Displaying 411-420 of 1183 results.
Social Media Bullying
Created : 29 Apr 2022, 1:14 PM
Archived : 29 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians of First Year students,
Some serious incidents of bullying of First Year students via various social media platforms have been reported. Some students have set up SNAPCHAT groups for the tutor group and we would ask you to remove your child from these immediately.
The TIKTOK platform has also been used to bully students.
In the interest of student safety and good practice, please monitor the social media platforms your son/daughter is using and encourage respectful and responsible usage at all times and discourage bullying of others in any form. Thank you for your support in this very serious matter. Ms. McGee Guidance Department.
Congratulations to our past students on their academic success
Created : 28 Apr 2022, 3:39 PM
Archived : 28 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to last years 6th year students Erica Smith, Dearbhla O'Regan and Ciara Bartley.
Dearbhla O’Regan and Ciara Bartley received Trinity College Entrance Exhibition awards. The awards go to the students accepted into the first year of a full-time undergraduate degree programme who achieve the highest points among Trinity entrants from their secondary school, above a minimum of 500 CAO points (or equivalent - a great achievement for Dearbhla and Ciara..
Erica was announced as Trinity Scholar for Drama and Theatre Studies. Becoming a Trinity Scholar is a major achievement for which second year students must perform exceptionally well in exams held in January, showing deep knowledge of their subjects. The students continue with their usual course work as well as studying independently for these exams. It is a wonderful achievement and a great homour to be a Trinity Scholar and comes with a number of privileges for the remainder of Erica's time in college.
CAO - Re opens May 5th
Created : 26 Apr 2022, 1:27 PM
Archived : 26 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
A reminder to parents and guardians of 6th year students applying for college through the CAO that the application system will re-open next week May 5th.
From May 5th students can access their course lists - free of charge - and it is time now to really consider what courses they wish to apply for and to list their choices IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE. - ie the course they really want goes in place number 1, and so on down to number 10 - please fill both lists - a total of 20 courses - including courses over a range of points - so that there will be options.
Parents please spend some time going through your son/daughter's course choices with them and discuss their preferences - to support them in completing their application. Do not hesitate to contact the Guidance Counsellors with any queries. The system will remain open until July 1st -after which no further changes can be made.
Students - please see one of the Guidance Counsellors with any concerns or queries.
Also a reminder to keep checking the information team for 6th yr students - e.g. Iarnroad Eireann apprenticeships are now open for application, Maynooth Univeristy Open Day this Saturday, Parents Information Evening in Dunboyne CPLC college etc...lots of important information constantly being uploaded for you.
Thank you, Ms. McGee
Anti- Bullying workshops
Created : 26 Apr 2022, 1:13 PM
Archived : 26 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians,
All 1st and 2nd year students will attend an Anti-Bullying Workshop given by DCU Anti- Bullying Centre next week - First years on Tuesday and Second Years on Wednesday. 2
Thank You, Ms. McGee
OPen Day - Maynooth University - Sat. Apr 30th
Created : 26 Apr 2022, 12:56 PM
Archived : 26 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians of TY, 5th and 6th year students,
Maynooth University will hold an on campus open day this Sat Apr 30th for prospective students. Please go to www.mu.ie/opendays to register.
A free bus will run from Woods' Garage in Clane - students see details on Careers Notice Board.
Thank you, Ms. McGee
Free Webinar for Parents on Adolescent Self Harm
Created : 25 Apr 2022, 12:08 PM
Archived : 25 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Attached please find details of a FREE webinar for parents/guardians : 5 Things Parents Need to Know about Adolescent Self-Harm
Date: Tues 26th April 2022
Time: 7pm till 8pm
Booking via Eventbrite: www.eventbrite.ie/e/311033659047 see qr code on attached picture.
This is part of a collaborative project between University College Dublin and Pieta, funded by the Irish National Office of Suicide Prevention.
Autism Acceptance Week - April 26th -30th - events that may be of interest to parents and guardians
Created : 25 Apr 2022, 11:49 AM
Archived : 25 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Autism Acceptance Week
Autism Acceptance
A number of free, online events will take place in April 2022 to promote acceptance of autism.
NCI and DCU are both designated Autism Friendly Higher Education Institutions and are committed to the principles underlying that status. Together, we are hosting a joint Autism Acceptance Week, including a series of public-facing events to promote autism acceptance. All events are online and free to attend, but registration is required.
Online Events
Explore the events taking place for Autism Acceptance Week 2022 and register for those you are interested in.
Watch Party - Seeing the Unseen
7-9pm, Tuesday 26th April
Seeing the Unseen is an Icelandic documentary, sharing the stories of 17 autistic women. Register for Wednesday’s panel discussion to receive a link to view this film. Either watch it at your own convenience (23-30 April) or share the experience by joining our watch party.
Click here for further information and to register for this event
Women and Autism
1-2.30pm, Wednesday 27th April
Elin Sigurðadóttir, one of the women featured in Seeing the Unseen, will be joined by writer/actress Stefanie Preissner, and illustrator, author and stand-up comedian Aoife Dooley to share and discuss the experiences of autistic women and girls and respond to audience questions. This event will be facilitated by Fiona Early, DCU Autism Friendly Campus Coordinator.
A link to view Seeing the Unseen, an Icelandic documentary sharing the stories of 17 autistic women, will be sent to those who register for this event.
Click here for further information and to register for this event
Autism in Education
1-2.30pm, Thursday 28th April
Lessons for educators: how can educators help autistic students to thrive in their classrooms and their institutions? What would members of the autistic community wish that people around them in educational and other settings knew?
Laoċín Brennan – Neurodiversity my experience
Billy Redmond - Making acceptance happen in education
Ciara-Beth Ní Ghríofa – What I wish people around me knew
Audience Q and A
Click here for further information and to register for this event
Eric M. Garcia: We’re Not Broken
1-2pm, Friday 29th April
Eric will discuss themes from his book We’re not broken. Changing the autism conversation, which he describes as a message from autistic people to their parents, friends, teachers, co-workers, and doctors, showing what life is like on the spectrum. It’s also his love letter to autistic people: “For too long, we have been forced to navigate a world where all the road signs are written in another language.”
ERIC Garcia is the senior Washington correspondent for The Independent and a columnist for MSNBC. Previously, he was an assistant editor at the Washington Post's Outlook section and an associate editor at The Hill and a correspondent for National Journal, MarketWatch and Roll Call. He has also written for the Daily Beast, the New Republic, and Salon.com. Garcia is a graduate of the University of North Carolina. He lives in Washington, D.C.
Click here for further information and to register for this event
link - www.ncirl.ie/Autism-Acceptance-Week-DCU-NCI?utm_campaign=Part-time&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=210992720&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_VDZx0TKdklG_GGn8Y8mIUis3TX8MpengrQ7f8xx4cfbgT0h0ivo9hIocVvS12t_73mLRgCp0QmiTmtoBvQUjuReJmTcUM_5SBulg8HzL-M1KwJq0&utm_content=210992720&utm_source=hs_email#89501140-autism-in-education
Please use above link to access these talks- or contact National College of Ireland at 014498500 or info@ncirl.ie for further information or if you have difficulty registering for the events.
Junior Cycle Home Economics Cookery Practical Exams
Created : 23 Apr 2022, 12:32 PM
Archived : 23 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
The Junior Cycle Home Economics Cookery Practical exams will commence Monday 25th April at 9 am and run throughout the week for Third Year Home Economics students. This exam will be examined by a state examiner and accounts for 50% of your son/daughters overall grade for Junior Cycle Home Economics. All students have been informed of the date and time of their cookery exam, but these details are also available online on their Home Economics Team. Please ensure that all ingredients are weighed and labelled, and they have a large lunchbox to bring all cooked items home. The Home Economics department would like to take this opportunity to wish your son/daughter the very best of luck in their cookery exam.
Junior Cycle Practical - Home Economics - Ms Cosgrove's students please note date and time
Created : 11 Apr 2022, 11:16 AM
Archived : 11 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, Please be aware o fHome Economics Practical examination day and times - Tuesday 26th April Ms. Cosgrove
Group A Morning Session Group B Afternoon Session
9-930 Preparation 12.30 -1pm Preparation
9.30-9.45 Examiner 1.00-1.15 Examiner
9,45-11.15 Examination time 1.15-2.45 Examination time
11.15 -11.30 Examiner 2.45-3.00 Examiner
11.30-12.25 Tidy and Break 3-3.45 Tidy
Group A - Morning Group B Afternoon
Clara Costello Laura Mulqueen
Victoria Ghorghescu Joseph Murphy
Eve Gibson Caoimhe O'Connor
Katie Heffernan Laura Ogundipe
Amy Kelly Holly O'Rourke
Darja Leina Grace Ryan
Charlotte Malabat Maeve Stynes
Hannah Mangan Conor Tighe
Emily Kavanagh Hayley Trant
Study Tips and Timetables
Created : 07 Apr 2022, 3:39 PM
Archived : 07 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents & Guaardians,
All 3rd & 6th yr students were given Study Tips and Timetables for Revision over the Easter holidays today.
Any student who did not receive one, can call to Ms McGee's office tomorrow Friday.
Thank You, Ms. McGee