Displaying 381-390 of 1183 results.
Summer Season of Family Movies and Media Workshops
Created : 25 May 2022, 12:34 PM
Archived : 25 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Cinemagic Dublin presents a Summer Season of family movies and media workshops for all ages beginning on Saturday 11th June at Liffey Trust Studios and Odeon Point Square Dublin. Film, TV and media professionals involved in creative opportunities for young people include writer director Aisling Walsh, Actor Art Campion, Presenters Stephen Byrne, Zainab Boladale and Clara Murray, Character Designer Matthew Howorth, Brown Bag Films, George Watson, Aardman Animations and Science Media guru Mark Langtry. The workshops are the first return to live events for the film festival charity in Dublin since 2019 due to the virtual nature of lockdown events. There are special film screenings of family favourites, some introduced by special guests, to bring the magic of the movies alive for young audiences. On screen offerings include a Double Bill Superworm/The Snail and The Whale, a Double Bill We’re Going on A Bear Hunt / The Bear, classic book adaptation The Iron Giant, and a 40th Anniversary screening of The Last Unicorn. A Film Academy will bring together students to work under the guidance of film industry professionals in the production of a new short film giving aspiring filmmakers an insight to the different disciplines on a film set. Young people passionate about movie watching and critiquing can get involved to watch and review new films at our Young Film Consultants Screenings and Workshops on 7th August. Young Filmmakers aged 4-25 who have already crafted a short or wish to take on a summer challenge are invited to submit their short films to the Cinemagic Young Filmmaker competition for 2022 and the entry deadline is 1 August. Joan Burney Keatings, Cinemagic CEO said “I really encourage young audiences to embrace the magic of the movies and come out to try something new, find out about the film and television industry and get motivated. We are delighted with the support of our funders and partners to be able to return to live events to offer that much needed creative environment for young people to develop talents and be inspired.” Booking and information HERE www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/cinemagic-9888512418 The programme is supported by The Department of Education and Skills.
Created : 24 May 2022, 8:34 PM
Archived : 24 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
The 6th year graduation is taking place tomorrow evening at 6pm in the school gym. All parents and guardians of 6th year students are welcome. The graduation ceremony commences with a short prayer service followed by the graduation.. Please arrive early to be seated as we would like to start as close to 6pm as possible. Looking forward to seeing you at this special occasion. Kind regards Padraig Nolan
Evening Study
Created : 24 May 2022, 4:49 PM
Archived : 24 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, Evening study will finish at 5.20pm tomorrow Wednesday to facilitate our 6th Year Graduation ceremony @ 6pm. We request that you wait for your student outside the school grounds to avoid congestion and facilitate parking for those attending this ceremony. We appreciate your cooperation with this request. Many thanks, Mr Sheridan
2nd Yr Avon Ri Trip
Created : 20 May 2022, 11:23 AM
Archived : 20 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
This week over 165 second Year students and their Tutors enjoyed a day of activities in the Avon adventure centre in Blessington. The activities included archery, zip lining, team building games, climbing wall and orienteering. They also got to enjoy freshly made pizzas from the pizza bus. A great day was had by all . View Gallery: www.uniqueschoolapp.ie/site/photos/school_id/169/album_id/25005
Prefects 2022/2023
Created : 19 May 2022, 1:59 PM
Archived : 19 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
After a lengthy process involving all in the school community the Prefects for the class of 2023 have been decided upon. We would like to thank the outgoing Prefects who were excellent ambassadors for the school throughout the year. At a gathering today they passed on their advice to the incoming Prefects. This was much appreciated and very helpful. The following students will take up their new roles in the coming weeks. We wish them the very best of luck. Head Prefect: Enda Keane Deputy Head & Fifth Year: Ciara Deasy-Millar 3rd Year & Wellbeing: Niamh Lenihan 3rd Year & Environment: Priya Evans 2nd Year & Social Awareness: Anna Mooney 2nd Year & Social Awareness : Zach Hodgkiss 1st Year: Matthew Walsh Hussey 1st Year: Bronagh Kennedy 1st Year: Ethan Farrell 1st Year : Cassie Cottuli Art & Culture: Emily Chow Art & Culture :Hannah Donoghue Healthy Living & Sports: James Donlon Healthy Living & Sports: Sarah Millea Science & Technology (STEM): Lavinia Waldron Mentoring Coordinator: Eabha Vizzard Mentoring Coordinator: Keely O Donovan
REMINDER - School Transport applications for the 22/23 school year
Created : 19 May 2022, 8:57 AM
Archived : 19 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
For the 2021/2022 school year Bus Éireann received 2058 amount of applications for Co. Kildare and currently Bus Éireann have received only 1425 for the 22/23 school year. • Applications for School Transport for the new school year are currently open and can be accessed online at www.buseireann.ie/inner.php?id=522 • Details of the scheme are also available on Bus Éireann’s website and www.education.ie/en/Parents/Services/School-Transport/ • Existing school transport applications will automatically roll over into the new school year • Payments or medical cards are not required at this stage, only required in June 2022
9th Anniversary Mass of Donal Walsh in Knock Shrine
Created : 18 May 2022, 9:59 AM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
On Thursday the 12th of May, a group of TY, 5th & 6th year students travelled from Scoil Mhuire to Knock Shrine for Donal Walsh’s anniversary mass. We arrived for registration with over 2000 other students and teachers from schools across the country in the Knock Basilica. It was an action packed day including excellent guest speakers such as Paul Galvin, Lisa Fallon, Annette Kelly & Fr John Harris. There were a choice of workshops for students to attend and a chance to fill holy water bottles to bring back to Clane. Mass was then celebrated in Donal’s Memory and Fionnbar and Elma Walsh spoke bravely about their son and his important message of #livelife. Well done to the students who travelled to Knock and who represented themselves and the school so well on the day.
STEM - Digital Forum Workshop to encourage females to explore Technology related Careers
Created : 17 May 2022, 7:04 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Today, over 40 5th yr and Transition Year girls attended a most enlightening workshop offered through The Digital Forum initiative - a STEM support group to encourage females to explore STEM careers. Led by Giuseppe Macera from AMD Technology - a Digital Circuit company; the workshop explored attitudes to technology careers, how technology pervades our daily lives and how technology enables so much of what we do. Hopefully this workshop will encourage the students to research careers and college courses in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths - STEM areas - an area in which not enough females are qualified or employed. Ms. McGee, Guidance Counsellor
Kildare County Council Bursaries ///// Naughton Scholarship
Created : 17 May 2022, 5:05 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians of 6th yr students - Your son /daughter may be interested in applying for these bursaries - 1 The William G. Carroll Bursary for Community - This bursary is mainly, but not exclusively for students undertaking courses in the area of Community Development. The Kildare Education Bursary for People with Disabilities- This bursary is for anyone living with a disability studying any third level course. The Kildare County Council Memorial Bursary for DEIS School Students- This bursary is for any third-level student who previously attended a DEIS school. If you or any students have any queries, please contact us at grants@kildarecoco.ie and a member of the team will answer. 2. Students interested in pursuing STEM coursesshould consider applying for The Naughton Scholarship - €20.000 - see www.naughtonfoundation.com for details. Guidance Department.
Credit Union Bursary Winner - Aine Maguire
Created : 15 May 2022, 5:11 PM
Archived : 16 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Cpongratulations to our 6th year students who reached the final of the Croi Laighean Credit Union College Bursary Competition. Students Aine Maguire, Katelyn Malone and Gemma Austin were our finalists. We had a big ' reveal' in school on Friday where the finalists each opened a box and Aine Maguire is the winner of a €6,000 bursary to help with college expenses. The other finalists also got €250 each. Well done to all our students who entered and a huge congratulations to the winners. Thank you to Croi Laighean Credit Union for sponsoring this super prize which will no doubt be a massive help with college expenses.