Displaying 371-380 of 1183 results.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR 6TH YR PARENTS & GUARDIANS re Checking and amending CAO Course Lists before final deadline of July 1st.
Created : 21 Jun 2022, 10:43 AM
Archived : 21 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians of 6th yr students, As the Leaving Certificate exams are coming to an end over the next week, it is really important that you sit down with your son/daughter and go through their CAO application with them. CAO closes on July 1st but until then students can amend their lists of course choices- each year some students forget to amend their lists or even to add any courses to their lists and miss out on a college place offer- do not let your child be one of these.. I know students are tired as exams finish (and many are focussed on holidays coming up) but this is very important future planning and needs to be done. Please do the following with your CAO applicant: - Check that they have put courses on both the Level 8 and Level 6/7 lists. -Make sure the courses are listed in 'order of preference' i.e. - the course they really want goes in place number 1 and so on down the list. - There should be courses on the lists over a range of points -Discuss with your child how they feel the exams went for them and based on this - do they wish to change the order of their courses or add /remove any courses from the lists? Refer to online CAO booklet for support information - students have downloaded this booklet from www.cao.ie - Discuss practicalities such as transport links and moving away for college and the associated costs and amend the course choices accordingly - Ensure there are no courses that are 'fillers' on the lists - every course on the lists should be thoroughly researched and courses the student would be willing to attend, if offered. - Finally make sure they make any changes you both decide on to their CAO application and CHECK the final lists online before you submit. A definite date for results is not available to us at the moment but it could be early September before results are out. Do not forget the PLC route is available as a back up and applications are still open for most courses - see www.qualifax.ie Wishing the students every success and please let us know in September what direction your child has chosen. Do phone the school if you wish to speak to a guidance counsellor before July 1st and the secretaries will put you in touch with us. Thank you for supporting your son/daughter through this process. Kind regards, Ms. McGee, Ms Stanley, Ms. Travers, Guidance Department.
NCBI Clane are looking for TY volunteers for work experience
Created : 16 Jun 2022, 8:33 AM
Archived : 16 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
Message from NCBI Clane: "To whom it may concern. Good afternoon. We were wondering if you could inform any TY students who may be avalible to come and volunteer at the NCBI Clothes Shop in Clane as we are short of volunteers. Thank you kindly." Follow on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ncbisightloss Follow on Twitter: www.twitter.com/ncbi_sightloss
TY and LCA - Letters for Work Experience
Created : 16 Jun 2022, 8:23 AM
Archived : 16 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
The letters for work experience are published on the school website - see article with links on the home page or direct link: www.scoilmhuireclane.ie/blog/posts/73 . Work experience for provides valuable experience of the work environment, helps gain practical experience, assists career choices and builds industry skills. The school community is deeply appreciative of the opportunities provided. Regards Ms O Reilly
Created : 09 Jun 2022, 8:40 AM
Archived : 09 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
PLEASE SEE www.military.ie for the full list of careers that are now open for application - including Cadetships, general Army and Navy, direct entry Aircraft Technician etc. Cadets must be applied for before midnight on Sunday June 12th. Details have also been posted on 6th yr information Team.
Best of luck to our Junior certificate and Leaving certificate students
Created : 07 Jun 2022, 3:45 PM
Archived : 07 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
A short note to wish all our students sitting exams the very best of luck. The exams start tomorrow at 9.30am. Students should be in their exam centre at 9.00 am for the first exam. . After that arrive 15 minutes before your exam. Please wear your full school uniform through out the exams. Any 3rd year students wishing to change levels in English Irish or Maths must bring a note in from their parent/guardian and present it to Mr Mulhall on or before the day of the exam. Again, best of luck to all our students doing exams. Kind regards Padraig Nolan
Chinese Language Summer School
Created : 02 Jun 2022, 12:18 PM
Archived : 02 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
Chinese Summer School at DCU The School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies at DCU is offering an exciting Summer School to learn Chinese culture and language in July 2022 for students in their Junior and Senior Cycle. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to taste what learning Chinese may be like, but also to promote languages and the value of Ireland as a plurilingual society and we would like to invite those who have/know interested children to register. Registration is free and this initiative is supported by Post-Primary Languages Ireland under the scheme of promoting lesser taught languages. The Chinese Summer School in a nutshell: WHEN: July 4th-15th 2022 TIMES: 10am-3pm LEVEL: Beginner (no knowledge required) WHERE: Glasnevin Campus, DCU COST: Free (Camp funded by Post-Primary Languages Ireland) CONTACT: lijie.shao@dcu.ie More information may be found here: www.dcu.ie/salis/dcu-2022-chinese-summer-school
Summer Newsletter 2022
Created : 01 Jun 2022, 3:34 PM
Archived : 01 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents and Students, Please find attached our newsletter update on recent events in Scoil Mhuire. Kind regards, Grainne McGee

Free Programme of Family STEM workshops in Kildare Libraries
Created : 01 Jun 2022, 10:12 AM
Archived : 01 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, Kildare Library Service are running a free programme of STEM workshops during June-August for children to attend in their local library along with a parent so they can explore STEM topics together. The workshops are open to kids aged 10-14 years and a parent and there will be three different topics: An introduction to robotics An introduction to 3D printing and digital fabrication An introduction to chemistry with a forensics crime scene investigation workshop Parents are widely recognised as key influencers of their children’s interest in STEM and these workshops seek to raise parents’ confidence in STEM and to better equip them to support their children in this area. I would be very grateful if you could circulate the attached brochure to your service users and help us get the message out more widely. We will also be circulating a printed brochure so please let me know if you would like for me to arrange delivery of some copies to you. Any questions just let me know. Kind regards, Bridgette Rowland Acting Executive Librarian | Kildare Library & Arts Service | Regional Manager, Maynooth Library and Kilcock Library Maynooth Library, Main Street, Maynooth, Co Kildare, W23 ND79 : 045 980 405 / 087 1139561| | : browland@kildarecoco.ie
TY Sporting Success
Created : 27 May 2022, 1:08 PM
Archived : 27 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to all TY students who achieved great sporting success this year! We are all very proud of your hard work and achievements and wish you all the very best in your future sporting endeavours. Congratulations to Brandon Blake who has had huge success and is now: Jiu-jitsu European champion Sept 2021; Irish MMA National champion Dec 2021; Wrestling Zone Adult Irish national champion Feb 2022; Wrestling Zone Teen Irish National champion Feb 2022; GAMA MMA Irish National champion March 2022; Dublin open wrestling Adult national champion April 2022; Dublin open wrestling Teen national champion April 2022. Brandon has just been selected as first pick to represent Ireland at the World MMA Championships in Abu Dhabi this August. He will compete against the world's best fighters across 4 days of competition. We wish him the best of luck and look forward to hearing of his success! Congratulations to TY student Méabh Maguire who captained the Junior Camogie team to a Leinster Final success last week. Congratulations also to her fellow TY students and team members Emma Lynch, Anna Doyle, Beibhinn Hughes, Róisín McCormack, Rachel Murray, Sarah Crowe, Sorcha Lynch, Faye O' Toole and Erin Corrigan. Congratulations to DJ Percival and Calum Doran on their success with the Kildare Minor Football team this year on reaching the Leinster Final this month. Congratulations to Conor Walsh who won gold in the Under 17 Leinster Javelin Final last weekend. We look forward to hearing about your future sporting successes in the years to come! View Gallery: www.uniqueschoolapp.ie/site/photos/school_id/169/album_id/25269
Careers Webinars for Parents
Created : 27 May 2022, 7:24 AM
Archived : 27 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
FREE WEBINAR SERIES ON HOW PARENTS CAN SUPPORT CAREERS EXPLORATION Date: Tuesday May 31st @12.30pm for Parents & TY students 2022/23 Wednesday June 1st @12.30pm for Parents & 5th Years 2022/23 Thursday June 2nd @12.30pm for Parents & 6th Years 2022/23 Register on: www.synergycareers.ie/webinars-workshops/ For: Parents, students and Guidance Counsellors Content: The 34th to 36th Webinar in our series this year, 14th to 16th in our General Career Guidance topics for 2021/22. Career Decisions plays a central role in our young adolescents’ lives. Having worked in Career Guidance in state schools and private practise for over 20 years, and a parent of 4, I recognise the importance of being informed & prepared. Parents can find themselves overwhelmed when trying to help direct their son/daughter with studies and choosing Career Paths. The aim is to ensure both students and their parents go into each year group - TY, 5th and 6th year in Senior Cycle clear of what happens, guidelines and expectations of what happens in career guidance relative to the year groups: from work experience, subject choice, CAO, HPAT to applying for SUSI grants. I will be joined by guest speakers from colleges, guidance and parents/students. If you cannot make 12.30pm Monday, the session will be recorded and provided on www.synergycareers.ie. To access recordings, sign up as a member, options range from Free, Basic and Premium for Individuals and Schools. Viewing Options: Each webinar is hosted on zoom, links are provided once you register. If the webinar reaches full capacity make sure to go to our facebook page where it will be broadcast live www.facebook.com/synergycareers?ref=hl Alternatively, if you cannot make 12.30pm Monday, ALL webinars are recorded so you won't miss out. Go to www.synergycareers.ie to register and view this week’s webinar – free to view for a limited time.