Please find a link below to the following:
Supporting your Child when they are Reluctant to Attend School: Guidance for Parents and Guardians of Post Primary School Children
The ISPCC offers FREE digital programmes aimed at reducing anxiety for children and young people, as well as digital programmes for parents and carers around managing their own anxiety while supporting their anxious child or teenager.
Details can be found at the link below and on the ISPCC website:
A big thank you to all who supported our recent PA Lunch, in particular to our generous sponsors. It was a great success. We are delighted to say that we are donating half the raffle proceeds - €1,500 to UNICEF Gaza Appeal.
Please note Session 2 of Supervised Study will begin on Monday 27th November (not 17th November as stated on letter). Should you wish your daughter to partake in Supervised Study please go to the shop on your school app. Thank you.
ISPCC free webinar for parents:
‘School Avoidance Revisited’ on the 21st of November at 7-8pm.
Link to register: