Displaying 1211-1220 of 1739 results.
Br. Bosco Leinster Championship Final
Created : 06 Mar 2020, 8:31 AM
Archived : 06 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Br. Bosco Leinster Championship Final Naas CBS vs. Rochfortbridge Date: Saturday 14th March Venue: O'Connor Park, Tullamore Throw in: 1.00pm
Bake Sale - Sunday 8th March
Created : 03 Mar 2020, 6:51 PM
Archived : 06 May 2020, 12:00 AM
The Parent's Council Bake Sale took place on Sunday 8th March at Ballycane Church. Many thanks to everyone who provided baked goods and supported the bake sale. €860 was raised from this event. Additional thanks to the students who helped out with this event too, in particular Sam & Barney from the Student Council. Many thanks, Parent's Council

3rd Year TY Interviews
Created : 04 Mar 2020, 4:23 PM
Archived : 04 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Interviews for 3rd Years applying for Transition Year will take place this Friday March 6th and Monday March 9th. Students must be on time, wear full uniform and bring their school journals. All interviews are taking place in either the Library or Room 2/20. Please note the room your interview is in. Please let me know in advance if there are any issues. Regards, S.Coy


GMIT Research Study: Parents and Underage Sport
Created : 04 Mar 2020, 4:17 PM
Archived : 04 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Research Study: Parents and Underage Sport, Ireland (2020) A chara, My name is Enda Butler and I am a Sport & Exercise Science student from the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology. For my final project, I am undertaking a nationwide study examining how parental attitudes and perceptions shape the physical training and athletic development of children in sport. The survey is available to complete online via the link below: sur.ie/7ySJyA Purpose of the study: This study seeks to understand how parents shape the development of their children in sport. A questionnaire will be used within a mixed methodology study where quantitative research helps to assess prevalence and frequencies of sporting engagement and the level of involvement of both children and parents. The purpose is to see if the prevailing attitudes align with current best practice recommendations within the Sport Science literature. Benefits in taking part To the best of our knowledge, there are no published studies which address parental attitudes using these methods. Analysis of the resulting data will be beneficial for children, schools, clubs, and the scientific community and will hopefully facilitate a discussion around the significance of parental attitudes in shaping children's sporting behaviours. Comparisons may be made in future studies to different age groups, nationalities, or socioeconomic backgrounds.

Meitheal Leaders 2020-2021
Created : 04 Mar 2020, 3:10 PM
Archived : 04 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Well done to all the 5th Year students who applied for next year's Meitheal team. There was a huge interest from the student body in 5th Year but unfortunately only ten places are available. We would like to thank all students for putting themselves forward and we encourage students to take on future leadership opportunities. Congratulations to the successful candidates who will be the Meitheal leaders for 2020 - 2021: Paddy Brady, David Connolly, Daniel Connolly, Davin Gilligan, Eoin Hassett, David Murray, Rian O’ Gorman, Daragh O’ Shaughnessy, Conor Price & Conor Tilley We wish you the best of luck with your training in June and look forward to working with you next year. Many thanks, Mairead Murphy - Meitheal Co-Ordinator

T.Y Guest Speaker
Created : 04 Mar 2020, 12:35 PM
Archived : 04 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Great talk from 14 time All Ireland boxing champion Eric Donovan today to our TY students - inspirational, engaging and very educational. Many thanks to Mr. Noone for his work in organising this event.
Staff in-service Thurs 5th March
Created : 25 Feb 2020, 4:11 PM
Archived : 04 May 2020, 12:00 AM
As per our school calendar there will be no school on Thursday 5th March due to a staff in-service. Many thanks, Ben Travers
6th Year Trip to London
Created : 03 Mar 2020, 5:05 PM
Archived : 03 May 2020, 12:00 AM
A final reminder for any 6th Years travelling to London tomorrow: All students must be at the school at 4am sharp with their passports. A group has been set up on the app for both the students and parents under 'Chat boards'. This group is entitled 'Les Mis - London Trip'. For anyone who missed the information that went into this group last week please see the message below: 'Please see below the times and itinerary for the sixth year trip to London next week. On Wednesday 4th March the bus will leave the school at 4am sharp to facilitate our 6.30am flight to London Gatwick. On arrival, students will get a bus to the Globe Theatre where they will have a thirty minute tour of the theatre, followed by a one hour workshop on their studied play Hamlet. Shortly after this, time will be allocated for students to get some lunch before going to the West End to see Les Miserables which is a three hour production including the interval. Later on, students will be given a short time to eat before returning to London Gatwick for their 9.30 p.m. flight back to Dublin. The bus will return to the school at midnight. I would like to remind you that meals are not included on this trip so students will require sterling for their lunch and dinner. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at the school or to email me on sve@naascbs.ie. Kind regards, Sarah Van Esbeck Wishing all of the students and staff travelling a very enjoyable trip.
Covid-19 Updated Letter
Created : 02 Mar 2020, 12:10 PM
Archived : 03 May 2020, 12:00 AM
The Department of Education and Skills has received an updated letter for all schools from the Chief Medical Officer at the Department of Health, Dr Tony Holohan, addressing the recent school closure as a result of the confirmed Covid-19 case. The letter is attached (PDF) below and is also available on the link below. www.education.ie/en/The-Department/Announcements/information-for-schools-preschools-and-third-level-institutions-on-the-coronavirus.html

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2020
Created : 28 Feb 2020, 1:03 PM
Archived : 02 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Táimid ag tnúth go mór le Seachtain na Gaeilge sa scoil i mbliana! Tá súil againn go mbainfidh na daltaí agus na múinteoirí go léir taitneamh as! Míle buíochas, Múinteoirí Roinn na Gaeilge .

