Displaying 1161-1170 of 1746 results.
Minister announces postponement of 2020 Leaving Certificate examinations
Created : 08 May 2020, 2:23 PM
Archived : 08 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see below a press release from the Department of Education regarding the postponement of the 2020 Leaving Certificate examinations: All students to be offered the option of accepting Calculated Grades or sitting Leaving Certificate written examinations at a later date The Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh T.D. has today (Friday 8 May 2020) announced the postponement of the 2020 Leaving Certificate. Following a decision at Cabinet, all students are to be offered the option of receiving Calculated Grades for the subjects they are studying and the alternative of sitting the 2020 Leaving Certificate examinations at a date in the future when it is considered safe to hold the examinations. The decision has been taken following an assessment of public health advice and other information and the implications for holding the exams from the previously rescheduled date of Wednesday 29 July 2020. Minister McHugh said: “I have made every effort to run the 2020 Leaving Certificate as close as possible to the way the examinations were originally intended to be held. “My desire had been to allow students to undertake the written and practical examinations in July and August but I have compelling evidence, based on medical advice and other assessments, that the Leaving Certificate examinations cannot be held in a reliable and valid manner, nor in a way that would be equitable for students.” Minister McHugh said: “The reality of the impact of Covid-19 has led to a decision that has never happened in our country before. I fully appreciate the magnitude of this issue, for the students and their families, for the teachers and for school principals. “This decision is taken with the best interests of students at heart. I have a responsibility to find a fair way to address the disadvantage that some students are facing and the impact a lack of time in school has had in recent weeks. “The system being put in place will allow a young person to progress to the next stage of their life in a timely fashion. “The fairest and most equitable way to do that in the current circumstances is to offer students the option of Calculated Grades for the 2020 Leaving Certificate but also to guarantee them the right to sit the examinations at a later stage when it is safe to hold them in the normal way. “The decision has to be taken now to remove the anxiety that many students have been experiencing over how the exams would look later in the summer.” Minister McHugh thanked the advisory group of stakeholders for their input in recent weeks in relation to the holding of the examinations. The following is a breakdown of the process to be applied for students to be given the option of Calculated Grades or to sit the examinations. The 2020 Leaving Certificate examinations, previously scheduled to take place in late July and August, have been postponed. There will be no Leaving Certificate fee this year. All exam fees which have been paid will be refunded. Teachers will be asked to provide a professional judgment of each student’s attainment which will be subjected to a rigorous in-school alignment process to ensure fairness. The school principal will approve the estimated scores being provided and the rankings of each student in each subject in the school. A special unit is being established within the Department of Education and Skills to process the data provided by each school and operate national standardisation, again to ensure fairness amongst all students. The Department will finalise the grades for each student which will be issued to each student as close as possible to the traditional date. Formal State certification will also be provided. Students will retain the right to appeal. This will involve checks on school-entered data; correct transfer of that data to the Department; a review that it was correctly received and processed by the Department; and a verification of the Department’s processes by independent appeal scrutineers. Students will also retain the right to the sit the 2020 Leaving Certificate examinations at a date in the future when it is deemed safe for state examinations to be held
Important 6th Year Notes from Guidance Department
Created : 07 May 2020, 2:52 PM
Archived : 07 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Important 6th Year Notes from Guidance Department Defence Forces Cadetships 2020 Now Open. The Defence Forces are now accepting applications for Officer Cadetships. www.military.ie/en/careers/current-competitions/ (See attached Pdf links) The Accounting Technician Apprenticeship online application for September 2020 is now available ( See attached Pdf & Links) Hpat Results 2020: HPAT Results To Be Delayed in Line With Leaving Cert Dates: ‘Aptitude Test Results Originally Due For Release in June HPAT-Ireland results will not be released until the Leaving Certificate examinations are complete. We anticipate that results will be released around August, and will notify all affected candidates of the exact date once this is confirmed’. (latest 24/4/20, further updates as situation evolves )


Created : 06 May 2020, 5:41 PM
Archived : 06 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
TUD (Technological University Dublin) TUD are running a number of Virtual Open Days/Events up to and including 13th May 2020. To register for these events please click on the following link tudublin.ie/virtualug/register-for-events/ NUI Galway NUI Galway's virtual Open Day takes place tomorrow. For students wishing to attend, registration is currently taking place through their website: www.nuig.ie NUI Galway is also hosting a number of virtual events in 2020, for current students, applicants, and prospective students. Please continue to check the website for a list of upcoming events. Kind Regards Guidance Team
CAO Change of Mind 2020
Created : 06 May 2020, 9:11 AM
Archived : 06 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Reminder to all Sixth Years The CAO Change of Mind Facility opened yesterday at 12 noon. This is a free facility and provides an opportunity for all students who wish to add/remove/change the order of their course choices on their CAO Form. This facility closes at 5.15pm on Wednesday the 1st July 2020. If you have any further questions/queries please do not hesitate to contact us by email at: mcy@naascbs.ie for Ms Conneely or mc@naascbs.ie for Ms Costello. Further information can also be found on the CAO Website www.cao.ie Kind Regards Guidance Team
Edmund Rice Day
Created : 05 May 2020, 12:54 PM
Archived : 05 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Today is the Feast Day of Edmund Rice. He was an advocate for equality and social justice, needed now more than ever. We celebrate today with 95 other Edmund Rice Schools in the community. Please see attached images from the Edmund Rice school charter, illustrated by students in our school,highlighting the caring work of Edmund Rice schools.
6th Year Zoom Meetings
Created : 05 May 2020, 12:36 PM
Archived : 05 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Many thanks to the 6th Year form classes 6A, 6B & 6C for their excellent engagement on our zoom platform this morning. If for some reason any students are having issues getting the links which are posted in the chat groups on the school app please touch base with another student from any other form class and please feel free to link in with any of the remaining groups this afternoon: 12.30 6D 1.00 6E 1.30 6F 2.00 6G 2:30 6H Many thanks, The Management Team
Connecting with 6th Year Students
Created : 01 May 2020, 5:23 PM
Archived : 01 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
We can appreciate that the last few weeks have been a difficult time for everyone, in particular for our 6th Year students. We would like to link in with each 6th Year form class next Tuesday for a live zoom meeting. A chat group for each 6th Year form class has been set up on the school app under 'Chat Boards' (please see image below). These groups will give 6th Years an opportunity to voice any concerns or worries they might have and we will do our best to address these during our live meetings on Tuesday. Please ensure your son has the school app downloaded and I will add any students who do not have the app downloaded to the relevant groups before Tuesday. We will send the zoom meeting link into each group on Tuesday morning. Please see schedule below for each form class: Tuesday 5th May: 11.00 - 6A 11.30 - 6B 12.00 - 6C 12.30 - 6D 1.00 - 6E 1.30 - 6F 2.00 - 6G 2.30 - 6H We looking forward to chatting and meeting with you all very soon. Kind regards, The Management Team
Dedidcation to Craddockstown Nursing Home
Created : 01 May 2020, 4:58 PM
Archived : 01 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Some of our music students visited Craddockstown nursing home just before the Christmas break to sing songs for the residents and staff. The students made great friends with the residents and in particular they remember singing a version of 'Red is The Rose' along with a very musical resident who was lovingly known as 'Spud'. Spud wasn't afraid to take a solo and sang for everyone that day too. They loved their time there and really can't wait to get back again. Here is a link to a video from the day - youtu.be/Dp8mQZVMtWU During these difficult times, we would like to lend our hand and support to all the nursing homes in our community. Tonight, Ms. Heffernan will be singing on The Mount Sion Choir's Facebook Live special at 8pm - a programme which has been dedicated to nursing homes. She will sing 'Over The Rainbow' and has dedicated her song to our friends in Craddockstown. We are thinking of you all,
Junior Cycle & Summer Reports 2020
Created : 01 May 2020, 4:21 PM
Archived : 01 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Following the notification this week by the Minister of Education regarding Junior Cycle Assessment and Reporting, a 3rd Year Junior Cycle Report will now be produced by the school and available for students by Friday 29th May. The grade for each Junior Cycle subject will be determined by a number of factors reflecting the work and engagement of our 3rd Year students. The results of in-house examinations (Summer & Christmas exams) from 2nd and 3rd Year, the Mock examination results, CBA results and overall engagement with classes will form the grade for each subject for every student. A reporting document will also be forwarded to parents and students via the school app when the results are live on VSware to clarify grade descriptors and the new Junior Cycle language contained within the report. Information about 1st, 2nd and 5th Year reports will be posted on each subject's google classroom over the coming days. Please ensure that your son engages with this forum over the coming weeks. Many thanks, The Management Team
First Year Gaeilge Cluaistuiscint.
Created : 01 May 2020, 3:34 PM
Archived : 01 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
The First Year Listening Comprehension Test will take place on Thursday 7th May . The test will be uploaded to the Irish Google Classroom at 9am and should be submitted by 3pm . All work should be completed by the student . All relevant information regarding Summer Assessment in Irish is available on the Google Classrooms . Míle Buíochas, Muinteoirí Roinn na Gaeilge