Displaying 501-510 of 920 results.
NUIG & TCD Research into Teens & Covid Restrictions
Created : 25 Nov 2020, 1:52 PM
Archived : 17 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
We have been asked to pass on the following information about some research being carried out by NUIG and Trinity College Dublin into how adolescents deal with and adjust to pandemic restrictions: "We are keen to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic and the various restrictions that are in place, are impacting on the lives of teenagers. A team of researchers from the School of Psychology, NUI, Galway and Trinity College Dublin are carrying out this research. This survey is for teenagers (12-18 years). Please note all teenagers require parent/guardian consent, if they wish to take part. To find out more about, you can access our study website: www.adaptresearchstudy.com/ "

Park & Stride and Road Safety Information
Created : 16 Oct 2020, 1:41 PM
Archived : 16 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see the attached leaflets about the Park & Stride initaitive being run in Galway, and the Road Safety Authority's guidelines for staying safe when travelling to and from school.


Supporting your (Secondary School) Child to Develop Positive Learning Habits
Created : 19 Nov 2020, 4:07 PM
Archived : 04 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
There is a an online webinar to assist parents and guardians in supporting their children to improve their academic performance taking place on 2nd December 2020. Further details can be found at: www.lec.ie/courses-limerick-education-centre/local-courses/997-parents-course.html
CAO Information Meeting for 6th Year Parents
Created : 14 Nov 2020, 7:59 AM
Archived : 30 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
REMINDER: the online information meeting for 6th Year parents about CAO applications and third level options will take place on Thursday 26th November at 7:30pm. The link for this meeting is: oide.webex.com/meet/principal83 Please note that the meeting will be on the Webex platform. If you are accessing this from a PC you can click on the link above and view it through a web browser, however if you are using a mobile phone or tablet you will first need to download the free Webex app.
Leisure Card Initiative for Young People - Webinar for Parents
Created : 13 Nov 2020, 8:20 AM
Archived : 27 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Planet Youth have been lobbying as part of their initiative to have a government funded leisure card scheme for young people implemented in Ireland – similar to the one in place in Iceland. In Iceland, this involves an annual grant of €350 per child to spend solely on hobbies, sports and extracurricular activities. The results of this have been excellent in improving children’s wellbeing and decreasing the likelihood of social and behavioural problems. Planet Youth is hosting a webinar for parents on Thursday, 19th November from 2.00pm-3.15pm. To register for this, please go to event.webinarjam.com/register/15/7qk60tv This webinar will be attended by government ministers and it is hoped that a high parental attendance will put additional pressure on them to approve the initiative.
Wear House Colours to Stand Up Against Homophobic, Biphobic and Transphobic bullying
Created : 19 Nov 2020, 2:54 PM
Archived : 26 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
The students in class 2/2 are leading an initiative in the school to highlight the issue of homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying in schools. In conjunction with schools across Ireland, they are asking students to wear jumpers and jackets in their house colours tomorrow, Friday, to highlight the issue of such bullying and to show that we as a school community recognise that there is no place for that behaviour in Taylors or in any other school.
Taylor's Players Selected for Connacht Hockey Squad
Created : 17 Sep 2020, 5:18 PM
Archived : 26 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to the following Taylor's students who have been selected for the 2020 Connacht Interprovincial Hockey Squad: Jackie Anderson (5th Year) Saoirse Burke (5th Year) Grace Hennessy (5th Year) Aoibhín McDonnell (5th Year)
'Then We'll Meet Again' Recording by Taylor's Students and Limerick Youth Orchestra
Created : 22 May 2020, 2:58 PM
Archived : 26 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Some of our fabulous music students worked with The Whistleblast Quartet over the past few months - both in school and online - to write and record a fantastic song entitled 'Then We'll Meet Again'. The Taylor's girls joined with students from the Ceol na Mara Youth Orchestra, Limerick, to undertake this project. The girls on the video are: Cathriona Almasor (3rd Yr), Sarah Harnett (3rd Yr), Poppy Johnson (2nd Yr), Izzy Osayimwen (5th Yr), Lauren O'Donnell (2nd Yr) and Carissa Sorsenson (5th Yr). Other Taylor's music students also submitted audio tracks which were used in the recording. The link to the YouTube video is youtu.be/ziKHl9eJk-0
20th November: School Open
Created : 05 Nov 2020, 11:10 AM
Archived : 24 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Students & Parents, The school was due to be closed for students on Friday 20th November due to staff training. Unfortunately, because of the Covid restrictions, this training has had to be postponed so there will be school as normal on that date.
Lauren to Captain Connacht U16 Hockey Team
Created : 22 Sep 2020, 12:12 PM
Archived : 22 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Congratulation to Lauren O’ Donnell in 3rd year who has been selected as captain of the Connacht u16 hockey team. This is a fantastic achievement and a testament to her hard work and dedication. The inter-pro competitions will take place over the coming weekends and we wish Lauren and her teammates all the best of luck.