Displaying 291-300 of 1183 results.
Digital Learning Questionnaire
Created : 27 Mar 2023, 2:39 PM
Archived : 07 Apr 2023, 1:00 AM
We are currently reviewing our Digital Learning Plan. We would appreciate your input by answering a few questions (Link to Questionnaire). The form is anonymous and the information will be used to inform our new plan. Many thanks Mr Herring
'Toward Understanding and Responding to Self-harm' is - a free online talk for parents in Kildare and West Wicklow
Created : 07 Feb 2023, 7:06 PM
Archived : 07 Apr 2023, 12:00 AM
Attached please find details of upcoming online talk for parents in Co. Kildare and West Wicklow.
Toward Understanding and Responding to Self-harm is a free online talk for parents in Kildare and West Wicklow who would like to know more about self-harm and how to respond to it.
It will take place on the Tues 21st of February 2023 from 7pm till 8pm.
The talk will be co-facilitated by Madeleine Connolly, Senior Social Work Practitioner and Family Therapist in Lucena (CAMHS) and Dr. Sadhbh Byrne, Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology, Maynooth University.
They will present some Australian and Irish research on understanding self-harm, which includes the perspectives of other parents and carers, as well as young people who have engaged in self-harm. The talk will also draw on Madeleine's experience supporting parents who have responded to self-harm.
This talk is intended for parents only. Please register here bookwhen.com/dublinsouth-kildare-west-wicklow#focus=ev-szd1-20230221190000 or contact Emma Berney on 086-4178220
Emma Berney
Kildare Children & Young People’s Services Committee
TUSLA – The Child & Family Agency
Suite 7, Vista Primary Care,
Ballymore Eustace Road,
Co. Kildare W91 X38W
Tel: 086-4178220
Message From The Principal
Created : 03 Feb 2023, 11:28 AM
Archived : 03 Apr 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We had a lovely tree planting ceremony in the school on Wednesday morning, St Brigid's day. The tree was planted in honour of Ceiliúradh CEIST which was celebrated on St Brigid's day. Ceiliúradh CEIST is about recognising the work of the Presentation Sisters and the work that continues on in our school today. The tree is a symbol of how each student can grow and flourish under the care of Scoil Mhuire Community School. It is an evergreen oak tree and we pass it on our way into school every day.
Enjoy the bank holiday week end and school reopens on Tuesday morning.
Kind regards
Padraig Nolan
CAO closes Feb 1st - final reminder
Created : 31 Jan 2023, 10:58 AM
Archived : 31 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear 6th yr parents, Please ensure your son/daughter has opened their CAO account online before FEb 1st. - if they intend to go to college using points from their Leaving Certificate
If students have decided on their course lists they can add them to their application before FEB 1st or can add them later except for ........
Any RESTRICTED courses should be added to their course lists before FEB 1st - i.e. courses with an extra - e.g. portfolio, interview or performance element.
COURSES MUST BE LISTED IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE- i.e. the course they really want goes in place number 1, the course they want if they did not get number 1 goes in place no. 2 and so on down the lists.
If your son/daughter is applying for HEAR or DARE they must tick the box on their CAO application by FEB 1st also.
Online safety webinars for parents - www.webwise.ie
Created : 31 Jan 2023, 10:04 AM
Archived : 31 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
Are you interested in online safety for your children ? Here are some webinars to keep you up to date with what's going on -
#webwise will host a number of online safety webinars in February- please go to www.webwise.ie to register.
Feb 7th - Online safety of children
Feb 20th - #webwise parents - with TIK TOK safety features explained
Webinar Registration
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Microsoft (Outlook)
#WebwiseParents: Supporting Teens Online
Webwise; the Irish internet safety awareness centre is delighted to host the Talk, Listen, Learn Online Safety Webinar for parents/guardians of teens.
The webinar will explore the opportunities and risks for children online, offer practical advice to support parents, highlight key resources/supports and answer some frequently asked questions.
The TikTok Safety team will also provide a short explainer on how TikTok works and some key safety features.
Feb 21, 2023 08:00 PM in Dublin
* Required information
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Confirm Email Address *
Information you provide when registering will be shared with the account owner and host and can be used and shared by them in accordance with their Terms and Privacy Policy.
Study Skills Workshops
Created : 30 Jan 2023, 5:37 PM
Archived : 30 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
Study Skills for Post-Primary Parents and Students Three evening workshops on 30.1, 2.2 & 9.2.23
This FREE three-evening webinar series on 30th January, 2nd & 9th February 2023 from 7-7.45pm each evening is suitable for all post primary students and their parents. Each family member would benefit from them and are welcome to attend. This short series of webinars will encourage students, with the support of their parents, to develop positive learning and study habits.
Webinar 1: 30.1.2023
Content Explored:
- Enhancing the learning environment
- How our memory works
- Organisational Skills
- Dominant Learning styles
- Misconceptions about study
Webinar 2: 2.2.2023
Content Explored:
- Strategies to motivate students
- Strategies to avoid procrastination
- Coping skills for students
Webinar 3: 9.2.2023
Content Explored:
- Strategies to enhance information retrieval
- The power of mindmaps
- The importance of 'work-life' balance
Dates: 30th January, 2nd & 9th February 2023
Time: 7 - 7.45pm each evening
Facilitator: Kieran Sweeney is a Post Primary Mathematics Teacher
Registration: zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_E1vUYT-GSyy_iEsJMNFd3w
Student Leadership
Created : 30 Jan 2023, 3:43 PM
Archived : 30 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
Scoil Mhuire is a progressive school which encourages and promotes student leadership. A team of 35 dedicated and committed 5th year students have volunteered to become Leaders of Learning in our school.
See the 'The Learning Hub' Video: www.scoilmhuireclane.ie/pages/learning/hub/
Due to the phenomenal success of The Learning Hub in term 1, this initiative will be recommencing on Tuesday 31/1/2022 at 8.15am in Room 27. All first-year students are welcome to attend The Learning Hub whereby our Leaders will share their knowledge and skills with first years.
At the first teach meet session of 2023, our key speaker will be Taylor Mooney 5th year student who is an accomplished soccer player will be delivering a talk on how he successfully balances his busy soccer commitments with his study. To date, Taylor has played an impressive 15 times for Ireland’s national soccer team in two age categories u16 and u17. Taylor was also chosen to play in The European Championships at u17 level and will be travelling to Spain next week to represent his country against Hungary. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Taylor for volunteering his time to meet with the first year and wish him nothing but success in his future.
In addition to The Learning Hub, The Homework club will also be launched on Tuesday 31/1/2023 at 8.15am in Room 28. Both first year and second year students who would like support completing their homework are invited. Our Leaders’ expertise lies in the area of Irish, Maths, Business, Science but are not limited to these subjects.
And finally, a digital club will be launched on Thursday 2nd February in Computer Room 1 at 8.10-8.40am. This digital hub is a fantastic opportunity for first year students to upskill and develop their I.T. skills under the leadership and direction of 5th year students.
Ms Deschenes
Parenting Talks Spring 2023
Created : 30 Jan 2023, 12:04 PM
Archived : 30 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
These Spring series of parenting talks have been organised by Kildare Library
Service with support from the following agencies and organisations: The Kildare
Child and Young People Services Committee, The Kildare & West Wicklow
Parenting Forum and the HSE Primary Care Psychology Team among others.
The ‘Let’s talk about Parenting’ Programme has been running in Kildare Libraries
since 2015 and is funded by Kildare County Council.
These events hope to support both parents and professionals working with children
and families in County Kildare. Attendance at all events is free of charge and
open to library members (its free and easy to join - at your local library or online
via kildarecoco.ie/library/) but booking is required. Talks are a mixture
of in house and online unless stated otherwise and bookings will be taken via
the supplied Ticket Tailor web links. Certificates of attendance are available for
Continuing Professional Development purposes.
For more information on the programme or help with booking please contact
co-ordinators Suzanne Brosnan (Celbridge) at sbrosnan@kildarecoco.ie or
Andrea Dermody (Naas) adermody@kildarecoco.ie and we will be happy to
assist you
Example : - Athy Library: Tuesday 7th February 7pm
Book your place here:
In this talk, Dr Eddie will reveal the 5 Primary Emotions in our children and
teenagers lives. He will look at how to manage these emotions in a healthy
way and to manage these emotions when they become tricky and
problematic. Dr Eddie will talk about how our relationship with our children
/ teenagers is a key to managing these 5 Primary Emotions.
Topics included will be:
• Connecting with your child / teenager
• Helping your child / teenager with stress, worry and anxiety
• Helping your child / teenager with confidence and body image concerns
• How the modern world is shaping our teenagers
• The struggle of parenting.
These talks are engaging, enthusiastic, educational and humorous. Dr Eddie
has two teenagers aged 13yrs and 15yrs and understands the challenges of
parenting teenagers! It will leave you in a better emotional & mental space
as this talk will foster hope.
Tackling ‘Burnout’ – Self-care for Parents
Presented by Helen Vaughan
(Maynooth Counselling & Psychotherapy)
Burnout – how can we recognise it and what can we do? Burnout can be a
major problem in today’s modern and busy world. Learn how to recognize
the signs & what to do about it. Pick up some skills on how to build your
inner strength, controlling what you can, and how to rest properly (without
Adult Education Spring Term starts Monday 30th January
Created : 23 Jan 2023, 7:10 PM
Archived : 23 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
Our Adult Education Spring Term starts Monday 30th January. Please find a copy of our brochure attached.
We are offering a great range of courses including many QQI Certified, Leaving Certificate, Craft, Dance, Sport, Fitness, Arts .......
Visit Adult education Website: clanesm.com/ for details.
Visit our facebook page www.facebook.com/clanesm/
Phone 045-868255 (9.30am to 4.30pm)
Pdf-1 Pdf-2
Message From The Principal
Created : 23 Jan 2023, 3:33 PM
Archived : 23 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian,
This is a reminder.
There is no school for students tomorrow 24th of January due to Junior Cycle training for teachers.
Kind regards
Padraig Nolan