Displaying 1351-1360 of 1920 results.
Covid 19
Created : 27 Aug 2020, 4:37 PM
Archived : 01 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Following on a letter from the Minister of Education this afternoon.,please note the following points: The response to confirmed cases or outbreaks of Covid-19 in the community or in a school is the responsibility of and will be led and managed by Public Health HSE. All decisions as to appropriate actions following a confirmed case or outbreak will be made by their teams in the context of a full Public Health Risk Assessment procedure according to the principles set out in the document attached. Any actions to be taken by the school will be communicated directly by Public Health HSE. School management will be informed as and when such actions such as exclusion of children or staff; partial or full closure, are deemed necessary on public health grounds. If the school is not so informed, it has not been deemed necessary by Public Health. Ø It is inevitable that with confirmed cases of Covid-19 circulating within the community, there will be suspect or confirmed cases amongst pupils and staff attending, or working within, educational facilities. Ø However, children will also continue to display symptoms of many other circulating respiratory viruses. It is known that young children often have a persistent cold. A child with a blocked or runny nose, but no fever can attend school but if they require paracetamol or ibuprofen, they must stay at home for 48 hours and parents or guardians should contact the GP to assess whether a test is required. Ø If a child displays symptoms which may be consistent with Covid-19, the school should contact their parent or guardian and ask them to collect their child as soon as possible. The child should be cared for appropriately by a staff member whilst they are waiting to go home. The isolation space should be cleaned and contact surfaces disinfected when vacated. The staff member who has cared for the child with symptoms during this time does not need to go home unless subsequently advised to by Public Health HSE. Ø At this stage, no further action by the school is required. Ø In particular, schools are asked to note that they should not inform other parents or staff members that a pupil or staff member has gone home due to their symptoms. Other pupils or staff do not need to be removed from class, including siblings or other household members. Ø When the GP of the child or staff member has assessed the symptoms to be consistent with Covid-19 infection, e.g. fever OR a new cough, shortness of breath, deterioration of existing respiratory condition OR symptoms of aguesia or dysgeusia (essentially loss of or changes to the sense of taste) and the person is referred for a test, at this point the person becomes a suspected Covid 19 case and household members including siblings should be withdrawn from school by their parent or guardian. Ø Where no evidence of Covid-19 is detected by the test, the child or staff member should remain at home only until he or she is clinically well enough to return to school (unless specifically requested by HSE to do otherwise). In particular, all diarrhoea symptoms need to have been resolved for 48 hours prior to return to school. Household members can return to school immediately following the receipt by the parent or guardian or staff member of a “not detected” result. Ø When a case has been confirmed, the Medical Officer of Health and teams will liaise directly with the school and inform them of the confirmed case as necessary and will undertake a Public Health Risk Assessment to inform any further actions and recommendations. Ø Core to this assessment will be the likelihood of onward transmission from the confirmed case and will be informed by an urgent discussion with the school to establish any appropriate isolation for identified staff or pupils. Every school setting is unique and therefore the risks will be unique too, for example they will vary according to whether they are e.g. Special educational needs settings, primary or secondary or boarding schools and other factors specific to each school. This may include the effectiveness of the implementation of recommended HPSC risk mitigation measures and a range of other considerations. Ø The definition of close contacts within a school will be variable and determined by a risk assessment that will take account of individual factors within each school or class. It will not be automatically assumed that a whole class will be deemed as close contacts. Close contacts will be directly notified by the HSE and advised to restrict their movements and present for testing on day zero and day seven. Close contacts will restrict their movements for 14 days even in the event that Covid 19 is not detected in both of these tests. Ø There is no blanket policy to test entire classes or years. The testing strategy will be aligned to the Public Health Risk Assessment which may recommend widespread swabbing within a class or school under HSE mass testing procedures. Reopening School Section T 057 932 4461 reopeningschools@education.gov.ie Ø In the event of an outbreak, Public Health will determine between a range of possible interventions, from exclusion and testing of a small group or pod of pupils up to and including closure of an affected facility.
Created : 26 Aug 2020, 1:09 PM
Archived : 01 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Click on this link for some Department of Education videos on the return to school. www.gov.ie/en/publication/a04fc-advice-for-students-and-their-families/
Covid 19 Public Health Advice for parents
Created : 26 Aug 2020, 12:56 PM
Archived : 01 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Click on the document for the latest public health advice for parents.

Letter from Minister of Education
Created : 28 Jul 2020, 10:16 AM
Archived : 01 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Please click on the attached document to read a letter from the Minister of Education.

Activity Challenge
Created : 04 Apr 2020, 2:33 PM
Archived : 01 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Attached is an exercise programme that will suit students and parents . This is an activity challenge which consists of student/parents completing 2000 exercise reps over the next four weeks. That is 10 exercises x 50 reps each once a week =500 reps over 4 weeks =2000 reps. The exercises are very basic and a majority of students/parents will be familiar with them. Those that are not familiar can look them up on the internet. Many thanks to Chris Flannery for designing this.

1st Year Science Week Quiz
Created : 13 Nov 2020, 7:02 PM
Archived : 30 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
As part of #Scienceweek2020 all 1st years took part in an online Kahoot quiz which was great fun. Well done to all. Here are some of the winners on the day. See if you can figure out some of the answers!!
Virtual Open Evening is now live!
Created : 23 Oct 2020, 5:50 PM
Archived : 30 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Our first ever virtual Open Evening is gone live and can be seen on our website at www.isk.ie Application forms, Prospectus and other relevant documents can also be obtained from our website. Enjoy!!
School App - Version 5 Upgrade!
Created : 29 Sep 2020, 12:45 PM
Archived : 29 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
The App will be updated to Version 5 in the next few days. There are a range of new features which continue our drive towards a digital communications environment. If you have auto updates turned on the update process will be done automatically. Otherwise you will see an UPDATE message in your Notifications screen. Select UPDATE to complete the process. You will be asked to verify your mobile number during the update process. This must be the mobile number you have supplied to the school. Please note that only parents/students/teachers on the current schools list will be able to access the App. If you have changed your mobile number of if you have not supplied a mobile number you will not be able to access the App. Please note that if you do not update your APP certain features, including Consent Forms will not be available. If you experience any difficulty please email us at: support@uniqueschools.ie. Unique School App Support Team
Ballykissane Pier Clean
Created : 28 Sep 2020, 6:07 PM
Archived : 28 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Another Monday another Clean Up! Our TYs were in Ballykissane today and did a fantastic clean up as part of their Community Involvement Module. Our thanks to Kerry County Council for their help in disposing of the litter,
Created : 01 Nov 2020, 8:58 PM
Archived : 27 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
As the school reopens after Mid-term tomorrow, it is worth noting the following: Ventilation is one of the key ways we can limit the spread of Covid-19 in schools and so we will be keeping windows and doors open as much as possible in the coming weeks. Might be a good idea to make sure that students are dressed warmly with some extra layers.