Displaying 1001-1010 of 2280 results.
Gardening Module
Created : 14 Sep 2021, 9:53 PM
Archived : 14 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
TY students busy preparing the tunnel today with Ms Cashin during their gardening module. A mighty clear out. Déanann go leor lámha obair éadrom.
Kildalton Open Day
Created : 14 Sep 2021, 3:19 PM
Archived : 14 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Work Experience Cliff House Hotel
Created : 13 Sep 2021, 9:39 PM
Archived : 13 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see attached advert for a careers open day at Cliff House Hotel. This is for TY students or anyone who may be considering a career in the hospitality industry. There are a range of opportunities across all departments: Commis CDP / CDP Pastry Casual Dining Bar Restaurant Mixology Bartender F&B Service 1* Michelin Fine Dining Sommelier Accommodation 5* excellence and training Spa Therapy Front Office / Reception, Porter Also, the 1* Michelin Kitchen is enrolling potential commis chefs into the National Chef Apprenticeship Programme under the guidance of our Executive Chef Ian Doyle and his team. Please feel free to pop in at any stage of the day from 11am – 6pm on Saturday 2nd October whether it is for part/full – time employment, work experience enquiries, career advice etc. The Cliff House Hotel would love to welcome you!
Coastal Hike Tramore
Created : 13 Sep 2021, 9:24 PM
Archived : 13 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
As part of our TY trip to Tramore students enjoyed a guided walk of the promenade, the men’s bathing slip, women’s bathing slip and the Doneraile walk. Our guide gave fascinating tales of the many ship wreaks and etiquette during Victorian times. Students also enjoyed spectacular views of Tramore Bay.
Surfing in Tramore
Created : 13 Sep 2021, 9:06 PM
Archived : 13 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Another fantastic day for TY students! Super fun in the high waves surfing. Weather was perfect no rain until we were going home on the bus.
Current 6th years!
Created : 13 Sep 2021, 5:12 PM
Archived : 13 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Current 6th years applying to UCAS next year please call to Ms Moore’s office at 9.40 on Wednesday. Please be aware medicine, veterinary, dentistry have a deadline of October 15th. All other course are January 15th. Please ask your teachers permission before attending so you can be marked present on the roll. 1:1 appointments will be scheduled later this week and will be posted on office door.
SUSI Grant
Created : 13 Sep 2021, 5:08 PM
Archived : 13 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
SUSI grant information. Click on the video!!!! twitter.com/susihelpdesk/status/1437326547501916162?s=21
CAO Round 1 Offer
Created : 12 Sep 2021, 7:21 PM
Archived : 12 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
GENTLE REMINDER: CAO round 1 offer acceptance 13th September. Remember unless you are accepting your no 1 choice, you can still be offered a course in subsequent rounds providing you meet the entry requirement criteria and places become available.
Supervised Evening Study 2021/22
Created : 18 May 2021, 1:00 PM
Archived : 12 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
- Reminder Study will commence tomorrow Monday 13th Sept. - Students can only commence study once they have paid for Term 1 (€150) Please see school website for full details; www.staugustines.ie/news/news-old/1515-supervised-evening-study-2021-22
Waterford Bike Week Events
Created : 09 Sep 2021, 12:52 PM
Archived : 09 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Plenty to choose from. Lovely events that our TY students can sign up for. Enjoy !