Displaying 1171-1180 of 1739 results.
National Drop Everything and Read Challenge 2020
Created : 23 Apr 2020, 12:47 PM
Archived : 23 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
National Drop Everything and Read Challenge 2020
Given that so many of us are now spending so much more time in our homes, now is an excellent time to to take some time to enjoy reading for pleasure. We are therefore inviting the entire nation to take time out and to ‘Drop Everything and Read’ for 20 minutes at 12 noon on Friday April 24th 2020.
The simple idea is to promote the importance of literacy and to spread the joy of reading for pleasure by having as many people as possible read at the same time on the same day. Over 200,000 registered to participate last year and our aim is to have an even higher participation figure this year.
Please see attached PDF for further information and click on this link to register jcsplibraries.com/2020/04/17/national-drop-everything-and-read-challenge-2020/
'Reading is one of the only things that allows me to forget about all the things that are going on in the world' - DEAR Ambassador Sarah Crossan
Follow the campaign on Twitter @dear_ireland and share your comments, photos and video clips on Twitter, Instagram, etc. using the hashtags #DEARIrl and #LetsGetIrelandReading or email to dear@jcsplibraries.ie
Reminder -Global Staircase Art Competition
Created : 20 Mar 2020, 6:34 PM
Archived : 22 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see poster attached (pdf) for information about the Global Goals Art Competition.
Create a picture with a slogan to encourage students of Naas CBS to have a greater appreciation of water and to promote water conservation.
Email photos of entries to ds@naascbs.ie
Closing date: 24th April
The winning entry will be displayed on the stairs and receive and 50 euros prize.
Transition Year Update - Students and Parents - April 2020
Created : 21 Apr 2020, 9:49 AM
Archived : 21 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
To students and parents of Transition Year,
I hope you are keeping safe and well.
Attached is an update regarding the final few weeks of school and information on the upcoming Portfolio Assessment.
Kind regards,
Parent & Student Survey
Created : 20 Apr 2020, 12:46 PM
Archived : 20 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,
While we are working remotely we would appreciate if you could take the time to complete this short survey to give us some feedback as to how you are adapting to remote learning. Please click the link below to complete survey:
Kind regards,
The Management Team
Message from Principal
Created : 20 Apr 2020, 9:50 AM
Archived : 20 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning Parents/Guardians & Students,
We hope this message finds you all well and we hope you enjoyed the Easter break.
Please see link below with a video message from Mr. Travers. We would ask that parents go through this message with students as it contains significant information about the coming weeks and highlights what is expected of students as we move forward.
Kind regards,
The Management Team
NPCPP Parent Survey - Changes to State Exams 2020
Created : 16 Apr 2020, 7:24 PM
Archived : 16 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Following the Minister's announcement on Friday 10th April, the NPCPP would like to ask for the parents voice on the changes announced.
The NPCPP would appreciate if parents would complete the survey below, asking for their views regarding changes to State Exams 2020.
HSE Stress Control Online
Created : 16 Apr 2020, 10:38 AM
Archived : 16 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see attached PDF for details about a free online Stress Control programme being provided by the HSE.
The programme is for adults, but under 18 year olds are encouraged to participate with their parents. It may be a useful programme for Leaving Certificate students and/or their parents to access for support at this time. It may also be of interest to teachers or other school staff in dealing with the stresses and challenges of the current situation.
The course started earlier this week but the first session can still be accessed online.
More details can be found here: stresscontrol.org/ and the link to the YouTube introductory video is here: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_BKErJ_jlSQHKFtHPCRmEctDtcNCCowB
iRevise.com Higher Level German Tutorial
Created : 16 Apr 2020, 9:54 AM
Archived : 16 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Apologies for the late notification but this information was only sent to the school email this morning. All tutorials will be available to stream at a a later stage if missed on the iRevise website.
iRevise.com will be holding FREE Leaving Certificate German tutorials
✔️ LIVE & ONLINE tutorials, giving you an incredible level of interaction with the tutor
✔️ The tutorial will be FREE & open to any student who would like to join
✔️ All classes will be done via video, so you can watch anywhere, helping you stay home & stay safe
✔️ All classes will be recorded and will be available to stream on iRevise.com in the very near future. Missed a class? Watch whenever you want online!
PLACES ARE LIMITED. Make sure you join the tutorial on time!
Please note: the webinar will only be available when the class is due to start!
Click here to register - zoom.us/j/135480274
The classes will run on Thursdays & Fridays, 4:00 PM - 5.30 PM each day.
On Thursday 16th & Friday 17th of April, Ms Chloe O'Regan will be covering the Reading Comprehension, specifically how to answer the questions
iRevise.com Online OL Maths Tutorial
Created : 16 Apr 2020, 9:49 AM
Archived : 16 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Apologies for the late notification but this information was only sent to the school email this morning. All tutorials will be available to stream at a a later stage if missed on the iRevise website.
iRevise.com is delighted to announce that we will be holding Ordinary Level Maths tutorials by Mr Eddie Farren, a teacher with years of experience. These will be the perfect opportunity for any Ordinary Level Maths student who wants to stay on top of their study.
These webinars will run on Thursdays & Fridays, from 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM each day.
✔️ LIVE & ONLINE tutorials, giving you an incredible level of interaction with the tutor
✔️ The tutorial will be FREE & open to any student who would like to join
✔️ All classes will be done via video, so you can watch anywhere, helping you stay home & stay safe
✔️ All classes will be recorded and will be available to stream on iRevise.com in the very near future. Missed a class? Watch whenever you want online!
PLACES ARE LIMITED. Make sure you join the tutorial on time!
Please note: the webinar will only be available when the class is due to start!
Or click here to join at 2:00 PM - zoom.us/j/482006681
These webinars will run on Thursdays & Fridays, from 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM each day.
Thursday 16th April
Complex Numbers
Algebra (Quadratics, Fractions, inequalities and simultaneous equations)
Functions (Axis intersection, Derivative, slope and roots).
Friday 17th April
Coordinate geometry of the line
Coordinate geometry of the circle
Leaving Cert Maths Revision Workshop
Created : 15 Apr 2020, 7:11 PM
Archived : 15 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM