Please find attached the timetable for all the extra-curricular activities currently taking place in the school. If your daughter has not already signed up to one of our numerous activities, please encourage them to get involved. New students are always welcome.
Good evening, parents/guardians and students
Have you downloaded your free e-books yet?
Get organised with your learning for the year and lighten the load for homework by downloading your free e-books...
There may be some subjects where the textbook may be left in your locker in school, and the e-book version can be used for homework, instead of bringing books in and out each day. All textbooks should have a code/system to give you access to a free e-book version of the textbook.
There are some useful supports in the attached PDF document to help you get started...
Student Supports for Using Office 365 (Teams)
Teachers use the class Team to communicate with students and make resources available for learning. A reminder to students to check Teams regularly to keep up to date with learning and important information.
Did you know there are teacher-made videos on our website to help your child to use our school platform for learning? Teachers on our Digital Learning Team created some ‘how to’ videos to show students how to use Office 365 (Teams) on different devices at home. You can find them here ... Parents - Holy Family School
REMINDER - HFSS Parents' Association AGM 7.30pm will be held on Monday 3rd October 2022 at the Holy Family Secondary School .
All parents/guardians are welcome and encouraged to take a proactive part in supporting the HFSS school community.
Calendar reminder- no school tomorrow, Friday, 30th September 2022.
A Reminder: We are delighted to share an open invite (attached pdf) that we have received from the Patrician Secondary School for Senior Cycle students and parents to a Careers Fair taking place in the Patrician Secondary School this evening Thursday 29th September. As you can see from the list of exhibitors there's something for everyone, from all the major colleges to apprenticeships, Gardai, Defence Forces and the world of work. There is no need to book, just turn up on this evening.
This week is Study Skills Focus Week in HFSS and we are looking at tips on how to improve students’ study habits and ultimately improve their learning and exam results. As part of this, all student , during Tutor Time on Monday, had a session on “Study Skills”. This involved discussion on their study habits at present, watching a video on ‘Improving Study’ followed by discussion on how they would now improve their study habits.
Areas looked at included the importance of studying, creating a study plan, creating study aids, places to study, chunking material and time management.
Each day this week a video is posted in TEAMS for every year group on how to study and improve study skills. Videos are all expanding on areas which were discussed in Mondays Tutor Time. We also have a daily study tip.
This is the first Study Skills Focus Week of the year and is intended to be an introduction to this area. The plan is to get students to think and focus on study and the importance of getting into the routine of study at the beginning of the school year. Throughout the year we will be looking at various aspects of improving studying and learning.