Displaying 1081-1090 of 1746 results.
Important - Picture Permission Form
Created : 16 Sep 2020, 3:24 PM
Archived : 16 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Our school maintains a database of photographs from school events held over the years. It has become customary to take photos/videos of students engaged in school activities and events in the interest of creating a pictorial as well as historical record of life at the school. Photographs/videos of student's and in some cases their name, may be published on our school website and app. Consent is requested from each parent. Please see images below to help guide parents in completing the Picture Permission form for each student on the app. It is important that we receive this information. We are hoping to create a digital prospectus for our school next week and we would love for your son to be involved. Please ensure you have completed the Picture Permission form so that we can proceed with this project. Many thanks, The Management Team
Drop Everything and Read
Created : 11 Sep 2020, 2:57 PM
Archived : 11 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
It was lovely to see some of our 1st and 2nd Year English students involved in a 'Drop Everything and Read' initiative today. We hope to continue with this initiative going forward. Many thanks to the English Department for their work with this.
School finishing times
Created : 11 Sep 2020, 2:51 PM
Archived : 11 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Parents, Guardians and Students, In order to ensure the safe exiting of students from the school building each day the following staggered times are in place for each year group: Monday - Thursday 1st & 4th Years - 3.45pm finish 2nd & 5th Years - 3.50pm 3rd Years - 3.55pm 6th Years - 4.00pm Friday 1st & 4th Years - 1.00pm finish 2nd & 5th Years - 1.05pm 3rd & 6th Years - 1.10pm We appreciate your support with these health and safety procedures.
6th Year Study
Created : 11 Sep 2020, 11:18 AM
Archived : 11 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Evening and Night Study for 6th Year students only begins on Monday. If you have not already signed up for study via the app (school shop) please do so to ensure a desk is assigned for your son on Monday. Due to covid health and safety procedures the flexibility for students to choose whether they would like to sign up for two or three evening or night study sessions is limited. Once a student signs up for study a desk will be assigned to a student for the term and priority will have to be given to those attending for the full week. If there are spaces left we will do our best to accommodate students hoping to do fewer sessions but priority will have to be given for Monday to set-up students for full weeks. We appreciate your support in following these safety protocols. Study queries can be sent to Mr Joyce (Study Coordinator) via the 'Note From Parent' section on the app.
6th Year Biology News
Created : 11 Sep 2020, 8:27 AM
Archived : 11 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Well done to our 6th year Biology students who have embraced the ‘new norm’ and took part in a zoom call yesterday with Dara Wyer, Kildare’s Environmental Education Officer. The students asked questions about waste management and environmental issues in the county which are part of the ecology section on the Biology course. Thank you to Dara for taking the time to take the call and to answer questions and many thanks to Ms Houlihan for organisng and facilitating this workshop.
Update - Materials for School
Created : 10 Sep 2020, 3:41 PM
Archived : 10 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents, Guardians & Students, Many thanks for your support as we navigate our way through the beginning of the school year without locker facilities. We appreciate that this can be very frustrating for staff, students and parents/guardians alike. Where possible every teacher is using e-books in the classroom and uploading work onto google classroom to help avoid the need to have heavy textbooks and workbooks in class. As we continue to work with staff and students to find effective methods of communicating what is required for class each day, we ask that from home parents and guardians please ensure that your son is not leaving for school with a heavy school bag. No student will be sanctioned for not having materials in class. This afternoon the Principal spoke to all students about managing school bags and reiterated the message that when in doubt about bringing certain books to school, always default to leaving them at home. We trust that our senior students will manage to bring only the necessary materials to school but we can appreciate that our Junior students may be apprehensive about not having all materials for class each day. Once again, please be assured that no student should be worried if without materials any given day. We will continue to keep in contact in regards to this matter and appreciate your concerns in regards to it.
Update - School Uniforms
Created : 10 Sep 2020, 2:43 PM
Archived : 10 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Good afternoon Parents, Guardians and Students, Many thanks for your support with our uniform policy here in Naas CBS. For health and safety reasons all windows and doors are being left open throughout the day to keep the building ventilated. We are permitting students (if needed) to wear a coat over the school uniform. By no means is the school jumper to be replaced by a different jumper or hoodie. We expect every student to be in full uniform and on P.E days students can come to school in their P.E gear. Outside of these exceptions every student must adhere to our uniform policy. Many thanks, The Management Team
Transition Year Reminders
Created : 08 Sep 2020, 5:06 PM
Archived : 08 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
It was great to welcome all of our TY students back to school over the past two days. Thank you to all for your cooperation and attention. All students have completed their induction training and will be in normal classes from 9.00 a.m tomorrow (Wednesday 9th) Students will finish at 3.45p.m each day. It is important that students complete all work assigned in their Tutorials Google Classroom before tomorrow. Any student who has trouble accessing their school account or tutorials classroom is to contact me immediately through email sc@naascbs.ie Students timetables still have some blank periods. These periods are for Modern Foreign Languages and the Sciences. It is vital that all students complete the following form (if not already done so) for their allocation to a language class. forms.gle/ub5gj4bix53UVYEa7 This must be completed tonight as these classes will start from tomorrow. More information around this will be given online and in school tomorrow. Many thanks, S.Coy sc@naascbs.ie
Reminder - 6th Year Photograph
Created : 30 Mar 2020, 12:51 PM
Archived : 08 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Any 6th Year students (2019 - 2020) that have not yet collected their year group photo, that was ordered and paid for, please collect your photo from the enquiries office this week. Many thanks, Sharon Power
Staggered school finishing times for students
Created : 07 Sep 2020, 4:47 PM
Archived : 07 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
In order to maintain the safe movement of students from the building we have staggered the finishing times for different Year groups starting today. Please see the finishing times below: 3.45 finish - 1st & 4th Year students 3.50 finish - 2nd & 5th Year students 3.55 finish - 3rd Year students 4.00 finish - 6th Year students We ask that all students follow the one-way system and leave the building promptly via the designated exit points at the back of the building. We appreciate your support with these health and safety procedures.