Displaying 491-500 of 817 results.
Mind Your Mental Health
Created : 14 Mar 2020, 4:10 PM
Archived : 29 May 2020, 1:00 AM
At this stressful time we must all look after both our physical and mental health. These two articles - one from the HSE and one from the Yale School of Medicine - provide some practical advice as to how we can best look after our mental health at this time. www.yalemedicine.org/stories/covid-19-anxiety/ www2.hse.ie/wellbeing/mental-health/minding-your-mental-health-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak.html
6th Years Taking Extra Leaving Cert Subjects
Created : 22 May 2020, 3:39 PM
Archived : 27 May 2020, 1:00 AM
Would all those 6th Year students taking extra Leaving Cert subjects outside school, please see the email sent by Mr. Kinsella and complete the associated online form by the specified deadline.
Incoming 1st Year Information Meeting
Created : 21 May 2020, 1:11 PM
Archived : 25 May 2020, 1:00 AM
We are looking foward to meeting all our incoming 1st Years and their parents online this evening at 7:15pm. The link to the meeting is contained in the invitation email sent to parents last week.
SEC Information re Cancellation of Orals & Practicals
Created : 21 Mar 2020, 2:29 PM
Archived : 22 May 2020, 1:00 AM
Please see the attached document from the State Examinations Commission answering questions about the cancellation of the oral and practical components of this year's state examinations.

Leaving Cert Orals & Practicals
Created : 13 Mar 2020, 9:53 AM
Archived : 22 May 2020, 1:00 AM
We have been informed by the State Examinations Commission that the oral examinations which were due to take place during the weeks commencing 23rd and 30th March will not now take place at those times. We do not yet know what alternative arrangements will be put in place. We are awaiting information back from the SEC about the Music and Home Economics practical exams. Once we have this information we will notify you.
Advice from DES re Coronavirus
Created : 02 Mar 2020, 5:21 PM
Archived : 22 May 2020, 1:00 AM
Please see the links below for a letter sent to all schools from the Chief Medical Office or the Department of Health, along with advice concerning the prevention of the coronavirus.


Updated ICT Acceptable Use Policy
Created : 01 May 2020, 4:03 PM
Archived : 21 May 2020, 1:00 AM
The Board of Management of Dominican College has updated the school's ICT Acceptable Use Policy in light of our new online learning arrangements.  A copy of this policy is attached to this message.

5th & 6th Year YouTube Classes
Created : 16 Mar 2020, 2:00 PM
Archived : 21 May 2020, 1:00 AM
The Dublin Academy has made available a range of video lessons for most Leaving Cert subjects. These videos can be found at www.youtube.com/channel/UCYX8SwIoZ7Mjizw1_eQ6kUA/videos
Interschools Equestrian Win for Mia
Created : 03 Dec 2019, 5:22 PM
Archived : 20 May 2020, 1:00 AM
Congratulations to 2nd Year student Mia Higgins who competed in the Interschools Equestrian Competition last weekend and was part of the overall winning team. Well done Mia!
Free Online “What is Computing and Coding?” Parent Talk.
Created : 14 May 2020, 9:43 AM
Archived : 19 May 2020, 1:00 AM
Kids Coder Club are hosting a Free Online “What is Computing and Coding?” talk for parents this coming Monday via Zoom at 11 am and 6 pm.. At this, they will explain what computing and coding is about., how Kids Coder Club work with their students, the programmes required, free platforms and thereafter answer questions from the online audience.