Displaying 151-160 of 1183 results.
Transition Year Programme in the Arts and Humanities - Corvinus 2024
Created : 14 Nov 2023, 4:13 PM
Archived : 14 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Please note the Corvinus event is now open for applications. TY Corvinus students will have the opportunity to experience what it is like to be an undergraduate student, to attend lectures with undergraduate students and to experience focused study in special tutorial groups. 

This structured programme introduces TY students to a broader third-level student experience and will include a tour of the campus, an introduction to the library and a career talk. At the end of the course, the students will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Application: Entry is by application and limited to eighteen places only. See pdf below for details.

Br.Bosco Senior Football A
Created : 14 Nov 2023, 2:00 PM
Archived : 14 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Best of luck to the Senior Footballers in Round 2 of the Br. Bosco tomorrow (Wednesday) vs Ardee CS. The game is in the school with throw in at 11.30am. 

Science Week - Photography Competition
Created : 13 Nov 2023, 4:26 PM
Archived : 13 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

This week is Science Week across the country. To celebrate science week at Scoil Mhuire we will be running our annual photography competition. This year’s theme is ‘Humans and the future’. We are asking students to capture in a photograph how humans and technology are blending/co-existing in today’s world and how it might look into the future. See attached pdf for more details.

Ms. Jenkins

School Open from 11:00am
Created : 13 Nov 2023, 10:37 AM
Archived : 13 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear parents/guardians and students,

I hope this finds you safe and well.

An update from last night’s message, the school building and weather status is safe enough to open the school from 11:00am with first class starting at 11:25am.



Mr. Martin







Late Opening Tomorrow
Created : 12 Nov 2023, 9:25 PM
Archived : 12 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear parents/guardians and students,

Due to Kildare being issued with a Red Status warning by Met Éireann the school won't open at it's normal time tomorrow. A Health and Safety check will be conducted in the morning and provided all is safe with the building, the school will open at 11:00am with first class starting at 11:25am. These times are subject to change depending on the status of the building and the status of the weather. Regardless of the conditions in the morning, please do not send your child to school before 11:00am. 

If there is any change you will be notified via the app. 

Stay safe and take care,

Mr. Martin

Friday News - 10th November
Created : 10 Nov 2023, 1:53 PM
Archived : 10 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Scoil Mhuire Friday News highlights all the positive events and achievements of students that have taken place during the week. Extra-curricular results, events, individual student achievements, trips, Teaching and Learning activities........



Br. Bosco Senior Football A Win
Created : 07 Nov 2023, 9:08 PM
Archived : 07 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Well done to the senior footballers who beat St. Fintan's Sutton today in the 'A' Leinster championhip group game today. The scoreline finished 1-13 to 2-8. This leaves the lads guaranteed a prelim quarter final with next week's game against Ardee determining who tops the group. Killian O' Sullivan (6th) and Ruadhan Kane (6th) (45) kicked us to into the lead before Mick O' Toole (TY) came off the bench to hit a great point to ensure the win. DJ Percival (6th Year) put in a brilliant performance from start to finish. 

Team and Panel: Hugh Muldoon (Clane), James O' Donoghue (Clane), Paddy Connolly (Clane), Cian Burke (Caragh), Calum Doran (Clane), Liam Blake (Caragh), Conor O'Sullivan (Caragh), Daniel Colbert (Clane), Ruadhan Kane (Caragh), DJ Percival (Robertstown) (Captain), Ronan Doorey (Caragh), Fergal McKennedy (Caragh), Killian O' Sullivan (Clane), Daragh Mulahy (Clane), Adam Fitzpatrick (Clane). Subs Used: Mick O' Toole (Caragh), Josh Gannon (Caragh), Ben Kehoe (Caragh), Danny Malone (Clane). Other Subs: Niall Keane (St.Kevins), Steven Lohan (Clane), Ryan McManamon (Allenwood), Evan Smullen (Allenwood), Billy Kelly (Caragh), Oisin Bagnall (Caragh), Daragh McNulty (St.Kevins), Conor Walsh (Robertstown), Calum O' Reilly (Allenwood) Robert Lynch (Clane), Alex Mooney (Clane).

Br. Bosco Senior Football A
Created : 06 Nov 2023, 7:54 PM
Archived : 06 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

The Senior Boys Football Team begin their Br.Bosco Leinster 'A' campaign tomorrow, away to St.Fintan's HS Sutton (Dublin). Throw in is in St.Fintans @ 1.45pm. The very best of luck to all the lads. 

CAO is now open to apply www.cao.ie
Created : 06 Nov 2023, 10:59 AM
Archived : 06 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear 6th year Students and Parents/Guardians, The CAO college application process for Ireland is now open for you to apply on www.cao.ie.

Any student intending to go to third level in IRELAND using points from their Leaving Certificate must apply to the CAO by opening a CAO account and listing the courses they are interested in before Feb 1st 2024. Parents/Guardians please assist your 6th yr student with the application process and know what they have applied for.

 PLEASE CONSULT YOUR CAO HANDBOOK ON WWW.CAO.IE  - read the information and have your course lists ready 


There are advice & help videos on the CAO website also -  www.cao.ie

What you need to do:

1.Go to www.cao.ie

2.Click on apply and follow the directions. Fill in your personal information and pay, then you can list your courses. Once you register and pay you will get  a CAO number - Keep your CAO number in a safe place - you will need it to access your CAO account.

3.Students can apply for up to 20 courses on 2 lists -                                                           10 courses at Honours Degree level 8 and                                                                             10 courses at either 2 yr Higher Certificate level 6 or 3 year Ordinary degree level 7.   

 4. COURSES MUST BE LISTED IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE, this means the course you really want goes in place number 1, the course you want if you did not get number 1 goes in place number 2 and so on down to number 10. Do the same for the second list.

5. Put courses down across a range of points 

6. Make sure you have explored the courses thoroughly, that you know FULLY  what the course is about, that you can meet the Entry Requirements  and have gone to the Open Days


8. REMEMBER -You can change course lists right up to July 1st so there is great flexibility with the process if you have a change of mind.


10. We recommend students open their accounts as soon as possible.

Thank you, Guidance Team.

Parents' Association AGM
Created : 06 Nov 2023, 8:53 AM
Archived : 06 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians,

In the spirit of new beginnings, we would like to invite all parents/guardians to our annual meeting, which this year will welcome our new principal, Kevin Martin, and explore the central role of parents and guardians in our school community. The meeting will take place on Wednesday 15th November from 8 to 9pm. 

Kind regards,

Scoil Mhuire Parents' Association