Displaying 1121-1130 of 1746 results.
1st Year Booklist 2020 - 2021
Created : 10 Jun 2020, 12:38 PM
Archived : 10 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see attached PDF for a full list of the textbooks and materials required for incoming 1st Years for 2020 - 2021.
This list is also available on our school website www.naascbs.ie under the 'Parents' tab -> 'Book lists'
2nd Year Booklist 2020 - 2021
Created : 10 Jun 2020, 12:36 PM
Archived : 10 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see attached PDF for a full list of the textbooks and materials required for incoming 2nd Years for 2020 - 2021.
This list is also available on our school website www.naascbs.ie under the 'Parents' tab -> 'Book lists'
5th Year Booklist 2020 - 2021
Created : 10 Jun 2020, 12:32 PM
Archived : 10 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see attached PDF for a full list of the textbooks and materials required for incoming 5th Years for 2020 - 2021.
This list is also available on our school website www.naascbs.ie under the 'Parents' tab -> 'Book lists'
Final Reminder - Locks & Lockers
Created : 10 Jun 2020, 11:00 AM
Archived : 10 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents & Students,
Many thanks for your patience and efficiency with the process of removing materials from lockers and returning locks to the school over the last two weeks. Tomorrow, Thursday 11th June, we have our final group, the 1st Year students, collecting their materials.
If any students could not collect their materials and return their locks over the last two weeks we will be providing an opportunity this Friday 12th June for this to happen between 10..00 - 12.00.
Please enter the school through the front door, sanitise your hands using the hand-sanitisers at the front entrance and observe social distancing for the short period you are in the school. Mr. Purcell & Mr. Maguire will be supervising this process to ensure the safety of all involved.
When your locker is emptied and lock returned please exit the school via the doors that exit onto the basketball courts. Remember to sanitise your hands as you exit the building.
Many thanks,
The Management Team
1st Year Locks & Lockers
Created : 05 Jun 2020, 9:22 AM
Archived : 05 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear 1st Year Parents & Students,
We are in the process of organising locks and lockers for the next academic term. We need to have all 1st Year lockers emptied and the locks returned next week. We are organising for each 1st Year form class to come into the school at scheduled times on Thursday 11th June to do so. Please ensure that any missing locks are returned. Please enter the school through the front door, sanitise your hands using the hand-sanitisers at the front entrance and observe social distancing for the short period you are in the school. Mr. Purcell & Mr. Maguire will be supervising this process to ensure the safety of all involved.
When your locker is emptied and lock returned please exit the school via the doors that exit onto the basketball courts. Remember to sanitise your hands as you exit the building.
Please see schedule below for Thursday 11th June:
1A & 1B - 10.00am
1C & 1D - 10.30am
1E & 1F - 11.00am
2nd Year Locks & Lockers
Created : 05 Jun 2020, 9:20 AM
Archived : 05 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear 2nd Year Parents & Students,
We are in the process of organising locks and lockers for the next academic term. We need to have all 2nd Year lockers emptied and the locks returned next week. We are organising for each 2nd Year form class to come into the school at scheduled times on Wednesday 10th June to do so. Please ensure that any missing locks are returned. Please enter the school through the front door, sanitise your hands using the hand-sanitisers at the front entrance and observe social distancing for the short period you are in the school. Mr. Purcell & Mr. Maguire will be supervising this process to ensure the safety of all involved.
When your locker is emptied and lock returned please exit the school via the doors that exit onto the basketball courts. Remember to sanitise your hands as you exit the building.
Please see schedule below for Wednesday 10th June:
2A & 2B - 10.00am
2C & 2D - 10.30am
2E & 2F - 11.00am
3rd Year Locks & Lockers
Created : 05 Jun 2020, 9:18 AM
Archived : 05 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear 3rd Year Parents & Students,
We are in the process of organising locks and lockers for the next academic term. We need to have all 3rd Year lockers emptied and the locks returned next week. We are organising for each 3rd Year form class to come into the school at scheduled times on Tuesday 9th June to do so. Please ensure that any missing locks are returned. Please enter the school through the front door, sanitise your hands using the hand-sanitisers at the front entrance and observe social distancing for the short period you are in the school. Mr. Purcell & Mr. Maguire will be supervising this process to ensure the safety of all involved.
When your locker is emptied and lock returned please exit the school via the doors that exit onto the basketball courts. Remember to sanitise your hands as you exit the building.
Please see schedule below for Tuesday 9th June:
3A & 3B - 10.00am
3C & 3D - 10.30am
3E & 3F - 11.00am
Global Stairs Art Competition Winner
Created : 03 Jun 2020, 11:14 AM
Archived : 03 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see below the the winning entry and the runners up for the Global Stairs Art Competition. The theme for the competition had been Water. The winning entry will be put up on the global stairwell, hopefully in time for September.
Thanks to everyone who entered. Please see images below 'view gallery' for the winning entry and three runners up.
Congratulations to Cameron Lythe in 1C for his winning poster. Cameron's prize will be sent out in the post this week.
Conserving water is very relevant at the moment as drought conditions are again beginning to put pressure on water supplies across Ireland.
Winner - Picture 1 Cameron Lythe 1C
Picture 2 Conor Murphy 2A
Picture 3 Petet Yuzhakov 3A
Picture 4 Mark Sargent 1D
TY End of Year Manchester Trips - Refund Update
Created : 03 Jun 2020, 9:46 AM
Archived : 03 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Firstly, thank you for your patience over these last few weeks.
This is an unprecedented set of circumstances and working with Topflight, we have done our level best taking all factors into consideration, to come up with the fairest and most equitable solution available, as our trips were unable to proceed due to Covid-19.
A major factor determining the outcome below is that many airlines/suppliers/hoteliers have offered only credit refunds to Topflight with no option of cash refunds at present.
In our endeavours to refund in full (with the exception of insurance cost where applicable), the following is the option which Topflight for Schools are making available to our groups who were recently due to travel.
Refund by the way of a Refund Credit Note - with option for cash refund after 6 months
The Irish Government has agreed to provide a State guarantee for a special form of refund credit note (RCN) for package holidays booked through Irish registered travel agents and tour operators.
The Government has agreed to back and financially protect this new refund credit note (RCN).
A Refund Credit Note will be issued to each participant by Topflight for Schools for the full amount paid for the tour (less Insurance of €20pp as each participant has had the benefit of insurance cover to date).
The Refund Credit Note is transferable to another person
We expect the exact duration for the validity of the RCN to be confirmed shortly by the Government but they have indicated that protection is likely to be for a period of 2-3 years with the option to convert the RCN to a cash refund 6 months after date of issue.
This Refund Credit Note will be State-Backed in line with the announcement of Minster Ross on the 8th May and the RCNs will issue as soon as the exact details of the RCN scheme are made public.
When more details are made available I will let you know.
If you have any queries don't hesitate to contact me.
Leaving Certificate Fee Refund
Created : 02 Jun 2020, 2:14 PM
Archived : 02 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see information below from the State Examinations Commission regarding exam fees:
I refer to the announcements made by the Minister for Education and Skills, Mr. Joe Mc Hugh T.D., on Friday 10th April and Friday 8th May regarding the postponement and the revised arrangements of the Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate examinations. As a result of these decision I wish to confirm that the State Examinations Commission (SEC) is refunding all candidates who have paid their examination fee for 2020.
Refunds were processed on May 26th for all candidates that paid the examination fee online. Refunds will go back to the card/account which was used to pay the fee. The process can take up to 7 days to process.
If candidates have not received the refund by June 10th , they should email us at fees@examinations.ie with their exam number.