Displaying 331-340 of 1183 results.
It is time to open a CAO account to apply for college courses - €30 - Please help your 6th yr student to apply now
Created : 30 Nov 2022, 6:57 AM
Archived : 30 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents & Guardians, The CAO is now open for application. Please go to www.cao.ie and assist your 6th yr son or daughter to open their account ( at a cost of €30) if they are hoping to go to college in Ireland using Leaving Cert. points. * Please see www.cao.ie/?page=video&bb=parents - for information on the application and offer process and see the attached PDF presentation also which has been given to all 6th yr students in recent weeks. *Accounts must be opened before Feb 1st 2023 but it is strongly advised to open them now and add some courses to the lists. *Students can apply for 20 courses and must research each course thoroughly before adding it to their list. *COURSES MUST BE LISTED IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE - i.e the course they really want goes in place number 1 and so on down the list - not necessarily the course with the highest points but what your child really wants to study. Please note if your child is applying for either the DARE or HEAR schemes - (details on www.cao.ie) - they must tick a box on their CAO application before Feb 1st - this will link to the application forms for these two schemes which also have deadline dates for completion and submission to the CAO. Please ensure you meet the application deadline dates. Please contact us if you need further assistance with the CAO application. Thank you, Guidance Department.

November Assessments Important
Created : 18 Nov 2022, 11:04 AM
Archived : 21 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, This is just a gentle reminder that this week is November Assessment Week in our school. It is a very important week for everyone and helps us all establish the progress of our students. It is a week with a particular focus on study and revision. Students are being provided with abundant time for study between assessments. Please ensure that your student is prepared to use this time effectively by having their books and notes in school each day and by having all that they require for their assessment. It is important that students remain in school for the duration of each day to avoid disruption to the pattern of study and assessments. Where your student must leave school for a medical or other unavoidable appointment, they must be signed out and collected by a parent or guardian from the school office. We are seeking your continued support to make this week as effective as we can for all our students. Thank you, Padraig Nolan Principal
Stand Up Week - Colour Jumper Day Reminder
Created : 16 Nov 2022, 7:37 PM
Archived : 16 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, Tomorrow is Colour Jumper Day as part of our Stand Up Week. The preferred colour for each year group is: Red – 1st Years  Orange -2nd Years  Yellow – 3rd Years  Green – TY’s  Blue – 5th Years  Purple – 6th Years Students must wear their full school uniform apart from their school jumper. Looking forward to the rainbow of colour tomorrow.
For Parents of Teenagers -Talking to teens about Sex
Created : 14 Nov 2022, 3:32 PM
Archived : 14 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents, There will be a talk by North Clondalkin Library on Wednesday 16th November at 7:00pm which may be of interest to you as parents of teens. Embrace the Awkward - How to Talk to Your Kid about Sex. This presentation equips parents and other caring adults to raise young adults to have healthy, supportive and consensual relationships. Attendees will learn why conversations about sex and sexuality are difficult, but why they are still important for families to discuss. Participants will come away with simple first steps to get moving comfortably with this part of parenting. Places can be booked at www.eventbrite.ie/e/embrace-the-awkward-how-to-talk-to-your-kid-about-sex-tickets-463665324467 or by calling the library at 01-4149269.
Disability Day Services - Information Evening Nov 16th 5-7pm
Created : 08 Nov 2022, 12:00 PM
Archived : 08 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents of School Leavers 2023 - An information evening will be held in Naas Community College (Eircode: W91P93F) on Nov 16th from 5-7pm on Disability Day Services - Meet your day opportunity officer Learn more about the next steps to access adult day services Meet day service providers in your area. Enquires to HSE Disability Day Opportunities CHO7 Call 045-931551 Email disabilitydayservices.cho7@hse.ie
Suicide Prevention Programme for over 18s
Created : 07 Nov 2022, 6:05 PM
Archived : 07 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Suicide or Survive Suicide or Survive was set up in 2003. The idea for the organisation was borne from the personal experience of Founder Caroline McGuigan who had attempted suicide and survived. From its inception in 2003 the organisation began to attract people specifically interested in suicide and its prevention, who were passionate about being a part of change in relation to mental health. SOS became a registered charity in 2005. The mission of the organisation is ‘to create and deliver innovative approaches that educate, inform, and inspire people to cultivate good mental health and reduce stigma leading to less death by suicide”. Our vision is ‘a world where everyone is empowered to look after their mental health and fewer people die by suicide.’ One of the key drivers behind the work of SOS is the desire to harness individuals’ own strengths and provide them with the tools to improve their own mental wellness. Our vision is underpinned by four key values: genuineness, understanding, respect and acceptance. The Eden Programme What is it? Eden is an educational programme with a therapeutic element for people over the age of 18 years who have attempted or thought about suicide. It provides a safe space where participants can develop the skills to monitor and manage their own mental health, build a range of supports appropriate to their individual needs, and move away from suicide as an option of choice in times of crisis. It runs for 3 hours one day per week for 26 weeks and includes a 2 day Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) Programme. It can cater for up to 16 participants at a time in a group setting. The programme forms one part of an individuals’ support system and encourages people who attend to work on building natural supports in their own communities. Participants are required to have access to counselling/ psychotherapy outside of the programme to support them while they are attending. 3 Where is it Run? The Eden Programme is run in Dublin by Suicide or Survive and in Galway, and Mayo/ Roscommon by the HSE’s National Counselling Service on license to Suicide or Survive. What Happens on the Programme? Each programme session starts with a short mindfulness exercise. Participants then check in saying how they are in coming to the programme that day and get support from facilitators and the group. This is followed by a tea/ coffee break. The remainder of the time is taken up with an educational session on a different topic each week and check out where participants can share how they are at the end of the session and if and how they think they can apply what they have learned. What’s covered on the Programme? A different topic is covered each week ranging from emotions and emotional awareness to building resilience, through self-acceptance, relationships and relationship building, diet, exercise and mental health, spirituality, depression, anxiety, suicide, mindfulness, problem solving, building hope, and building supports to meet your needs among many others. We also have guest speakers who share their own experience of struggles with their mental health and suicide and what has helped them. On the WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Planning) Programme, participants develop their own Wellness Action Plan.. Who Facilitates the Programme? The programme is run by two facilitators who have a background in psychology or counselling/ psychotherapy who have been trained by Suicide or Survive to facilitate the Eden Programme. We also have a range of guest speakers who have personal experience and/or expertise in particular topics. The WRAP Programme is facilitated by two of the SOS WRAP facilitators. 4 How Long has it been Running? The Eden Programme has been running since 2007 and has been continuously evaluated with three external evaluations carried out by DCU and an internal continuous improvement process that forms part of every programme. You can read the DCU evaluations on the Eden page on our website www.suicideorsurvive.ie How to Apply If you are interested in the Dublin programme you can download an application form from the Suicide or Survive website www.suicideorsurvive.ie and either email (eden@suicideorsurvive.ie) or post it back to us. Or you can phone us on 01 2722158 and we will send you out a form. If you are interested in the programme in Galway or Mayo/ Roscommon you can call Antionette on 091 528030 or email antionette.hennessy@hse.ie and she will send you an application form. If you’re not sure if this is the right programme for you, we are happy to take a call to chat it through. You can call us on 01 2722158 or email us on eden@suicideorsurvive.ie and we will arrange to give you a call Suicide or Survive and the HSE operate within public health guidelines in relation to Covid-19 and these will be followed at all stages in the recruitment, pre-group work, and Eden Programme to ensure to the best of our ability that everyone remains safe.
Message From The Principal
Created : 02 Nov 2022, 7:38 PM
Archived : 03 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, I hope you are enjoying the Halloween break. As we turn our attention to the next term will you please ensure your son/daughter wears the full school uniform to school. All students are asked to wear full school tracksuits for P.E classes. If for some reason on a particular day, you do not have your school tracksuit, you must wear your full school uniform to school and change for P.E class, then change back into your school uniform after P.E class. Non school tracksuits are not acceptable. Kind regards Padraig Nolan
Play the part of an Elf!
Created : 28 Oct 2022, 11:20 AM
Archived : 28 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Hi All Copperbeech Farm are Hiring - Play the part of an Elf! See attached image / pdf for more details.

AWARE Lifeskills Programme - The programme is aimed at individuals, who reside in Ireland, who are experiencing mild to moderate depression, stress and/or anxiety - starts Nov 7th
Created : 27 Oct 2022, 7:21 AM
Archived : 27 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
AWARE are offering a 6 week lifeskills programme - see - www.aware.ie/programmes/life-skills-group-programme/ What is the Life Skills Programme? The programme is aimed at individuals, who reside in Ireland, who are experiencing mild to moderate depression, stress and/or anxiety and would like to learn new ways to deal with life’s challenges. Based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), the Life Skills programme is designed to help people learn more about how we think and how this can influence our actions in helpful or unhelpful ways. The Life Skills Group Programme is delivered over the course of six weeks in 90 minute sessions. With the help of a series of easy-to-follow worksheets and expert guidance from a trained facilitator at each session, you can learn how to better manage the stress of everyday life, recognise and manage unhelpful thoughts, learn new ways of thinking and ultimately begin the journey to a healthier and more confident life. www.aware.ie/programmes/life-skills-group-programme/
Halloween Fun Day
Created : 26 Oct 2022, 3:27 PM
Archived : 26 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
The school will have a Halloween Day this Friday 28th October. Students are invited to wear fancy dress, get involved in different activities and watch a Halloween Talent Show. It plans to be an exciting day for all year groups to enjoy!