Displaying 251-260 of 730 results.
School Survey - School Plan 2021 - 2026
Created : 22 May 2023, 1:07 PM
Archived : 22 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Parent/Guardian,  


We are currently completing year two of our school plan in HFSS. Our school plan sets out many targets for us to achieve by 2026, many of which we have already successfully implemented.  

As part of tracking our progress we would like to invite you to complete a survey evaluating our performance across some key areas we endeavour to improve during our current school plan (curriculum offered, facilities available, student voice, our sustainability and our engagement with the community). The data from this survey will help guide us to address areas in need of greater attention and furthermore as a metric to chart our progress. This is part of our School Self Evaluation process in HFSS and a large sample of students have also been surveyed for their contribution.  

Your input is extremely important. We would greatly appreciate it if you could take two minutes to complete the survey found at the below link. The survey will close on the 26th May so the data can be collated and analysed.  

For the information we collect to best represent the needs of our students and direct us towards impactful action we welcome your engagement in this survey  


Kind regards, 

Ms. Aisling Jordan 

School Self Evaluation Coordinator    

Leinster Schools Track & Field Championships
Created : 19 May 2023, 8:01 AM
Archived : 19 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM

Many congratulations to Éabha Brennan (1b) who won Bronze at the Leinster Schools' Track & Field championship in the 1,200m walk. Éabha will now represent the school in the All Ireland Track & Field Championships on the 2nd June in Tullamore.

Passing of former HFSS Principal, Mrs Angela Ryan
Created : 18 May 2023, 12:10 PM
Archived : 18 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM

Mrs. Angela Ryan

In memoriam

It is with great sadness that I share the news of the passing of Mrs. Angela Ryan, our esteemed former colleague, teacher and Principal of HFSS.

As we mourn her loss, let us also celebrate the immense impact that she had and the legacy in HFSS that she leaves behind. Mrs. Ryan was instrumental in building on the school’s strong traditions of the Holy Family Sisters. She was a proud custodian of the school’s ethos and modelled a noble commitment to her beliefs and principles as an educationalist. Guided by her faith, she embodied the philosophy of the founder, Fr. Pierre Bienvenue Noailles, to see the development of the whole person in the setting of a nurturing family. She emulated the school’s central tenet of ‘To Be Family and to Build Family’. She believed in the power of education to transform lives and she instilled a sense of pride and purpose that permeated throughout the school.

Mrs. Ryan taught English and History amongst many other programmes and courses, yet it was her Geography lessons that were deemed legendary. She understood the value of connecting students to their surroundings and the world beyond. Through various initiatives, she brought geography to life, fostering a deep appreciation for the natural and cultural landscapes that surround us. Her tireless efforts to provide meaningful experiences enriched the educational journey of so many young women.

She also had a deep appreciation for the arts, in particular, she had an unwavering passion for the school’s Choirs and Music. She recognised the transformative power of music and its ability to nurture creativity, foster collaboration, and inspire a sense of unity among students and staff. This was notable to all who studied, worked, or visited HFSS. Indeed, the welcoming sounds of classical symphonies and lyrical masterpieces filled the front hall and corridors from Principal Ryan’s Office.

Mrs. Ryan was a beacon of inspiration and guidance. Her unwavering dedication, kindness, and genuine care touched the lives of countless students, staff members, and parents. She had a remarkable ability to lead by example, instilling in us a sense of responsibility, resilience, and a commitment to excellence. 

Above all, she was a kind and wise school leader and she had a total commitment to the school. Having been an HFSS student, teacher, and Principal, her legacy holds a unique position in the school’s history, and her contribution is embedded in its story. For all of us who had the privilege to work alongside her, we know that the school community benefited from her extraordinary work ethic, vision, drive, and passion for HFSS.

Mrs. Ryan’s contribution to education in Newbridge is immeasurable. The school community is immensely saddened by the loss of our former colleague, school leader, and friend.  

Our deepest sympathies to her beloved Raphael, Hannah, and Daniel, and to the extended Ryan and Dunning families.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.

With deepest condolences,

Sarah Allen                                                                                                                   

HFSS Principal

May 2023

Sports Day - Change of Day
Created : 10 May 2023, 2:35 PM
Archived : 10 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians


Due to poor weather conditions tomorrow, Sports Day will now take place on Friday 12th May 2023.

There will be classes as normal for all students tomorrow, Thursday 11th May.

PA 8th May meeting
Created : 05 May 2023, 3:52 PM
Archived : 05 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM

The HFSS Parents' Association will meet again next Monday, 8th May at 7.30pm in the school.

South Leinster Track & Field in SETU Carlow
Created : 04 May 2023, 8:48 PM
Archived : 04 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM
Congrats to our 1st and 2nd Year Athletes who represented the HFSS today at the South Leinster Track & Field  in SETU Carlow. Special mention to Éabha Brennan (1st Year)who won silver in the 1,200 walk ,qualifying now for the Leinster T & F.
HFSS Parents' Association Cash for Clothes collection.
Created : 26 Apr 2023, 11:09 AM
Archived : 26 Jun 2023, 12:00 AM
A reminder about the Parents' Association Cash for Clothes collection.
Bags can be dropped off at the school on any school day (during school hours) or at the dedicated drop-off times.
Wed, 26th April, 1 pm-4 pm  (TODAY)
Thursday, 27th April 3 pm-6 pm. (TOMORROW)
The bags will be collected on the last day of the collection 3rd May.
 Part proceeds of the fundraiser will go to the Lauralynn Irish Children's Hospice.
Reminder- Bus Éireann School Transport Application Process for 2023/24 School Year
Created : 26 Apr 2023, 11:03 AM
Archived : 26 Jun 2023, 12:00 AM

The Bus Éireann portal is open for applications for school transport for the 2023/24 school year.


Information for families regarding School Transport Application

Process for 2023/24 School Year

Applications for the 2023/24 school year


Important dates

New Applicants: The closing date for new applications is Friday 28 April 2023.

New applications made after this deadline date will be deemed late and families are not guaranteed a ticket.


Bus Éireann will contact all existing applicants via email directly, and a wider media campaign is now underway. Further information is available on www.gov.ie/schooltransport and buseireann.ie/schooltransport.


Information for families regarding School Transport Application Process for 2023/24 School Year


Families are asked to note that the closing date for payment/registering medical cards has been brought forward so that Bus Éireann can process applications, arrange transport and issue tickets to families as soon as possible for the 2023/24 school year.



1.    New Applicants – Apply By 28TH APRIL 2023

The Bus Éireann family portal is now open for new applications for school transport services for the 2023/24 school year. New applications are considered as:


·         pupils who will be attending junior infants in primary school or first year in post primary school for the first time in 2023.

·         pupils that may move home address or will be attending a new school in the 2023/24 school year

Applications can be made by visiting www.buseireann.ie/schooltransport

The closing date for new applications is Friday 28 April 2023. Any new applications made after the closing date are considered late applications and families are not guaranteed a ticket. 


2.    All Applicants- payment/enter medical card details – closing date 9 June 2023

The Bus Éireann family portal will be open to accept payments/medical card details from the 3 April 2023 until the 9 June 2023.  Payments made after the deadline date will be deemed late and families are not guaranteed a Ticket.


Payments/medical card details must be submitted for:

·         new applicants, and;

·         pupils who have previously applied/availed of school transport and require a seat on a service for the 23/24 school year.

Children (who are eligible for school transport) and who possess valid medical cards (GMS Scheme) are exempt from paying the annual charge however, their medical card details must be submitted to Bus Éireann.  Bus Éireann will accept medical card details from 3 April 2023 until 9 June 2023.  Medical card details received after 9 of June deadline are considered late. 


Families are strongly urged to make sure that they pay/enter valid medical card details on or before the deadline of 9 of June 2023.


The Annual Charge for School Transport Services for the 2023/24 school year is set out below:


Category of pupil


Annual Charge

Primary Eligible/ Concessionary pupil



Post primary Eligible/ Concessionary pupil


Maximum annual charge for families





3.    Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for School Transport for the 2023/24 school year is as follows:


·         Children are eligible for transport at primary level where they reside not less than 3.2 kilometres from and are attending their nearest national school, and at post-primary level where they reside not less than 4.8 kilometres from and are attending their nearest post-primary school/education centre as determined by the department/Bus Éireann, having regard to ethos and language.


·         Children who are eligible for school transport and who have completed the application and payment process on time will be accommodated on school transport services where such services are in operation.


·         Children who are not eligible for school transport, but who complete the application and payment process on time, will be considered for spare seats that may exist after eligible children have been facilitated; such seats are referred to as concessionary seats.


·         Because of the nature of concessionary transport for non-eligible children and the priority of providing places for eligible children, there may be an excess of demand over supply for concessionary places, in these cases Bus Éireann will allocate tickets for spare seats using an agreed selection process.


·         In addition, temporary alleviation measures will continue for the 2023/24 school year, pending completion of the school transport scheme review. This means that transport will be provided where such services are in operation for post-primary pupils who are eligible for transport to their nearest school and are attending their second nearest school and who apply and pay on time.


4.    Pupils from Ukraine

Pupils from Ukraine who require school transport should not apply on the Bus Éireann family portal but should visit gov.ie/ukraine for details on how to apply. Please note that any pupils from Ukraine who are currently on school transport do not need to re-apply for the 2023/24 school year unless they have changed address or school.

Parents' Association' Cash for Clothes' collection
Created : 21 Apr 2023, 4:52 PM
Archived : 21 Jun 2023, 12:00 AM
A reminder about the Parents' Association Cash for Clothes collection.
Bags can be dropped off at the school on any school day (during school hours) or at the dedicated drop-off times.
Wed, 26th April, 1 pm-4 pm
Thursday, 27th April 3 pm-6 pm.
The bags will be collected on the last day of the collection 3rd May.
Part proceeds of the fundraiser will go to the Lauralynn Irish Children's Hospice.
Good luck to our 6th years, PA Fundraiser and Easter wishes
Created : 31 Mar 2023, 4:53 PM
Archived : 02 Jun 2023, 12:00 AM

Wishing our 6th years the very best for their Leaving Certificate Irish and Modern Foreign Language Orals which will take place from tomorrow (Saturday, 1st April) until next Thursday, 6th April.

A reminder about the Parents' Association upcoming 'Cash-4-Clothes' fundraiser after the Easter break.

Bags can be dropped off at the school any day that it is open after the Easter break or there will be dedicated drop-off times.

Wed, 26th April, 1 pm-4 pm and Thursday, 27th April, 3 pm-6 pm.

The bags will be collected on the last day of the collection 3rd May.

Part proceeds of the fundraiser will go to the Lauralynn Irish Children's Hospice.

Wishing all in our school community a very restful Easter break.