Displaying 451-460 of 951 results.
TYC Geography Field Trip
Created : 04 Nov 2021, 3:12 PM
Archived : 04 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
TYC visited Howth today for their Coastal Field Study.
Parents' Association Lunch - Friday 19th November
Created : 04 Nov 2021, 8:34 AM
Archived : 04 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Our second Parents Association lunch date is fast approaching. Following the success of our first outing in November 2019 tickets to this years event sold out very quickly. We look forward to welcoming those of you who secured a ticket to St. Anne’s Golf Club on Friday November 19th at 1pm. The Golf Club restaurant management requires guests to have the following items with them for entry to the club: 1. HSE Covid-19 vaccination certificate or other proof of immunity. The QR code on the certificate will be scanned. 2. Guests may also be asked to ​show photo ID. The email which you received from noreply@easypaymentsplus.com confirming your ticket purchase serves as your ticket. Please have this available to view on the day. If you purchased a ticket for someone other than yourself please email paholyfaithclontarf@outlook.ie with the names of those attending with tickets purchased by you and forward your confirmation email(s) from easypaymentsplus.com. If you purchased a ticket and cannot attend please let us know by email as soon as possible if you are giving your ticket to another person or if it is available for someone else to purchase. We look forward to an enjoyable afternoon of catching up and networking while raising funds to support the school’s activities. Thank you for your support. The PA Lunch Committee.
Climate and Nature Summit
Created : 04 Nov 2021, 7:03 AM
Archived : 04 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
This week we are participating in the Climate and Nature Summit. Green Group organised 'walk to school wednesday' to raise awareness about climate change. It was lovely to see so many students walking and cycling to school.
BT Young Scientist 2022
Created : 03 Nov 2021, 10:24 AM
Archived : 03 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Amisha Dhele, Livia Garg - Holohan and Sophie Kilcullen who will be representing Holy Faith in the BT Young Scientist 2022. Best of luck girls!
Holy Faith Virtual School Tour
Created : 02 Nov 2021, 3:38 PM
Archived : 02 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
A big thank you to the following TY students who worked on a virtual tour of the school. A special thank you to Kate Jennings (TY) who edited the final piece. I think you will agree that she did an excellent job. Well done and thank you to Anna Milne O'Reilly, Joy Pierotti, Rebecca Brady, Emily Joyce, Alison Garvey and Kate Jennings. The video can be viewed through the following link - hfclontarf-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/deputy_holyfaithclontarf_com/EQwB8rMPMMpEm699Aja3ND4BhRSNIMb_pjdFzBEIdXwQ7g?e=Dnf4Kx
Irish European Olympiad of Experimental Science (IrEOES)
Created : 02 Nov 2021, 2:25 PM
Archived : 02 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
On Saturday November 6th 2021, between 10.00 and 11.00 a.m., we will run Round 1 of the first Irish European Olympiad of Experimental Science (IrEOES). Round 1 takes place online, and all eligible students who want to take part can register themselves at castel.ie/olympiads-2/ireoes. Students are eligible if they live and go to school in Ireland, are in Transition Year or in Fifth Year, and were born on or after 1st January 2005. Students select one subject: biology, chemistry, or physics as their chosen subject. Registration closes at midnight on Tuesday November 2nd.
Trinity Walton Club
Created : 02 Nov 2021, 12:42 PM
Archived : 02 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
The Trinity Walton Club community will recommence their activities on campus in Trinity College. At a glance, each Saturday between Nov 6 and Dec 11, students will get the opportunity to: - Engage in interactive STEM sessions in the lecture spaces and labs - Meet, collaborate, and build friendships with like minds - Work alongside STEM undergraduates and postgraduates from Trinity College - And have lots of fun! - There will also be lots more opportunities to continue their STEM learning journey in 2022. There are spaces available for secondary school students, from 2nd to 5th year and the fees for this 6-week term are €197. Applications are processed on the website, on a first-come, first-served basis: www.tcd.ie/waltonclub/saturday-club.php
Parents' Association November Meeting
Created : 02 Nov 2021, 8:33 AM
Archived : 02 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear all, The next meeting of the Parents Association is on Wednesday the 3rd November via Teams at 8.00pm. Looking forward to seeing everyone. teams.live.com/meet/94634493246301
Halloween Dress-Up Day 2021
Created : 01 Nov 2021, 3:22 PM
Archived : 01 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Well done to all students for the huge effort they went to on our 'Halloween 2021 Dress-Up Day'. Thank you to the TY students for organising the day and to all students who donated to Temple Street. The gallery of photos can be accessed below.
1st Year Halloween Art
Created : 22 Oct 2021, 2:53 PM
Archived : 23 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to all the 1st years who created fantastic Halloween art pieces to decorate the school