Scoil Mhuire Friday News highlights all the positive events and achievements of students that have taken place during the week. Extra-curricular results, events, individual student achievements, trips, Teaching and Learning activities........
Enjoy the Midterm!
We are celebrating Wellbeing Week in Scoil Mhuire the week of the 19th - 23rd February. As part of our Wellbeing week, we are delighted to invite parents to attend a webinar facilitated by psychologist Fiona Forman. Details of the talk are below:
Raising Resilient Children: Approaches from Positive Psychology
Resilience is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children. We need to equip them with the skills they need to flourish and thrive, despite the difficulties and obstacles of life.
The field of Positive Psychology, which is the science of well-being, can offer us many approaches and ideas for nurturing our children’s resilience, through a combination of support and skills.
This talk explores insights and research on resilience, as well as 8 practical resilience skills and ways to develop them in children.
Date: 22nd February
Time: 7:30pm
Location: Online - Zoom (link will be forwarded closer to the time)
As places may be limited, we need to gather expressions of interest. Those who have registered will be emailed the zoom link.
Please register your interest using the form link below.
Please see attached PDF's of leaving and junior cert dates for projects and practical work.
Scoil Mhuire Friday News highlights all the positive events and achievements of students that have taken place during the week. Extra-curricular results, events, individual student achievements, trips, Teaching and Learning activities........
Our Adult Education Spring term starts on Tuesday 6th February. Our brochure is available to download from the website:
or directly from this link - Adult Education Spring 2024 Brochure .
See pdf attached for details of Leaving Certificate courses offered.
We hope we have something for everyone - further your education, improve your skills, learn a new hobby, improve your fitness and well-being!
We offer over 125 classes including many Certified - see pages 6 and 7 of the Brochure.
We are also offering many Daytime courses - See page 4 of the Brochure.
Scoil Mhuire - Your Community School!
Another reminder for any 6th year students who have not yet done so to please register for the Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP). It is extremely important that all 6th year & 6th year LCA students are be registered on this portal
To register please follow this link and read all instructions carefully:
Registration for 6th years is a two part process:
1. Register an account
2. Confirm all subjects and levels.
The portal will close at 5pm sharp on Friday the 2nd February, please ensure that registration is completed before this time.
Should any student encounter difficulty while registering for the CSSP the State Examinations Commission have helpline details at the bottom of the link above.
If a student needs to check their examination number please contact Mr. Mulhall.
Scoil Mhuire Friday News highlights all the positive events and achievements of students that have taken place during the week. Extra-curricular results, events, individual student achievements, trips, Teaching and Learning activities........
Dear parents/guardians,
We would like to wish our U-19 boys soccer team the best of luck in their Midlands League Final tomorrow.
The only students allowed to attend as supporters are the U-17 boys soccer panel. They will be supervised by a teacher on the way to the game, during the game and on the way back to school after the game.
No other students have permission to attend the game. Please do not give permission to your son/daughter to 'sign-out' to attend the game as they will not be supervised. They should stay in school and attend class as per their timetable.
Thanks for your support.
Mr. Martin
Reminder for all 6th year students that the Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) opened last Wednesday and all 6th year & 6th year LCA students need to register. It is extremely important that all sixth year students do this and confirm the subject levels for their examinations in June. Students will also receive their Leaving Certificate results through this portal.
Students can register for the portal through the following link:
Please ensure to read all instructions carefully in the link above and complete all steps to make sure registration is completed correctly.
Where a student is unsure of the level they will sit in a subject please put in what they think they are most likely to do for the exams in June.
If any students are doing extra subjects outside of school they need to register for these subjects through the portal also. Students can also withdraw from subjects which they are not sitting.
The portal will close at 5pm Friday the 2nd February, please ensure that registration is completed before this time.
Should any student encounter difficulty while registering for the CSSP the State Examinations Commission have helpline details at the bottom of the link above.
Dear Parents & Guardians of 6th year students,
Please check that your 6th yr student has opened their CAO account before the closing date of Feb. 1st. if they plan to go to college in September in Ireland using their Leaving Certificate points.
In addition please note :
If they are applying for HEAR or DARE, please check that they tick the box on their CAO application to indicate they are applying for these programmes. DARE applicants must also inform the school asap as the school must complete section B of the form for them.
Completed HEAR and DARE forms should reach the CAO by March 15th 2024.
Courses can be added now or later but NB ALL RESTRICTED COURSES MUST BE ADDED TO THE CAO BEFORE FEB 1ST - i.e. courses with a portfolio, interview or performance element.
Students can apply for 20 courses - 10 at Level 8 Honours Degree level and a further 10 at Levels 6/7 - 2 year Higher Certificates or 3 yr ordinary degree level....
All courses should be listed in order of preference . i.e. - the course in place No.1 should be the course they really want to do (not necessarily the highest points course)...and so on down the list. Please discuss courses with your 6th yr student and ensure they have thoroughly researched the course before adding it to their list.
Please contact a member of the guidance team if you have any queries.
You can also access video downloads on for guidance on the application process.
Thank you,
Guidance Team.