Displaying 1301-1310 of 1963 results.
Seán Kearney
Created : 30 Apr 2021, 4:57 PM
Archived : 31 May 2021, 1:00 AM
Students from Junior RE classes presenting Garda Mary Gardiner with the many birthday cards made this week for Seán Kearney, from Ardfert, who turns 10 on Wednesday next. Seán is an honorary Gaurd, with a heart condition and his wish is to be famous for a day on his birthday. He is a worthy recipient of the "Little Blue Heroes" campaign run by An Gárda Síochána. Breithlá shona duit a Sheáin!
Well done to all involved.
Hogan Cup Victory - 25 years ago
Created : 28 Apr 2021, 11:10 AM
Archived : 31 May 2021, 1:00 AM
On this day 25 years ago, the school won the All-Ireland College's Football final in Croke Park when they lifted the Hogan Cup. What great memories! The years have gone by so quickly. Congratulations again to a great group of players and management on a historic victory.
Peter Crowley
Created : 23 Apr 2021, 5:30 PM
Archived : 31 May 2021, 1:00 AM
We were delighted to welcome the recently retired inter county footballer Peter Crowley to the school today to speak to our TY students as part of Career's Week. Peter has always been so giving towards the school and Mr. O'Dwyer presented Peter with a school football jersey to mark his great football career with the county. Thanks Peter and happy retirement.
FAO Parent of Junior Certs
Created : 15 Mar 2021, 2:01 PM
Archived : 29 May 2021, 1:00 AM
FYI, Junior Cert students have been made aware of the details of school end of year assessments through Microsoft Teams today.
Kerry College information evening
Created : 24 May 2021, 4:29 PM
Archived : 27 May 2021, 1:00 AM
Kerry College is running a virtual information session to provide information about our various supports; fees, grants and funding, learning supports, and adult and career guidance. Staff will be there on the night to answer any questions you may have. Date: Tuesday 25 May at 7pm via Zoom Registration essential, sign up here:
Home Economics
Created : 23 Apr 2021, 5:37 PM
Archived : 27 May 2021, 1:00 AM
Congratulations to the following first years who were awarded prizes in the Easter Bake Challenge: Sarah Lynn Wharton, Tessa Cronin, Pauline Schmal, Rhianna Russell, Aela Murphy, Síofra Griffin and Rachael O'Loughlin. Some excellent skills on display!
Information from the SEC
Created : 26 Mar 2021, 3:00 PM
Archived : 26 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Please find below information from the SEC
Entry of candidates for oral interviews
Candidates who have not registered on the Candidate Self-Service portal, or who registered on the portal but did not complete their selection of subjects and levels, can present for the oral interview. The details of these candidates must be added onto the ‘Candidate Entry Roll. as described in section 4 page 8 of SEC Circular 13/21.
Candidates who had opted out of the written examinations and selected accredited grades only, and who now want to opt back in to sit the written examinations, should be facilitated by schools in undertaking their oral interview(s) as long as the oral interview takes place within the original time window (26 March to 15 April). The details of these candidates must be added onto the ‘Candidate Entry Roll” as described in section 4 page 8 of SEC Circular 13/21. Late orals in this circumstance are not permitted.
When the portal reopens at end April/early May, candidates can update their choices to reflect their participation in the orals. (Note they will not be able to add new subjects).
Extensions for oral interviews are only available to candidates who are unable to attend due to illness an on the provision of medical certification.
School Transport.
With regard to school transport, and under the terms of the Department of Education’s School Transport Scheme, school transport services for eligible children generally operate during the standard school year to facilitate a child’s attendance during normal school opening and closing times only. The LC Music performance tests and the LCA Tasks are taking place over the Easter holidays and the designated period for the Oral Language interviews includes evenings, weekends and the Easter Holidays; time periods during which the School Transport Scheme is not operational. For public health reasons, and as these events are of short duration in schools, it would not be appropriate to have a normal school transport system in operation.
Stripe TY Programme 2021
Created : 23 Mar 2021, 5:27 PM
Archived : 23 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Our Transition Years participated in a very interesting and informative programme run by financial services company Stripe today. They explored all aspects of the business including software engineering, sales, finance, strategy and how the company protect against money launderers and criminals. They also introduced students to a new software engineering course in UL that has no exams... imagine that!! The course continues tomorrow with a walk-through of how to build a website that can accept payments online.
Leaving Cert Mass
Created : 14 May 2021, 8:44 AM
Archived : 15 May 2021, 1:00 AM
TY virtual visit from The Reptile Haven
Created : 04 Mar 2021, 7:47 PM
Archived : 04 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Our TYs had a both educational and entertaining afternoon courtesy of Ben and Mélanie from The Reptile Haven! They were introduced to bearded dragons, a python, a Gila monster and an iguana amongst other exotic creatures.