Displaying 451-460 of 817 results.
Covid-19 Response Plan & Other Information
Created : 23 Aug 2020, 6:29 PM
Archived : 09 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
In preparation for the return of our students to school in little over a week's time, we have published our Covid-19 Response Plan on the school website. Alongside this plan is information about: - What students can expect when they return to school - What parents can expect - Health and safety guidelines - Relevant Department of Education & Skills documents about the return of schools. These documents are in the Downloads section of the school website at www.taylorshill.ie/useful-information/downloads.php Parents and students will receive information about the return to school in the post early this coming week.
After-School Study Application for 6th Year Students
Created : 03 Sep 2020, 1:02 PM
Archived : 07 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
6th Year students who wish to undertake after-school study this year, should complete the online form at the link below no later than 9am on Monday 7th September. In relation to cost, the year is divided into two terms with a fee of €185 per term. A link to make an online payment will be sent to parents early next week. Applications for places for 3rd and 5th Year students will be available from next Monday. 6th Year Application Link: forms.gle/3hemkLXheBAxXxBe7
Start of Year Amended Dates & Information
Created : 14 Aug 2020, 4:04 PM
Archived : 04 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
We in the school are very much looking forward to welcoming our students and staff back at the end of the month. In order to ensure adequate preparation and induction training for staff and students, we have had to slightly amend the schedule for the start of the school year. Please see the attached letter which contains information about the amended schedule as well as other relevant information concerning the reopening of the school.

Welcome Back!!!
Created : 29 Aug 2020, 5:27 AM
Archived : 02 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
We're all very excited about welcoming our new 1st Year students and our 6th Years tomorrow!!!!
Fabulous Fun Run/Walk!
Created : 19 Sep 2019, 5:23 PM
Archived : 02 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
The sun shone on all our students and staff who took part in our fantastic fun run/walk this afternoon, The girls were all dressed in their house colours and enjoyed the comradery, exercise, sunshine, dancing and fun of the day. €565 was raised for Madra by the girls in memory of Marian Hegarty and Dawn Divilly and her dog Pumpkin came along to collect the cheque. Many thanks to Ms. O'Regan, the House leaders and all the prefects who organised the day.
Message re Racism
Created : 10 Jun 2020, 4:15 PM
Archived : 01 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Here in Taylor's, we are given many opportunities to be proud of our girls and this week we were provided with one more. Acting on an email signed by many of our students, we had a wonderful meeting with a representative group of students who outlined what they feel the school can do to ensure we are fully supporting the fight against racism. We also discussed ways in which we can endeavour to continually ensure that racism has no place within the walls of Dominican College, and ways in which we can educate and inform all members of our school community in these matters. The Board of Management intends taking on board a number of the girls’ suggestions. The young women we met with were organised, eloquent, articulate and a credit to our school. We thank them for reminding us that we can never stop striving for our school to be the best it can be, supporting all our students equally. The Board of Management, in keeping with the school’s Christian and inclusive ethos, is proud to support the struggle to end all forms of racism and to stand with our students who seek this end.
Izzy on Morning Ireland Radio Show
Created : 05 Jun 2020, 3:47 PM
Archived : 28 Aug 2020, 1:00 AM
5th Year student Izzy Osayimwen was interviewed on Morning Ireland on RTE Radio 1 this morning about her involvement the the Whistleblast musical project. You can listen to her interview at www.rte.ie/radio/radioplayer/html5/#/radio1/11201025 It begins 1hr 53mins 20 seconds into the programme. You can view the video of the song at youtu.be/5c0AQwh3
Student Input into Online Learning Planning
Created : 19 Aug 2020, 2:03 PM
Archived : 27 Aug 2020, 1:00 AM
As you know, we are currently planning for the school to re-open over the coming weeks. We are putting in place a plan for online learning should it become necessary to close the school at any stage and return to online tuition. We are holding a meeting next Monday (24th August) at 11:30am in the school for any students who would like to have an input into this. All students have experience of online learning and it is important that we learn from your experience about what works and what does not work for you. Any future online learning will only work if it takes into account the perspectives of students, teachers and parents as well as overall best practice and guidance in relation to online learning. If any students would like to take part in this planning discussion, please email covidplanning@taylorshill.ie before 1pm on Friday 21st August. Due to social distancing, we will have to restrict numbers to 24 students. If we have more requests than places available, we will randomly select students from each year group. All students who express an interest in attending this meeting will be emailed on Friday afternoon. Parental input will also be sought through the Parents’ Council.
Taylors Awarded 3rd Green Flag
Created : 07 May 2020, 3:08 PM
Archived : 21 Aug 2020, 1:00 AM
Congratulations to the Green Schools Committee in the school led by Bn. Mhic Aodha Bhui, who were notified today that the school has been awarded its third Green Flag in recognition of its work in the area of water conservation in the school. It is a fantastic achievement to be awarded a third Green Flag and a just recognition of the fabulous work undertaken by the Green Schools Committee. A very big well done and congratulations to all invovled in this achievement.
Student Input into Covid-19 Planning for School Re-opening
Created : 07 Aug 2020, 5:24 PM
Archived : 12 Aug 2020, 1:00 AM
Dear Students, I hope this message finds you well. We are currently planning for the school to re-open at the end of August and would very much appreciate the input of students into this plan. It is important that we have students' perspective on this, so that we can make it work as effectively as possible. With this in mind, we have invited the members of the Student Council to come to a meeting in the school next Wednesday (12th August) at 2pm. We would like to invite more students to join this meeting. If you would like to attend this meeting, please email covidplanning@taylorshill.ie before 1pm on Tuesday 11th August. Due to social distancing, we will need to limit the meeting to 24 students. If we have more requests than places available, we will randomly select two students from each year group. All students who express an interest in attending this meeting will be emailed on Tuesday afternoon. Regards, Alan Kinsella