthy, Robyn Costello , Aoibhinn O’Brien, Jill Meehan, Rachel O’Dea, Maeve O’Neill, Amelia McKay, Siun Lindsay, Anna Gallogly, Olivia Meikal, Molly O’Neill, Maggie Foley.