Displaying 331-340 of 626 results.
World Internet Safety Day
Created : 02 Feb 2022, 11:56 AM
Archived : 02 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
On World Internet Safety Day, and always, we are encourage everyone in our school community to be vigilant and aware of their safety online. The link below provides some guidance for students, parents and teachers. www.webwise.ie/
Extra Curricular Activities Term 2
Created : 08 Oct 2021, 9:31 AM
Archived : 02 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
We are delighted that many of the extra curricular activities, which form such an important part of our school, are back up and running. Attached is the current timetable of activities taking place for Term 2.

Calendar updates
Created : 31 Jan 2022, 1:04 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/ guardians, Please note the following updates to the school Calendar. As we had already included the 18th March as a day off for students in our school calendar , there will be now be no school for students on Tuesday 3rd May . Also ,please note that school will finish at 1pm on Tuesday 22nd of March to facilitate staff training and a staff meeting.
TY Activity Week
Created : 28 Jan 2022, 4:05 PM
Archived : 28 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
HFSS was buzzing with activity this week. Our Transition Year students participated in a wide range of activities including a drama workshop, a crash course in tag rugby, dancercise classes and a mock trial with some visiting barristers. They showed their creativity and innovation today in their engineering workshop where they worked hard to breathe new life into old items and remodel them into something new. Well done to all of our TY students.
Catholic Schools Week - Wednesday Theme
Created : 26 Jan 2022, 3:33 PM
Archived : 26 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Celebrating Catholic Schools' Week 2022 Continuing the theme of the importance of our faith and reflecting on our contribution to the common good of society. Wednesday’s Theme: (Grandparents Day) Celebrating Being Together Again

HFSS Science labs upgrade.
Created : 25 Jan 2022, 8:07 PM
Archived : 25 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
The Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD, has announced funding of €65 million for the approval of 497 projects under the 2022 Summer Works Scheme. We are delighted to share with you that the HFSS Board of Management's application for the upgrade of the school's science labs has been successful. The HFSS Science labs will be significantly upgraded this year. All HFSS students study Science in Junior Cycle (1st, 2nd and 3rd year) and Transition Year (4th year) and a great number continue this study by taking Biology, Chemistry and/or Physics options for Senior Cycle to Leaving Certificate (5th and 6th year). This labs upgrade news coincides with the introduction of the possibility of studying Agricultural Science to Leaving Certificate this year as one of the 5th year options for LC 2024. www.gov.ie/en/press-release/8b4c0-minister-foley-announces-65m-summer-works-programme-for-2022/
Celebrating Catholic Schools' Week 2022
Created : 24 Jan 2022, 5:42 PM
Archived : 24 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Catholic Schools' Week will be celebrated in our school and across Ireland this week - from Sunday the 23rd to Sunday the 30th of January. Families, parishes, and schools are invited to participate in a week of celebration of Catholic Schools and reflecting on their contribution to the common good of society. The theme of Catholic Schools Week this year is CATHOLIC SCHOOLS: LIVING LIFE TO THE FULL. newbridgeparish.ie/news/catholic-schools-week-2022 www.kandle.ie/catholic-schools-week-2022/
Calendar Reminder
Created : 24 Jan 2022, 2:59 PM
Archived : 24 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians As per our school calendar, classes finish on Thursday 27th January at 3:30pm. in order to facilitate the 2nd year Parent Teacher Meeting,
Guest Artist visits Holy Family
Created : 21 Jan 2022, 12:36 PM
Archived : 21 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Mary Ferris, artist and sculptor, visited our 3rd and 5th year Art classes last week. Mary spoke about her work as an artist, her inspiration, the influence of the artist John Behan and presented examples of her bronze sculptures. She also led a workshop with our students. Earlier this year, Mary gifted a beautiful bronze sculpture of St Brigid to the Holy Family Secondary School community. We are very grateful for this wonderful opportunity to meet the artist and to learn more about her creative process.
Captain's Day 2022
Created : 14 Jan 2022, 4:38 PM
Archived : 14 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Today was a powerful and inspirational celebration of female empowerment in our school community. This was organised by our School Captain, Gráinne and her Senior Prefect team. Students in all year groups heard from guest speakers and participated in a range of activities based on women in politics, women in sport and how we can all empower ourselves. A powerful day which opened up some powerful conversations.