Well done to the 14 students who participated in the first model UN conference to be hosted by Newpark Comprehensive School last weekend. The students represented Ghana and Panama in various committees and among the topics debated were child labour in sub- Sahara Africa, underage substance abuse, waste management in manufacturing countries, the Taliban' s reign in Afghanistan, gang violence in central America and the role of AI in crating economic policy. Well done to Lauren Grant of TY on being voted best delegate in the Health and Youth committee.
Congratulations to Aoibhe Smyth was was invited to speak at the 2023 UNCRC Child Summit, representing Jigsaw.
Aoibhe spoke about what must be included for young people’s mental health in the youth strategy, which is being implemented by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth over the next 4 years. Aoibhe will speak to some of our junior students over the coming months.
Well done, Aoibhe.
The Soroptimist Public Speaking Competition took place on Saturday. Ariana Ceraldi and Ruth Dolan both spoke on People and Human Rights. Lauren Grant spoke on Partnership and Empowerment of Women. Well done, girls and thank you to Ms Conlon for preparing the students and for attending the event.
Congratulations to all involved in last week’s debates and public speaking competitions.
In round two of the Leinster debates in TCD, Rachel Casey and Phoenix Hickson Pitt came first in their room while Olivia Hogan and Sophia Altieri performed well in their room.
In the UCD Junior debates, Rachel Morrissey and Kate O’Callaghan and Ella Wang and Anna Feeney came second in their respective rooms while Orlaith Benham and Louise Gallogly spoke very well in a highly competitive room in what was their first debate.
In the Soroptimist public speaking competition in the Mansion House on Saturday, the three speakers performed very well (Arianna Ceraldi, Lauren Grant and Ruth Dolan) with Lauren progressing to the next round to be held in Mullingar in January.
Many thanks to Ms Conlon, Ms Day and Mr Joyce who have worked with the students and attended the competitions. Thank you also to the parents who attended.
Thank you to all who supported the Team Hope Shoebox Appeal with donations and filled shoeboxes. We donated over €800 and 113 shoeboxes! Well done, everyone! Thank you to Ms Halpin and the 6th year students who coordinated the appeal.
A group of students attended a special badminton event last week. They met some of Ireland's Olympians and were trained by them. They also watched some professional matches. Thank you to Jackie for organising the day.