Displaying 31-40 of 953 results.
Parents' Association - March meeting. Tuesday 12th March
Created : 12 Mar 2024, 8:34 AM
Archived : 12 May 2024, 12:00 AM

The monthly Parents Association meeting will take place this evening at 8pm in the school. All parents are welcome to attend and encouraged to join. Minutes of last meeting attached.

Junior rugby
Created : 07 Mar 2024, 9:22 PM
Archived : 07 May 2024, 12:00 AM
Today we had 2 teams participating in the Metro X7s finals in Balbriggan RFC. There was some excellent rugby played by both teams. One team made it to the final and were beaten by 1 try. This team earned themselves a place in the Leinster Finals by reaching today’s final.  Well done to all the girls that participated today. 
Created : 06 Mar 2024, 4:21 PM
Archived : 06 May 2024, 12:00 AM

Looking forward to seeing you at our annual table quiz being held in The Clontarf Castle on Thursday 7th March at 7.30pm

Created : 05 Mar 2024, 11:31 AM
Archived : 05 May 2024, 12:00 AM
A few last reminders about the Table Quiz on Thursday
  1. Kick off at 7.30
  2. If you are not part of a table and would like to come along, please do and we will add you to a team
  3. If you cannot come on Thursday but would like to purchase raffle tickets, you can do so via the APP - SHOP- School Payments
Thanks for all your support.
Chemistry Olympiad 2024
Created : 01 Mar 2024, 1:13 PM
Archived : 30 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

Well done to the following 6th Year Chemistry students who took part in Round 1 of the Chemistry Olympiad today.

Sadhbh Keegan, Sophie Kilcullen, Lucy Owens, Nicolette Ryan and Cara Sharry. 

Created : 29 Feb 2024, 2:54 PM
Archived : 29 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM
Only 1 week to go!
Quiz on next Thursday 7th. 
Great prizes, great fun
Quiz, raffle, heads/tails, auction of LGFA Dublin signed jersey 
Remember to get your table on time. 
Tables available via the App. 
Support your school and your girls. 
Looking forward to seeing you there. 
Free webinar series for parents on adolescent mental health.
Created : 28 Feb 2024, 9:38 AM
Archived : 28 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

UCD's school of Psychology have organised a free webinar series for parents/teachers or anyone interested in adolescent mental health.  

The three webinar talks will take place on the 5th, 12th and 19th of March from 7-8 pm. They have secured the participation of esteemed speakers, namely, Dr. Ciara Mahon, Professor Eilis Hennessy, and Associate Professor Paul D’Alton, all of whom are experts in adolescent mental health. Their contribution to the event promises to be invaluable, as they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that will undoubtedly enrich our knowledge in supporting adolescent mental health.


Tuesday, March 5th 7pm-8pm“Body image and eating disorders: What parents need to know.”

Dr. Ciara Mahon, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow & Lecturer of Health Psychology,School of Psychology, University College Dublin

Here is the link to register for this event:



Tuesday, March 12th 7pm-8pm“Positive Parenting to Support Adolescent Development.” 

Prof. Eilis Hennessy, a Developmental Psychologist from the School of Psychology University College Dublin.

Here is the link to register for this event:




Tuesday, March 19th 7pm-8pm: “Parenting teenagers when worry and anxiety get in the way of sleep - tips, guidance and supports.” 

Associate Professor Paul D'Alton, Clinical Psychologist, writer and broadcaster from the UCD School of Psychology and formerly Head of Psycho-oncology at St.Vincent's University Hospital.

Here is the link to register for this event: 


Views on Second Level Education
Created : 07 Feb 2024, 12:57 PM
Archived : 26 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM


Parents needed!


Your opinion about second level education is important! Pop down to the school tomorrow, Tuesday, for about 45mins at 7pm to share your views. We’ll be discussing what’s important to you in the education of your children, as part of a Masters research project. Drop a line to jennifer.cusack8@mail.dcu.ie if you’d like to join us. Participation is voluntary and will be anonymised.

Interested in giving your views and opinions on second-level education?  

A staff member, Jen Cusack, is conducting research on parents’ views on education, as part of a Master of Education (M.Ed) programme in DCU and will be facilitating two focus group sessions with parents. Parents who wish to participate would attend one of two sessions in the school: 

Session 1: Thursday 22nd February 7.00 - 8.15pm 

Session 2: Tuesday 27th February 7.00 - 8.15 pm 

If you are interested and available for either session, please email jennifer.cusack8@mail.dcu.ie stating which session you would like to sign up for, and further information will be sent to you. Data collected will be anonymised, and the school and participants will not be identified.  

Yours faithfully, 
Jen Cusack 

Created : 23 Feb 2024, 3:15 PM
Archived : 23 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM
  1. Quiz table sales reminder:  get a team together and get your table via the APP, over half the tables are sold now!
Created : 22 Feb 2024, 3:13 PM
Archived : 22 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to the students competing in the Cross-country 600m relay race for the LauraLynn Charity.  In total we took home Gold, Silver and Bronze in different categories !! 3rd years won gold, 2nd years won bronze, and 1st year won silver in their different relay races!!! 
We had 8 teams competing in total, fantastic to have so many out running and enjoying the day in the mud!