Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please see the attachment from Bus Éireann in relation to the school transport scheme for the year 2024/2025. The closing date for NEW school transport applications is this Friday 26th April 2024. Existing school transport applications will automatically roll over into the new school year.
Mr. Martin
Scoil Mhuire Friday News highlights all the positive events and achievements of students that have taken place during the week. Extra-curricular results, events, individual student achievements, trips, Teaching and Learning activities........
This has just come in : -
Attached please find details of the Parent & Toddler Grant Scheme 2024.
The closing date for applications is: Wed 24th April 2024
Full information and application forms are available here:
Existing groups can apply for up to €800 and new groups can apply for up to €1000. There is an additional €300 for buggy walking groups.
Most groups are universal community based groups, but groups can also be formed to respond to a particular need, for example a group for parents of children with complex needs, a group for parents and children in emergency accommodation, a forest school/outdoor play group and so on.
If you work with a group of parents and think setting up as a group & applying for the grant would be beneficial, support is available to complete the grant application and/or set up the group.
Please contact Jane Beatty Tel: 087 2566891
Belong To are holding a free webinar on May 7th at 7pm to support families of LGBTQ+ youth
For some parents and family members, it can a challenging time when their child comes out as LGBTQ+. It is normal to feel confused, upset or that you don’t know enough.
At Belong To, we are here to help.
Our new Family Support Service offers one-to-one support for the families of LGBTQ+ young people across Ireland. We can meet you in-person or online and share information and resources. Our Family Support Worker will also answer online queries. This is a free and confidential service.
As part of this new service, we are hosting a Webinar for the Parents and Carers of LGBTQ+ young people.
This free, one-hour workshop will take place online on Tuesday, May 7th at 7pm.
In this workshop, we will cover the following topics: Supporting Your Child, Supporting Yourself, and Terminology And Language.
To register for this free online event, email
Dear Parent/Guardian,
This is a message from Bus Éireann. It is primarily applicable to the parents/guardians of incoming first year students but may also be applicable to you where you have not previously applied for a place on a school bus or did not receive a place in the past.
As you are aware Bus Éireann operates the school transport scheme on behalf of the Department of Education. Applications for the next academic year are currently being received from parents. As we currently operate school bus services to your school, I am requesting your co-operation to forward the information, below to families of pupils heading into 1st year in September 2024.
The local school transport office has concerns due to the decreased numbers that families have not yet enrolled their children and they could miss out in securing a seat on the school bus.
Please direct any queries you may have directly to Bus Éireann.
Kind regards,
JP Cahillane
Scoil Mhuire Friday News highlights all the positive events and achievements of students that have taken place during the week. Extra-curricular results, events, individual student achievements, trips, Teaching and Learning activities........
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I hope this message finds you well. I wish to inform you that all Junior Cycle students will be engaging in Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) during S.P.H.E classes after the Easter Holidays. These lessons will run until the end of the term. If you check when your student has S.P.H.E class, you will know the day and time of these lessons. RSE is an important part of the S.P.H.E curriculum. All material covered will be in line with the specification set out by the Department of Education. You can see this specification in the link below. Any resources used in class will also be in line with the specification.
You have the right to withdraw your student from these classes. Due to limited resources, if you choose to withdraw your student, you will need to come to the school to sign them out and bring them home. They can be signed back in after the class. Students will not be allowed to sign themselves out without a parent/guardian present.
Kind regards,
Kevin Martin,
Please find attached the Summer Exam Timetable for 1st, 2nd, 5th year and LCA 1.
The exams commence on Monday, the 27th of May.
Kind regards,
Brian Shanahan.