Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please find attached a document regarding the school uniform and school jacket. If you have any queries or questions, please contact me via the school app.
Kind regards,
Sinéad Ronan
Deputy Principal
The Irish Post-Primary Junior and Senior Boys and Girls Leinster qualifiers will be held at various venues over the coming weeks. If your student is a member of a golf club, has a Golf Ireland hadicap index and did not attend the meeting on Monday 2nd Sept, please ask them (if they are interested in playing) to see me at 11am on Tuesday 3rd Sept in room 42. They should know their current handicap and their membership number. Regards Mr Herring
Dear parents and students,
We would like to wish the class of 2024 best wishes in receiving their results tomorrow. The guidance team are available to help with any questions please don't hesitate to phone or email the school. Please see the image attached with important dates.
kind regards,
Guidance department.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please read the attached information regarding the Junior Cycle Free Book Scheme.
If you have any queries, please contact me via the school app.
Kind regards,
Sinéad Ronan
Deputy Principal
Dear 6th yr students, Parents/Guardians,
As the Leaving Certificate examinations draw to a close; it is very important that you sit down with your 6th year student and look again at their CAO course choices.
Has your student filled in their courses? It is important to check - sometimes students have opened their accounts back before February but have not added in any course choices!.
Make sure that all 20 options have been filled in - 10 at Level 8 and a further 10 at level 6&/or7. These should be over a range of points - giving the most options to the students.
Having sat the exams, students may wish to reassess their choices - it is really important to guide them through this process and to discuss with them reasons for changes and for choices.
The CAO remains open until July 1st so before then, please go through the choices and make sure the course choices are in order of preference, i.e. that the course they really want is in place number one - not necessarily the highest points course - but THE COURSE THEY REALLY WANT TO DO - that your student is likely to meet the minimum entry requirements for the courses on the lists and that all courses have been thoroughly researched that if they were offered any one of these they would likely accept an offer.
Thank you for your cooperation in this very important stage of the CAO process.
Kind regards,
Guidance Team
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Our Green Schools Team are engaging on a reuse & recycle school uniform initiative. They will be available in the front foyer of our school to accept fully laundered school uniform items that are in good condition to be reused on Monday 24th, Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th June. Please see the image attached for further information.
Many thanks!
We are delighted to inform you that the School of Electronic Engineering at DCU are hosting free engineering camps for secondary school students which will run in June/July 2024 on our DCU Glasnevin campus. We will have three camps in total with each camp running for four days. These camps promise to be fun and engaging with lots of prizes up for grabs!
Who Can Apply?
1st, 2nd, and 3rd year students are eligible to apply. These camps are suitable for students who are interested in problem solving, puzzles and have an interest in engineering or technology. In some instances, we may be able to accommodate 4th-year students.
When will it run?
Our Engineering Summer camps will run from Monday to Thursday from 10.00 am - 2.30 pm on the DCU Glasnevin campus:
Week 1: 17-20th June (for first and second-year students)
Week 2: 24-27th June (for second and third-year students)
Week 3: 1-4th July (advanced camp for those who have previously attended)
Further Details
This Summer camp will have a strong emphasis on hands-on activities, and act as a taster session for students who may want to pursue a career in electronic and computer engineering. Topics include:
● Maker Electronics labs
● Robotics/Mechatronics
● Introduction to Python Programming
Next Steps?
If your child would like to participate please fill in this form. Spaces will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
Kind Regards,
Áine Nolan (She/Her)
Oifigeach Sinsearach Riaracháin (Margaíocht) | Dámh na hInnealtóireachta & na Ríomhaireachta | Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath
Senior Administrative Officer (Marketing) | Faculty of Engineering and Computing | Dublin City University | Tel: + 353 1 700 8709
Dear Parent, Guardian and Students,
I would like to wish the best of luck to all our JC, LC and LCA students with their exams taking place over the next few weeks.
It will be natural to feel anxious or nervous tonight, before your first exam, but these nerves tend to calm down significantly once the exams are under way. It's important to remember that you have put in the work to get you to this stage and that these exams are an opportunity to showcase what you have learnt. Be confident and positive about them.
Try get a good night's sleep tonight and please be on plenty of time for all your exams.
Best wishes,
Mr. Martin
Best of luck to all 6th years beginning their exams tomorrow. The timetables are attached as a reminder, please make sure you know the day, date and time for all exams.
When students are finished exams they should go to the assembly hall or leave the school building as there are Junior Cert exams taking place in school also.
Students should ensure they have all of their equipment and must wear full school uniform for all exams.
Best of luck to all third years beginning their exams tomorrow. The timetable is attached as a reminder, please make sure you know the day, date and time for all exams.
When students are finished exams they should go to the assembly hall or leave the school building and make sure not to make noise as there are Leaving Cert exams on in the school.
Students should ensure they have all of their equipment and must wear full school uniform for all exams.