Displaying 341-350 of 1183 results.
College Open Days
Created : 24 Oct 2022, 9:13 AM
Archived : 24 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents of Transition Year, 5th year and 6th year students, A reminder to encourage your son/daughter to attend college open days which are taking place every weekend at the moment - this youtube clip outlines the major open days and further details can be found on the www.qualifax.ie website and www.careersportal.ie website. . www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0ecEGhMEZU. Attending open days is a vital part of the journey of exlporation into future career and course choices. Going on campus, meeting lecturers and students can help in the decision making process. Please encourage and possible take your child to open days and discuss the courses on offer in the different institutions and help them to make choices. Thank you, Guidance Department.
Student Reports December 2022
Created : 15 Dec 2022, 1:58 PM
Archived : 22 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Student reports will be published to Cloudschool on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th December. You can access them by logging into Cloud School via a desktop browser or the Cloud School App, see attached help-sheet. This help-sheet also explains how to set up an account for Cloud School. For new users, an email from ‘progresso.net’ will be sent to the email you provided to the school. If you haven’t provided an email, please contact the school office to do so. Also attached is a help-sheet explaining the various elements of the report. If you are experiencing issues accessing the reports please contact Mr Cahillane. Have a safe and happy Christmas. Mr Herring


Parenting Courses
Created : 11 Oct 2022, 8:54 PM
Archived : 12 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents, Please see attached PDF file containing information on a number of Parenting courses which may be of interest - some are free of charge. 2 in person courses starting in Ozanam House, Dublin 1 starting on the 8th and 9th of November- for more information please click below onefamily.ie/courses-parents/parenting-in-person-courses/ and 2 Zoom courses - both starting on the 8th of November- for more information please click below onefamily.ie/education-development/parents-programmes/parenting-courses-via-zoom/ There are also -courses available which are self-directed and can be taken at any time. parenting.onefamily.ie/ PLEASE SEE PDF BELOW FOR DETAILS

Entrance Scholar Maynooth University
Created : 10 Oct 2022, 12:09 PM
Archived : 10 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Huge congratulations from the Scoil Mhuire School Community to past pupil Amy Cronin who has received an Entrance Scholarship in Maynooth University . This scholarship is awarded to students who are admitted with 575 points or more. Amy is studying Primary Teaching and we wish her well with her studies and future career.
STEPS Engineering Your Future Transition Year Work Experience Programmes
Created : 10 Oct 2022, 8:56 AM
Archived : 10 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
STEPS Engineering Your Future Transition Year Work Experience programmes coming up. There are two programmes which may be of interest Virtual Work Experience (Oct 24-28th 2022) This online programme is open for applications until 19th October. Only Transition Year students are eligible. Students can apply at the link below: www.engineersireland.ie/Schools/Get-involved/Engineering-Your-Future/Engineering-Your-Future-Virtual-Work-Experience The programme is free and is entirely online. The programme will run from Monday 24th to Friday 28th October, you can work at your own pace through the online modules. Recorded webinars and videos from Irish engineers are included in the programme. STEPS Engineering Your Future (STEPS EYF) in person/hybrid programmes STEPS EYF is an engineering experience programme that gives Transition Year students a hands-on, fun and practical insight into engineering at third level and as a career. During the programme, which is run over three to five days, students attend interactive talks and presentations; get hands-on experience with group-based activities; visit local industry and meet engineers at various stages in their careers. STEPS EYF is coordinated by the Engineers Ireland STEPS programme and is hosted by third-level institutes and industry around Ireland. In 2022 we ran 22 programmes in locations all around the country and online and over 520 students participated. If you would like receive an email when the STEPS Engineering Your Future programme opens for applications in 2022 please add your email at the link here: bit.ly/3NV45Su . Applications for the programme will open in November 2022. At least two programmes will focus on Engineering Apprenticeships. We are particularly interested in receiving applications from young women and from students in DEIS schools. Applications are open to all Transition Year.

Maynooth University Mathematics Support Centre Celebrates 200,000th Visit
Created : 06 Oct 2022, 4:54 PM
Archived : 06 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics and Maynooth University Library are delighted to celebrate the Mathematics Support Centre (MSC)'s 200,000th student visit in the MSC venue, the Social Learning Room. Read more: www.maynoothuniversity.ie/news-events/mathematics-support-centre-celebrates-its-200000th-visit The Maynooth University Mathematics Support Centre (MSC) is a FREE service providing informal, friendly additional support to Maynooth University undergraduates and secondary school students. Location: Social Learning Room, John Paul II Library, South campus​, Maynooth University. "Free drop-in services for secondary school students will reopen on 10th October 2022. They run on Monday evenings during Maynooth University term time, from 6-8pm. They are available to any secondary school student, regardless of year or level. To avail of drop-in, you do not need an appointment, just call in on your own or with others. Students who come to the MSC should bring all relevant mathematical material with them. The tutors will assist with any queries that students may have, but will not provide homework solutions. Please note that these sessions are not grinds or topic specific. Furthermore, we have developed web pages with 500+ resources for junior and leaving certificate mathematics. Further resources are being added on an ongoing basis. If you have any queries, please email msc@mu.ie."
CAO Booklets and Careers update
Created : 06 Oct 2022, 3:27 PM
Archived : 06 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents of 6th yr students, Just letting you know that the CAO booklet for college entry 2023 is now available on www.cao.ie. Please access the booklet - you can download a pdf version or work with the interactive version. This contains all information about applying for college in Ireland, dates, deadlines and explains clearly the whole process. In addition there are vidoe guides for parents on the CAO website for your information. This will help your son/daughter to inform themselves about the courses available and the application process. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries. 1-1 interviews with 6th yr students are underway - please ensure your child attends for their interview - dates can be check ed on the information team. Finally it is Colleg Open Day season - there are college open days every week for Oct and Nov - please ensure your child attends an open day in the colleges they are interested in going to . It is a very useful day to familiarise themselves with the courses and colleges. - details on the 6th yr TEAM. College talks are taking place in school at the moment also - attendance is encouraged. Kind regards, Guidance Department.
Open Night Oct 19th 5-7pm
Created : 05 Oct 2022, 4:22 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents, Our Open Night for in-coming first year students will be held on Oct 19th Wed. from 5-7pm. All 6th class students and their parents/guardians are welcome to tour the facilities, talk to students and staff and have their queries dealt with. Application forms are now available on the school website. We look forward to meeting with you on the night.
Accessing Office 365
Created : 04 Oct 2022, 4:23 PM
Archived : 04 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
We are aware some students are having difficulty accessing Office365 accounts e.g.MS Teams on their own device, even after a password reset. In most cases the issue is that the student has a VPN (Virtual Private Network) installed on their device. In order to access school Office365 accounts any VPN would have to be turned off or removed.
School Admission 2023/2024 - Very Important
Created : 28 Nov 2022, 3:35 PM
Archived : 03 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, This is a very important message for parents/guardians that have applied for, and have been offered a place for your child to join our school in First Year in August/September 2023. The closing date for accepting these offers and enrolling your child under these first round offers is this Friday 2nd December 2022 @ 12pm. Offers of places not accepted before this deadline will be revoked and offered to the next child on our waiting list. Please contact our school office where you have not accepted a place by this deadline and still wish to apply to our school to have your child's name added to the end of the waiting list. Yours sincerely, Mr Padraig Nolan