Displaying 1-10 of 1739 results.
Transition Year 2025/26 Application Form and Information
Created : 14 Jan 2025, 8:04 PM
Archived : 14 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM

Thank you to all who tuned in tonight for the Transition Year information evening.

The application form for next year can be accessed through this link

This form must be completed by Sunday 26th January. It needs to be completed by both student & parent


The presentation used tonight can be accessed through this link.


For anyone who missed it, a link to a video recording can made available tomorrow on request. Please email sc@naascbs.ie

If you have any difficulties accessing the form or presentation, please email me: sc@naascbs.ie

Kind regards,



Phone Rule for 1st , 2nd and 3rd Year Students .
Created : 03 Mar 2023, 10:01 AM
Archived : 14 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents / Guardians ,

A reminder that 1st , 2nd and 3rd Year students are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school . (Please see attached PDF ) 

Our experience in school of the no phone rule has been very positive . It has led to enhanced student well being and improved behaviour during break times and in class . 

We ask for your support in ensuring that your son does not bring a phone to school, as there has been some slippage in recent weeks . 

Many thanks ,

Kind regards,

The Management Team  

Rag Day for Ukraine .
Created : 11 Mar 2022, 12:28 PM
Archived : 14 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents / Guardians , We are so grateful for the generosity of students , staff and parents in our Rag Day collection for Ukraine this morning . Thanks to The Parents Council who donated the proceeds of their Jersey Raffle on Friday evening . Many thanks to Ms Phibbs and the Prefects who organised the collection this morning and to Ms Drewes , Ms Brosnan , Ms Prendiville ,and Ms Dalton for their work . We raised €4,200 in total . We are linking in with the Naas Access Group to donate all funds collected today to The Irish Red Cross . Kind Regards , The Management Team
Soar Well Being Workshops for 5th Year Students 10th and 11th of March
Created : 07 Mar 2022, 2:06 PM
Archived : 14 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents / Guardians , Please see the attached timetable for the Soar Workshops which take place for the remaining 5th Year Form classes on Thursday ( 5E and 5F ) and Friday ( 5G ) The Soar Programme aims to support young people to develop their connection , self - awareness , purpose , resilience, confidence and self - sufficiency . The workshops empower young people to thrive , believe in themselves and to fulfill their potential . Please note that workshops commence at 9.30 am and students will not be required to attend school until this time . On Thursday 5E and 5F will not have any afternoon classes . Kind regards, The Management Team

Transition Year 2025/26 - Parent's Information Evening – Tuesday 14th - 19.00
Created : 13 Jan 2025, 11:51 AM
Archived : 13 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM

Dear 3rd Year Parents & Guardians,

Many of your sons may be considering applying for a place in Transition Year for 2025/26, while some may want to continue straight to 5th year.

It is very important that you make an informed decision on this choice. Tomorrow (Tuesday) evening I am hosting an online talk for parents & students to provide details and information around Transition Year here in Naas CBS. This includes a breakdown of the year, and all you need to know with regards to the application process.

Hopefully it can give a better insight into TY and all that is involved in the year. I will also meet all of the 3rd year groups individually to give them information on the year.

The following is the link to attend this talk:

Naas CBS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 883 2782 7283
Passcode: 5qzU4f 

I look forward to speaking with you then.

Many thanks,


Transition Year Coordinator & Year Head


Gala Concert
Created : 31 Mar 2023, 9:41 AM
Archived : 13 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM

The PC of both Naas CBS & St Mary’s College, Naas are organising a Gala Concert in the Church of Our Lady & St. David, Naas Friday 5th of May @ 8pm.   The concert will feature Soprano Celine Byrne, Tenor Patrick Hyland and The Baldonnel Singers.


Tickets for this event will be limited and we are giving parents/guardians, of both schools, an opportunity to purchase tickets through the schools payment systems (CBS app and SMCN Easy Payments Plus) from the 17th April.  The tickets cost €30 each.


The costs in holding this event are quiet substantial and therefore we are asking if any Business would like to sponsor this event to contact emma.toner@gowanauto.ie (CBS) or juliannemcelligott5@gmail.com (SMCN) for details.


Proceeds of this concert will go to both schools.

Please see the attached PDF.













Online Marking for some Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate Subjects .
Created : 29 Mar 2023, 10:56 AM
Archived : 13 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents / Guardians ,

Please see the attached PDF from The State Examinations Commission  which  gives details on the online marking in certain  Junior Cycle and  Leaving Certificate subjects in 2023 .

Kind regards,

The Management Team . 

Duathlon 2023
Created : 27 Mar 2023, 3:58 PM
Archived : 13 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM

Dear Students /Parents / Guardians ,

Please see the message below from The Parents Council :

The Parents Council are organising a Duathlon for the students which will be held at Naas Racecourse on Friday 12th May 2023.  Last year’s Duathlon was a huge success with over 300 students taking part.


The cost of running an event like this is quite substantial and therefore we would really appreciate if any Business would like to sponsor this event.  The Business name will be printed on the students' Duathlon T-Shirts and also photographs and an article regarding the event will be published in the Leinster Leader. 


We will also be looking for parents/guardians to help as marshals on the day.


Please contact Emma Toner emma.toner@gowanauto.ie or

Louise Halligan  louise.halligan@gmail.com for more information.



See attached PDF for more information.


Registration and payment for the Duathlon will take place after Easter via the school app . 


Kind regards,

The Management Team . 



Leaving Certificate Oral Exam Timetable 2023
Created : 27 Mar 2023, 2:19 PM
Archived : 13 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM

Dear 6th Year Students and Parents ,

Please see the attached Oral Exam Timetable for 2023  updated to include Lithuanian  (which commences on Saturday 1st of April . )

Please note your check in time and arrive in plenty of time . All students will need to check in with Ms Houlihan  in 1/12 at their allocated time .

Please inform Ms Houlihan  (ehh@naascbs.ie ) if there is an issue with your time slot(s) . 

Go n-éirí go bréa le gach éinne !

Bonne chance !

Viel Gluck ! 

The Management Team 

The Dark Side of Fast Fashion
Created : 13 Mar 2023, 12:40 PM
Archived : 13 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM

‘Fast Fashion is not free Someone Somewhere is paying the price’

Our Civics Class 2D is raising awareness in relation to 'Fast Fashion' to support the Clothes Swap Shop of Class 2C 

Attached are 3 projects to inform you about Fast Fashion and some ideas how to move away from fast fashion. 

Class 2D


